True bloodthirsty can be called some of the pleasures of the ancient world. Many people ruled in the world, but Cleopatra is unique in the sense that she was the last of the Egyptian pharaohs and the first woman politician. In one of the ancient scrolls, a contemporary wrote about her that the price of her love was death. But still there were men who were not afraid of such an ominous condition. Madly in love with Cleopatra, they gave their lives for the night they spent with her, and in the morning their severed heads were displayed at the entrance to the palace…
Morals of that time
To a modern person, the joys of the Ancient World may seem like the height of debauchery. At that time, not only cohabitation, but also legal marriages between fathers and daughters, uncles and nieces, as well as siblings, were quite widespread, especially among the nobility. Of course, the first motive that prompted such actions was property interest. In addition, people saw how they acted in such cases in the royal families, and took their example.

In Egyptalso practiced similar pleasures of the ancient world. Cleopatra and her brother were no exception. In addition, the priests actively introduced and strongly encouraged the so-called idea of blood purity in the royal families. Apparently, in ancient times they already knew that repeated incest leads to various mental illnesses and other ailments of the most august descendants. Thus, the priests could use the depraved pleasures of the Ancient World to achieve their own selfish goals, because it is clear that it is much easier to control a sick or weak-minded person.
Incest in those days was a common practice, while the moral qualities of people had nothing to do with it. Take, for example, Pharaoh Akhenaten, who was, by the way, the husband of the beautiful Nefertiti. He was a progressive and good person in all respects, but during the life of his wife he also married his second daughter. Further in this article we will talk about Egypt and what were the pleasures of the Ancient World. Many people ruled the world, but still Cleopatra was a truly extraordinary woman.
General information
The future queen of Egypt was born in 69 BC. e. She was a representative of one of the most noble Greek clans. Her father was Ptolemy XII, and her mother was Cleopatra V. In addition to her, there were other children in the family: three sisters - Arsinoe, Berenice, Cleopatra VI, and two younger brothers named after their father. When the imperious, cruel and hated ruler of Egypt finally died, his children ascended the throne: the 12-year-old son Ptolemy and his sister Cleopatra, who at that time was 17 years old. According to custom,adopted by the pharaohs, they got married.
I must say that Cleopatra VII was a fairly educated woman. She studied mathematics, philosophy, literature, and also knew how to play some musical instruments. In addition, she knew 8 languages and was the only one of the entire Ptolemaic dynasty who spoke fluently with the Egyptians.

Until now, it has not been possible to find a source that would reliably describe the appearance of this queen. But we can say for sure that all researchers unanimously repeat: Cleopatra was a sensual and seductive woman. This is evidenced by the facts from her life.
Now you can call the immoral pleasures of the ancient world. Cleopatra kept many men, but at that time it was not considered something shameful. It is no secret that the young pharaoh Ptolemy XIII was only nominally considered the ruler of Egypt. In fact, Queen Cleopatra was in power
Struggle for power
But it couldn't go on like this for long. Dissatisfied with her reign, the mentor of Ptolemy XIII, along with other high-ranking dignitaries in 48 BC. e. raised an uprising against Cleopatra in the capital of Egypt - Alexandria. The rebellious people threatened to kill the queen, so she had to flee with her sister Arsinoe to neighboring Syrian lands. At the same time, Cleopatra did not consider herself defeated.
Soon she managed to gather an army, at the head of which she moved to the Egyptian borders. Brother and sister and husband and wife decidedfind out in battle who will own power in the country. Two enemy armies met face to face about 30 miles east of Port Said, at Pelusium.
Meanwhile, Julius Caesar and Pompey fought for power in the Roman Empire. The latter lost the battle of Pharsalos and was forced to flee to Alexandria. But the Egyptian nobles decided to curry favor with the emperor and executed Pompey. A few days later, Caesar arrived in Alexandria, where a kind of “surprise” awaited him - the severed head of his enemy. Seeing her, he was horrified and ordered Cleopatra and Ptolemy to stop the war, disband their soldiers and come to him immediately for explanations and further reconciliation.

