Special (defectological) education. Defectologist: where and by whom he works

Special (defectological) education. Defectologist: where and by whom he works
Special (defectological) education. Defectologist: where and by whom he works

In higher educational institutions, applicants are offered a wide range of areas of training. One of the speci alties that can be seen in some universities, academies and institutes is "Special (defectological) education". People who have studied in this direction are considered unique and sought-after specialists in the modern world. Which universities offer this area of study? Who are the graduates who have mastered the educational program and received diplomas?

Defectological education: the essence of the direction

Children and adults with disabilities need qualified help from specialists. It is provided by trained teachers-defectologists. This profession is obtained by people after completing their studies at universities in the direction of "Defectology Education".

During their studies, each student studies many disciplines. These include Pedagogy and"Psychology", and "Medico-biological foundations of defectology", and "Clinic of intellectual disorders", etc. As a result of mastering the program, a person can be engaged in correctional-pedagogical and consultative-diagnostic activities:

  • correct developmental disorders;
  • develop individual educational and correctional programs;
  • study the features of psychophysical development and the needs of persons with disabilities;
  • give advice to people with disabilities and their families.
special defectological education
special defectological education

Profiles of special (defectological) education

When entering the direction of "Defectology Education", applicants, as a rule, make a choice between profiles. Their number depends on the university. For example, applicants for undergraduate studies may be offered the following profiles:

  • "Special Psychology";
  • "Speech therapy";
  • "Pedagogical and psychological support for children with disabilities";
  • "Oligophrenopedagogy".

To obtain deeper knowledge in many universities in the direction of "Defectological (special) education" a master's program has been created. Training programs are found as follows:

  • Inclusive Education;
  • "Pedagogical and psychological support for persons with disabilities";
  • "Speech therapy (education of persons with speech impairment)";
  • "Innovative technologies in defectologicaleducation.”
correctional program
correctional program

Relevance of the speci alty in the modern world

Universities, academies and institutes with the speci alty "Defectology Education" invite students to study. Members of admissions committees, teachers talk about its relevance, because at present there is a rather acute problem of educating children with disabilities. About 9–11% of persons from among the children's population need the help of defectologists. Some adults also need help.

People who have studied in the direction of "Defectological special education" are engaged in the development, upbringing and education of children with various developmental problems related to both the psychological and physical spheres. The areas of work of specialists are aimed at people with acquired and congenital visual impairment, hearing impairment, pathologies of the speech apparatus, decreased intelligence, psychoneurotic reactions.

profiles of special defectological education
profiles of special defectological education

Having the necessary personal qualities

The direction of training "Defectology education" is interesting, but it is not suitable for all people. When choosing this speci alty, it should be borne in mind that a defectologist must have certain personal qualities. This specialist must be:

  • proactive;
  • energetic;
  • friendly;
  • tactful;
  • confident in the successful results of their activities, the applied correctional program.

The future specialist should be optimistic. Optimism among already working people is manifested in a socially active attitude towards a subject with limited opportunities, towards a society in which pupils will be included, towards oneself.

Getting an education at RNU

Practically in every city there is a university that has the direction of "Defectology education". There are several of them in Moscow. One of the educational institutions is the Russian New University (RNU). It is an autonomous non-profit educational organization that has been in existence since 1991.

"Defectological education" at the university offers the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy. Upon admission, each applicant is given the opportunity to choose the most convenient form of study for himself. Daytime classes are held 5 days a week. Couples start at the university at 9 o'clock. On the correspondence form at the Russian New University, students independently master the educational program. Classes at the university are held 2 times a year during sessions, the duration of which is about 20 days.

Russian New University
Russian New University

Training at the SPSU

From among the universities that train teachers-defectologists, one can also cite the Moscow Psychological and Social University (MPSU) as an example. This educational organization is also an autonomous non-profit institution. The university has been operating since 1995.

Moscow Psychological and Social University, formerly called the Institute, implements a huge number ofmodern educational programs. Among them there is a “Defectological education” for undergraduate studies. Full-time, part-time and extramural forms of education are offered. Master's programs for this direction are not provided at the university.

Moscow Psychological and Social University
Moscow Psychological and Social University

The future of graduates

People who have studied in the direction of "Defectological (special) education" in universities and received diplomas can work in various organizations:

  • in educational institutions of all types and levels;
  • in special (correctional) preschool, school and medical institutions;
  • in centers for the provision of psychological, medical, pedagogical and social assistance to the population;
  • in social security institutions;
  • in charitable and public organizations working with people who have disabilities.
special defectology education universities
special defectology education universities

Graduates will have a tough job ahead of them. When working with a specific person, they will need to provide assistance not only to him, but also to his relatives. Let's take an example. So, the teacher-defectologist deals with the child in accordance with the developed correctional program. Both he and his parents and close relatives need qualified assistance, because the family plays an important role in the process of correctional and pedagogical influence. The essence of helping parents is advising on the development, education, socialization and integration of the child into society. So the job willdifficult, but at the same time interesting, therefore the speci alty "Defectological (special) education" deserves attention.
