Dejected - what does it mean?

Dejected - what does it mean?
Dejected - what does it mean?

The adjective "depressed" and its short form "depressed" is used quite rarely today and, as a rule, only in fiction. What is the meaning of this word, what derivatives do we know of it and what synonyms can we pick up - read about this in our short article.

Meaning and origin

"Depressed" is a short participle and adjective that comes from the obsolete verb "depress", which, according to dictionaries, means: "burden", "burden", or "be a burden to someone".

In the dictionary of V. I. Dahl we find the meanings - "oppress", "torment", "torment someone with bodily or moral care".

dejected it
dejected it

However, what are the ancient roots of this word?

"An entertaining etymological dictionary", which was compiled by the Leningrad writer N. M. Gol in 2007, thus, with an appeal to the reader, explains the origin of "depress":

But don't suffer too much if you're upset by a remark or a bad grade. you stilllucky! Are you really upset? At the dawn of the word, the dejected had a much worse time than now. "Druchit" meant torturing, torturing, the word is formed from "druk" - a stick, a pole, hence the "bitch". So, initially, to depress meant to beat with a stick, a club.

So, in modern usage, the word "depressed" is burdened, burdened, exhausted, depressed.

Single-root words

Derivatives of the verb "to depress" - the adjective "depressed", the noun "depressed", the adverb "depressed", the participle "depressing", the gerund "depressing".

The word "depressed" can act as a short adjective if it is formed from "depressed". Structural unit forms: dejected, dejected, dejected.

Or as a short participle (singular, perfective, passive) - if it comes from the verb "depress". The word forms are the same as above.

dejected synonym
dejected synonym

So "depressed" is what part of speech? The context of the sentence being parsed will help to distinguish between them.


Angry longing dejected, She flies to the ant.

(I. A. Krylov, "Dragonfly and Ant", 1808).

Here the word "depressed" is a participle, part of the participial turnover "depressed with an evil melancholy".

Consider another example:

"She was dejectedthe plight of his family."

Here, on the contrary, the word "depressed" is a short adjective that is part of the compound nominal predicate "was dejected".

Expressions close in meaning

According to the given values, you can choose a synonymous series for this word.

Synonyms for "depressed" are: "exhausted", as well as "disappointed", "oppressed", "depressed".