Having arrived in Alexandria, the young pharaoh began to complain about his sister's actions. But before making a decision, Caesar wished to listen to the other side of the conflict. The queen knew that as soon as she appeared in the capital, her brother's supporters would immediately kill her. Therefore, she came up with a very original plan: she arrived in Alexandria at night on a simple fishing boat. She ordered to wrap herself in a colorful cloth (according to other sources - a carpet) and bring her to the emperor's chambers. It was both a great disguise and an original joke. Thus, one of the most romantic encounters in history occurred.
Knowing the intricacies of seduction and all the love pleasures of the Ancient World that existed at that time, Cleopatra, whose love story still excites the minds of people, struck the spoiled emperor not only with her ingenuity, butand a subtle sense of humour. In addition, her movements and even her voice literally fascinated Caesar. Julius, like other men, could not resist the love charms of a charming Egyptian woman and on the same night became her lover.
Full Queen
The Alexandrian war, which Caesar waged solely for the love of Cleopatra, ended after 8 months. During the fighting, two-thirds of the Egyptian capital was burned, including the famous library. After that, Alexandria swore allegiance to Caesar, and the fullness of power, along with the throne, returned to Cleopatra.
Wasting no time, she immediately married the next brother - Ptolemy XIV. It is worth noting that this marriage was fictitious. In fact, the queen all this time was the mistress of Julius Caesar and ruled the state with the support of the imperial legions.
Courtesan of Alexandria
Despite the fact that Rome was engulfed in unrest, and rivers of blood flowed there, Caesar was in no hurry to return there. In the sweet embrace of his mistress, he forgot both his duty and public duties. In order to keep the emperor near her, Cleopatra tried every day to surprise and interest him more and more. Until that time, Caesar, experienced in love, no woman could bind to herself for a long time.
From the few scrolls that could survive, and from the works of art of that time, one can imagine what the joys of the Ancient World were. Cleopatra and her lover had fun on a luxurious ship, the length of which was almost 100, the height -20 and 15 meters wide. On its deck stood a real two-story palace with cedar and cypress colonnades. The ship was usually followed by an escort of 400 vessels. Such a luxury was intended to demonstrate to the ruler of the Roman Empire all the greatness of Egypt, as well as the honors that are given to him.
After a few months, Caesar had to say goodbye to Cleopatra and go back. The love joys of the ancient world in terms of consequences were not too different from modern ones: after some time, Cleopatra had a son named Ptolemy-Caesarion. To protect the queen and her child from possible enemies, 3 Roman legions were constantly in Alexandria, which the Roman prudently left.

The assassination of Julius Caesar
Cleopatra with her husband and son in 46 BC. e. went on a visit to Rome, where they arranged a triumphal meeting. Local residents were amazed by the unprecedented luxury of the foreign ruler's cortege: a string of chariots sparkling with gold, followed by a large number of black Nubian slaves, as well as tame cheetahs, gazelles and antelopes.
For the sake of the “Alexandrian courtesan,” Caesar was ready to change the law that forbade a husband to have more than one wife. By the way, his legal wife was Calpurnia - a childless woman. He also wanted to officially marry the Egyptian queen and make his son Caesarion the sole heir to the Roman Empire.
I must say that no one ever paid attention to the number of Caesar's secret mistresses and other pleasuresThe ancient world, which were not alien to him. But when he tried to recognize Cleopatra as his lawful wife, this was taken as an insult to the whole people. And now, 2 years after the arrival of the Egyptian, in March 44 BC. e., a group of Republican conspirators kill Caesar. He received 23 stab wounds. So dramatically ended for him this love story and an attempt to legitimize his relationship with the "Alexandrian seductress." Some rulers of states paid for the pleasures of the Ancient World in this way. Cleopatra was shocked, as she did not expect such a turn of events at all.
Escape from Rome
Another blow for the queen was the document left behind by the murdered emperor. When the will of Julius Caesar was opened, it turned out that he appointed Octavian, his nephew, as his successor, and did not even mention the officially recognized son of Caesarion. Cleopatra realized that she and her son were in mortal danger, so she tried to leave Rome as quickly as possible and return to Alexandria.
A little later, her brother and husband Ptolemy XIV dies under mysterious circumstances. There is an assumption that Cleopatra herself poisoned him in order to become the sole and full ruler of Egypt, and to make her son Caesarion her heir.
After the death of the Roman emperor in the state, a confrontation began between his murderers and Octavian, Lepidus and Antony, who were thirsting for revenge. In the end, the triumvirate won. Mark Antony became ruler of the eastern provinces. But Cleopatra, leaving Rome, did not know that she had managed to ignite a spark of love inhis heart.

New meeting
Mark Antony was a famous Roman politician and general, as well as a friend and confidant of Julius Caesar. They always supported each other in the most difficult times for them. So it was until the death of the emperor.
After defeating the murderer of Caesar - Brutus - Mark went to Asia and Greece to collect indemnity. Everywhere he was greeted with applause, and only Cleopatra did not honor the great commander with her attention. Angered, Antony ordered her to Tarsus.
What were the joys of the Ancient World, can be judged by the way Cleopatra appeared at a seemingly business meeting. Just imagine: the lady of Egypt sailed on a ship dressed as Venus, surrounded by cupids, nymphs and fauns! A huge vessel, made of precious wood with a gilded stern, sailed under scarlet sails. It exuded an unusual fragrance and approached the shore to the sounds of the most beautiful music, when the sun was already beginning to set. In the rapidly gathering twilight, a magnificent illumination suddenly flashed on the ship.
Mark Antony - a brilliant commander, a brave man and a favorite of women, who, it would seem, knew all the pleasures of the Ancient World, was smitten on the spot by such a grandiose performance. Therefore, instead of attacking the headstrong queen with angry speeches and threats to turn her country into one of the many provinces of the great Roman Empire, he invited Cleopatra to dine with him alone. In replyshe invited Antony to board her ship, literally strewn with rose petals, and arranged a feast in his honor that lasted 4 days. With such a luxury in Egypt, the pleasures of the Ancient World were usually organized. Cleopatra (of course, we cannot provide you with a photo of a royal person, but there are as many pictures as you like) did not stop there. She invited a high-ranking Roman to visit her palace in Alexandria.
Antony arrived in the capital and immediately went to the residence of the queen. Such a magnificent reception awaited him that he completely forgot about state affairs. Throughout the winter, orgies and other dubious amusements were held in the palace of the "Alexandrian courtesan". Having turned into a real Bacchante, she did not leave her lover for a minute and indulged all his desires. Cleopatra tried to make sure that every day spent by Mark Antony next to her was unique. She came up with more and more amusements, promising both a lot of pleasure. So she entertained her lover, who was new to such pleasures of the ancient world. The photo below is a still from the movie "Antony and Cleopatra", in which the role of the Egyptian queen was played by the magnificent Elizabeth Taylor.

