A child, becoming a schoolboy, continues to acquire the skills of creative work with his own hands at technology lessons, or, as they were called in Soviet times, labor lessons. In elementary school, between the ages of 7 and 10, students learn new materials at hand and improve their previously acquired (in kindergarten) skills. We suggest considering how to make the Technology program more exciting and interesting for the first grade. Such lessons will definitely appeal to younger students.

Technology subject in 1st grade
The subject "Technology" has a practical orientation in the development of the child. This subject is pivotal in the formation of a system of universal actions of the learning process in a student. The subject "Technology" contains all the elements of educational activity (problem setting, orientation in it, planning, finding a practical way to solve it, a visual result). The child, practicing at technology lessons, builds an algorithm of correct actionslearning process and other school subjects. Practical work in technology lessons is a means of comprehensive development of the student and the formation of his personal qualities that are significant in society.
The course of the subject "Technology" (program of the 1st grade) according to the Federal State Educational Standard - the Federal State Educational Standard has been developed. GEF has been operating in our country since 2011. There are technology lessons (Grade 1) at the "School of Russia" according to the Federal State Educational Standard, "Perspective" and other traditional types of training programs.

Main course objectives in elementary school
Technology lessons pursue a set of tasks and goals. Among them:
- cognition of the surrounding world as a holistic picture, understanding the unity of man and nature;
- development of aesthetic and artistic taste, figurative thinking, development of creativity;
- awareness of the country's multinationality and patriotism, as a result of acquaintance with the peoples of Russia and their crafts;
- mastering various labor skills and abilities, understanding the technological process, forming a base of design and technological skills using a technological map;
- formation of responsibility for the quality and results of their work;
- ability to work in new conditions and with new materials, motivation for a positive result;
- drawing up an action plan and how to implement it;
- shaping a sense of cooperation, respect for other people's opinions, interaction with other children within the rules;
- formationown assessment of the product and work, awareness of its shortcomings and advantages.
Approximate structure of technology lesson in Grade 1
Now let's talk more about the structure. Technology lessons in grade 1 (according to the Federal State Educational Standard) imply the teacher's organizational activity in the lesson and the establishment of the didactic goals of the lesson. The structure of technology lessons may include the following points:
- theoretical (introductory part of the lesson, message and explanation of the topic);
- familiarization with the material, observation and experiments (acquaintance with new materials and their properties, if necessary, a demonstration of techniques of technical moments is carried out);
- analysis of a sample of a product or its individual parts (understanding the shape of a product, its structure and purpose);
- drawing up an action plan for the manufacture of a product (a short oral briefing by the teacher, discussion with students of the sequence of actions);
- practical part (mastering and performing technological operations by students in accordance with the goal);
- final part (summing up the results of the development of theoretical and practical classes, analysis of the results of the work).

Examples of practical work with natural materials
At the beginning of the school year, it is advisable to start technology lessons for the 1st grade with a study of nature in general and natural materials. For practical training on the topic "Nature and we" is given from 5 to 7 hours. The first 1-2 lessons according to the plans "Technology" Grade 1 are devoted todestinations:
- Urban nature and rural nature. Man-made world.
- Creativity and natural materials.
The next hours are devoted to practical work with natural material. The content of these works may include such concepts as types and names of natural materials, methods and techniques for working with them, collection and organization of proper storage, drying, painting of natural materials. Topics for conducting practical lessons on the topic "Nature and us" can be as follows:
- Appliques from autumn leaves and seeds. As an artistic addition, you can use cut-out elements from colored paper, as well as decoration using watercolors.
- Making figures (animals, insects, men, mushrooms) from twigs, cones, chestnuts, acorns. Auxiliary material - plasticine.
- Composition of leaves and twigs. Drawing up an ornament from them.

Examples of practical work with plasticine
For technology lessons in the 1st grade, dedicated to working with plasticine, 4-5 teaching hours can be allocated. The teacher is recommended to tell first-graders about the properties of plasticine, about the correct, accurate work with it (using a special knife and plank) and show the basic techniques for working with this material.
Options for practical work with plasticine are very diverse. For example, for the first lessons, making fruits from plasticine is suitable. Simple shapes of an apple or pear made of plasticine of the corresponding color are within the powerwill do to every child. To do this, you need to demonstrate a sample of fruit, then tell how to cut off the right amount of plasticine and what shape (circle, oval, pear-shaped) to give the blank. Make a fruit stem out of brown and add a flat green leaf for beauty.
It will be more difficult to make a plasticine caterpillar, since the children must roll up the links of its torso and make them the same size, and then fasten them together. The head should have eyes, a mouth, a caterpillar nose, and antennae.
An interesting version of the lesson in the "plasticine drawing" technique will be interesting. This is the rolling of flagella from plasticine, with the subsequent laying of these bundles on a sheet with a traced contour (for example, a butterfly, mushroom, snowman, etc.). It turns out a kind of three-dimensional drawing.
Paper making
Big place of the technology course 1st class "School of Russia", about 15-16 hours, devoted to the manufacture of different types of paper products. The child in these lessons (with the help of a teacher) should be able to organize the workplace, know the rules for safe handling of scissors, learn new skills (cutting, gluing, etc.).

Types of paper work include making appliqués, working with templates, cutting them out, quilling, making origami and paper decorations for the New Year, making three-dimensional drawings from rolled napkin balls and much more.
Appliques, mosaics and paper decorations
Applique options made ontechnology in class 1, there may be many. From simple, where large details do not require filigree cutting (a vase of flowers, a snowman, a house) to complex compositions (underwater world, landscape, decorated Christmas tree, flower meadow, etc.). Before making applications, it is important to make a sketch, a sketch.
Volumetric mosaics can be made using the crumpling technique, followed by gluing plain napkins of several colors. The drawing for such mosaics should be large enough and schematic (fish, ship, car, flower, etc.) and also drawn with borders visible to the child.

Beads made of links of colored paper and snowflakes on the windows, familiar to parents since childhood, are still relevant today. Carefully cut out strips of colored paper, glued into rings among themselves, perfectly develop fine motor skills. And cutting snowflakes teach patience and perseverance. For convenience, the snowflake pattern must be drawn in advance.
Working with textiles and accessories
The section of technology lessons related to textiles includes 5-6 teaching hours. In these classes, the child learns the types of fabrics, masters working with them, learns about the measures to work safely with needles and scissors, and learns the basic techniques of cutting.
Among the textile classes for grade 1, one can single out making a rag doll, mastering the simplest types of seams, sewing on buttons, simple embroidery, embroidery with large beads.

Dolls, buttons and stitches
To make a rag doll in the lessontechnology will require light natural fabric or gauze, colored pieces of fabric, cotton filler, scissors and threads. In the center of a square piece of light fabric, you need to put a small piece of cotton wool, and with the help of threads form the head and hands of the doll. Draw her face. With the help of colored patches, make an outfit and a headdress for the doll.
The main work in textile classes should be given to the development of seams. Basic stitches: Plain stitch, Straight stitch, Snake stitch, Spiral stitch.
If children have already mastered the ability to sew on buttons, you can try to make button embroidery with them in the form of a bear cub, flower, caterpillar, little man, etc.