Technology lesson plan. Technology Lessons: Primary Classes

Technology lesson plan. Technology Lessons: Primary Classes
Technology lesson plan. Technology Lessons: Primary Classes

The lesson plan for elementary school technology is significantly different from the lessons for older students, as the emphasis is on the development of motor skills in children of primary school age. The proposed summary is designed for students in grade 2.

Goal: making autumn crafts from natural materials

Equipment: dry leaves, plasticine, white album sheets, glue, scissors.

Before you make a similar lesson plan on technology, you need to organize an excursion with the children to the park or forest to collect dry leaves.

Introductory part of the lesson

Teacher: "Hello, guys, sit down. I wish you a good mood and a productive lesson. Today we have an open lesson on technology, guests have come to us, let's show them what we can do. Look out the window and answer what changes occurred in nature with the onset of autumn?"

(The sun is not shining as bright as in summer, the leaves on the trees have changed color to yellow and gold, the birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes).

Teacher: "That's right, now everyone will think and express their personal opinion about whyautumn is beautiful."

Description of autumn by children
Description of autumn by children

Students voice options. When drawing up a plan - a summary of a lesson on technology, it is especially important to focus on children who most often behave passively and insecurely in class, so you need to purposefully ask for the personal opinion of such students and give them the opportunity to speak.

A moment of poetry

Teacher: "Today's technology lesson plan is not easy! Your classmate gives you a gift - a poem about autumn."

Student performance with a prepared poem:

How beautiful you are in your

Golden clothes, Maybe you could warm up some more?

Well, just a little!

She'll take her clothes off soon

Our purple-yellow forest, Wings goodbye to us, Birds will suddenly wave from the sky.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world

That September time, We will meet autumn with love, We accept ripe gifts.

So beautiful around now

Does not please the eye!

Leaves yellow playfully

The dance is led for us!

It is desirable to dilute the lesson plan on technology with creativity: poems, short stories, riddles that will help inspire the guys.

Teacher: "Today in the lesson we use the gifts of autumn for interesting crafts. Please look at the work that I will show you."

The teacher demonstrates various crafts made from natural materials and communicates with children:

visual material for desks
visual material for desks

- What objects and animals are depicted on them?

- What do these crafts have in common?

(Natural material used throughout).

- Name it.

(Acorns, leaves, seeds and more).

- Yes, these works used various materials that Mother Nature gave us.

- What other natural material can you name?

(Bird feathers, cones, stones, tree branches, berries, etc.).

- You can use anything, the main thing is to have imagination and desire to create a masterpiece. Today we will work with dry leaves. Remember our walk in the park, which tree leaves did you see?

Autumn excursion in the previous lesson
Autumn excursion in the previous lesson

(Birch, oak, aspen, poplar, maple).

- How are they different?

(Shape and color).


The teacher demonstrates various leaves, the students guess and name which trees they belong to.

Teacher: "Let's look at the shape of each leaf. What do they remind you of, what do they associate with?"

Everyone who wants to express their thoughts, thereby forcing the imagination to work.

Teacher: "You must have already had some thoughts and ideas for your craft."


Teacher: "Before you start work, it is important to voice the safety rules! Let's remember what is important to know and follow."

Students name the rules of TB, and the teacher at this time hangs out the picture corresponding to each rule:

  • You can't swing the scissors in different directions, as you can injure yourself and your neighbor.
  • You can't taste the glue.
  • Use glue and scissors only as directed and when needed.
  • Even with a landscape sheet, you need to be careful: you can cut yourself on its sharp edge, so it is important that it lies on the desk while you work.
  • After the lesson, all tools and debris must be removed.

Practical work

Teacher: "Great, now we are not afraid to get down to business. You have sheets of work samples on your desks, look carefully, and maybe you will take one of the proposed ideas, or maybe your imagination will tell you, what to make".

The work will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Tidiness.
  • Originality.
  • Creativity.

Steps of work:

1) Prepare a landscape sheet, arrange it vertically or horizontally, it depends on the composition or its elements you have chosen.

2) Take the required number of leaves and lay them out on a sheet, thereby measuring how the work will look.

3) Use scissors to correct the natural material, remove excess or, on the contrary, add the necessary elements.

4) Use glue to fix the leaves on paper.

5) Using Playdough, add details that can't be made with leaves (such as animal eyes and other small items).

The teacher turns on the music "sounds of nature" to createthe atmosphere of the autumn forest, and it was more interesting for the guys to work.

During the production, the teacher tries to approach each student and provide the necessary assistance.

Exhibition of works and reflection

Teacher: "What wonderful, unusual applications we got! One is more beautiful than the other, and most importantly, they are different from each other and all are individual. Now I suggest you hang your work on the board, and together we will consider which an interesting gallery is now in our classroom".

children's work
children's work

Three types of assessment can be used as a reflection:


Children are invited to present their craft, tell what is depicted on it and what inspired him to create this work, and also evaluate himself: did everything planned succeed? What would you like to change?

leaf craft option
leaf craft option

2. Peer evaluation.

Ask the children which job they liked best? Which of the applications is the most unusual / inspiring / neat and so on. What do you wish comrade?

3. Teacher assessment.

The teacher evaluates the work according to the criteria and marks.

Teacher: "Let's end this lesson with a good deed, I suggest that we go to the 1st grade students and give them these wonderful paintings. Let them inspire them to similar creations, and maybe next year they will want to do something similar".

After the bell for recess, the class goes to visit the first graders, congratulations on the onsetautumn and give them gifts.

This GEF technology lesson plan has been compiled and covers and allows you to realize all the necessary goals and objectives.