King of Egypt
Anthony started his next military campaign in 37 BC. e. This time it was aimed at conquering Syrian lands. The Roman asked Cleopatra to give him funds for the Parthian campaign. The queen agreed, and in exchange, Mark gave her partnorthern Judea and Phoenicia, and legalized his marriage and children. All thoughts of the commander were occupied exclusively by the Egyptian mistress. He gave away the lands he conquered to her children. She became known as the "New Isis" and attended audiences in the costume of the goddess: in tight-fitting clothes with a crown in the form of a hawk's head and cow's horns.
Wherever Antony fought, he was accompanied by the “Alexandrian courtesan”, who arranged for him all sorts of pleasures of the Ancient World. Many ruled in the world, but Cleopatra, like no one else, knew how to command men. She convinced Antony to renounce not only his lawful wife, but also Rome. In the end, he began to be called the king of Egypt, and on his orders they began to mint a coin on which the profile of Cleopatra flaunted. In addition, her name began to be engraved on the shields of the once Roman legionnaires.
This behavior of Mark Antony could not but cause deep indignation of the Romans. On this occasion, in 32 BC. e. Octavian made his accusatory speech in the Senate. As a result, it was decided to declare war on the Egyptian queen. The joint army of Cleopatra and Antony was superior to the Roman one. The couple in love knew about this, relied on military power and … lost. The fact is that the queen, who had no military experience, undertook to command part of the navy. Apparently not understanding Mark's strategy, she ordered her ships to retreat at the decisive moment of the battle. Thus the Romans won. This naval battle took place in early September 31 BC. e. near Actium in Greece. But it took another year for Octavian Augustus to reach Alexandria. ATin desperation, Cleopatra and Antony staged a grand farewell feast, during which endless orgies took place, the likes of which Egypt had not yet seen.

Death of Antony and Cleopatra
Octavian's troops by 30 BC e. almost approached the walls of Alexandria. Hoping to somewhat soften the anger of the new Roman emperor, the queen sends a messenger with generous gifts to him. Having known almost all the pleasures of the Ancient World, Cleopatra was still sure that at 38 she still looks just as seductive and irresistible. The royal lady decided to hide in her luxurious tomb, which was recently built on her orders, and wait a little.
Meanwhile, Mark Antony was informed that his beloved woman had committed suicide. Hearing this, he made an attempt to stab himself with a dagger. The commander was still alive when he was brought to the tomb. A few hours later, Antony died in the arms of his mistress.
While the Egyptian queen played for time, the Romans managed to capture Alexandria. After burying Mark, she returned to the palace. It is worth noting that the new Roman emperor was known for his amorous adventures, and the joys of the Ancient World were not alien to him. Cleopatra ruled the men who ruled the world, but this time she failed to negotiate with Octavian - the Roman was not impressed by her feminine charms.
“The Seductress of Alexandria” already foresaw her future and had no illusions about it: she, chained, would be forced to walk the streets of the Eternalcities behind the victorious chariot. But, according to legend, Cleopatra escaped shame: her faithful servants gave their mistress a basket of food, where they hid a small poisonous asp. Before her death, she wrote a letter to Octavian asking him to be buried along with Mark Antony. So in 30 BC. e. on the last day of August, the love story of the Egyptian queen ended.
The "Alexandrian courtesan" was buried with great honors, just as she wanted. As you know, Cleopatra was the last of the pharaohs. After her death, Egypt was annexed to the Roman Empire and given the status of a province. According to legend, Octavian Augustus ordered the destruction of all existing images of the queen.
I must say that at that time all the nobles were familiar with the peculiar joys of the Ancient World. Many have ruled the world, but Cleopatra is unique. According to some sources, she was not a beauty, as is commonly believed. But thanks to her sharp and lively mind, education and charming charm, she managed to win the favor of two such great commanders as Gaius Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, who were ready to give their lives for her love.