Monogamous - who is it? Many wonder if such people really exist. This is what we will talk about in this article.
At first glance, everything is very simple: monogamous is a person who is devoted to one love throughout his life. And it would seem that it is wonderful. To marry such a person is a dream. But for some reason, many neglect this happiness.

Unrequited love
It's good when the other half feels the same strong feeling, genuine and devoted. But it often happens that there is only one monogamous in a couple. And after parting, he experiences unbearable pain.
As a rule, those people who grew up in a strong happy family become monogamous. Transferring this model to their personal lives, they do not imagine any other outcome possible. Their initial choice must be the only and correct one. Therefore, monogamous is a person who can love a partner who does not even have any deep feelings for him. And the first, in turn, does not want to build other relationships.

And yet, what is it - monogamous? Phenomenon or realitytype?
At first glance, he does not stand out. You can not immediately recognize a monogamous person in a person. But there are some distinguishing features:
- Will reject any attention from the opposite sex.
- Always use affectionate words when addressing. They are terrible owners, and do not hide it.
- Never rest separately. Even your own business trip causes discomfort and inconvenience due to the upcoming separation.
- Do not support betrayal of friends and acquaintances.
- Don't shout out loud about their love, but prove it with actions.
A monogamist is a person who cannot be changed. You must either accept it as such and reciprocate, or leave immediately.

The story of a woman who is faithful to her loved one all her life is not surprising. And a monogamous man is admirable.
Attitude towards beautiful women
What does a monogamous man mean? First, he never cheats on his wife. Secondly, it has a solid life principle - to remain faithful, love and respect for the beloved woman. Although at the same time he looks at other people's beauties, he can evaluate them and show signs of attention. They are distinguished by constancy in everything and always. This also applies to friendship, and old things with which they part extremely hard.
Now it becomes clear what monogamous means. This is devotion to one person until the end of his days. But unfortunately, his life scenario is not always successful.
Unrequited love
This happens a lot. Monogamous isa great dreamer, idealizing a loved one, attributing to him non-existent good qualities. And the other half may not have them at all. But the devotion is so great that everything fades around, and no one else exists. Even without receiving reciprocity, a person continues to wait and believe in a miracle. And it can drag on for years.

Monogamous loves a simple person without getting reciprocity
There is such a plot. For a number of reasons, because of revenge, for example, on the object of his unrequited love, a monogamist decides to link his fate with a stranger. who loves him. This is not the worst case scenario. Such families exist, and even become friendly and strong. As a rule, children help to rally.
They give all their unspent love accumulated over the years to their children. They deify, cherish, protect, forgive them everything. And the second half is happy from this. Over the years, monogamous gets used to a partner, while remaining faithful, showing respect and care.
And of course, the perfect romance is when a one-lover meets his own kind.
Mutual love
Like a fairy tale. After all, this is the happiest outcome of the story of monogamy. This is a true, strong union. Lovers give themselves completely to each other, drowning in passion and tenderness.

A born family is a fortress, the walls of which are built on the foundation of sincere feelings, devotion, respect and mutual understanding. A lot of relatives and friends will always gather at a friendly dinner table.
Monogamous are reasonable, mentally balanced, somewhat slow and phlegmatic.
What else are they characterized by
Distinguishing features are as follows:
- Show sincere attention and care. They will not hint at intimacy on the first evening. And love is not recognized immediately. For many years they can be silent about their feelings. Not because of rudeness. The reason is that they choose companions once and for all, so they are selective and careful.
- Have innate decency towards the opposite sex, treat all women with respect in principle.
- Under no circumstances give reason to doubt yourself.
Of course, these are wonderful qualities. But monogamy also has some disadvantages. Consider some negative traits:
- Monogamous - does not mean ideal. Like all people, he may have flaws that will definitely manifest themselves in family life.
- As mentioned above, he is the owner. This can lead to jealousy, which can lead to serious disagreements and even breakups.
- The partner needs to be ready for control.
- In the event of a breakup, one should not hope that the beloved will fall behind so easily.
- You will always have to match the painted ideal that your monogamous spouse came up with.
- If you are not a monogamous, you should probably not have an affair with such a man, because after breaking up he may no longer build a happy relationship.
Therefore, having a freedom-loving disposition, you should not start relationships withmonogamous. Although this is a great choice for life. Such people are devoted, respectful. Even after several years, they will treat you with the same trepidation and love, shower you with compliments, will not pay attention to individual shortcomings, and will give gifts and flowers.