Each state has its own unique history, customs and traditions. And despite the fact that all countries developed in close contact with each other, adopting various elements from their cultures, they still managed to maintain their originality. However, if we are talking about states that have a more complex federal structure, things are a little different.
Those countries that have several administrative-territorial entities, as a rule, try to ensure that each entity has the opportunity to preserve its unique features. These countries include, for example, Russia, America and Canada. If we talk about Russia, here the administrative-territorial units are regions, while in America and Canada they are called states. The states of Canada, the list of which includes 13 names, are all unique and interesting in their own way. However, here it is worth making a remark. Speaking about how many states there are in Canada, it must be remembered that this country also includes 3 small territories, because there are only 10 states there.
There are not as many states in Canada as in America, but they all have their own historical roots and unique features. Canada is a large country, and the states of Canada into which it is subdivided are mostly large. This allows each subject to have its own separate structure and be independent to a certain extent, but first things first. Next, we will talk about which states Canada includes, which state of America borders on it, and so on.

Alberta's population is currently approximately 4.5 million. This is quite a lot, but do not forget that the territories of this subject, as well as Canada as a whole, are quite spacious. If we express this number as a percentage of the total population of the country, it comes out to just over 10%.
The capital or, to be more precise, the administrative center is the city of Edmonton, with a population of just under a million people. The city was founded in 1795 by the Hudson's Bay Trading Company, considered one of the oldest in the world and still in existence.
Alberta was named after Princess Louise Caroline Alberta, who was the daughter of Queen Victoria. The largest city in this area is the city of Calgary, with a population of approximately 1.3 million.
Alberta is located in the western part of Canada. On the south side it borders on Montana (the American state bordering Canada and Idaho), and on the other side with some Canadian states. It is worth noting that Alberta is one of two administrative-territorial entities of Canada that have no access to the sea.
British Columbia

British Columbia is located in the westernparts of the country. From the south, it borders on Washington (a US state south of Canada). The capital is the city of Victoria, which was founded a long time ago, but acquired its current status only in 1862. The city itself is quite small, its population is only 80 thousand people, and taking into account all neighboring municipalities - 350 thousand.
Like many states in Canada, the capital of British Columbia is not the largest city. The largest in this territory is Vancouver with a population of 630 thousand people. The city itself is part of a large agglomeration called Greater Vancouver. It is home to about 2.5 million people.
British Columbia's economy is based on natural resources. Agriculture is very well developed in this territory, in addition, there is an excellent climate and rich nature, which naturally attracts many tourists.
The state was named after Queen Victoria. In those days, the British called these areas Columbia because of the river of the same name that flows through the territory. After the area became a colony of Great Britain, it began to be called British Columbia.

Saskatchewan is a relatively small area both in terms of size and population. As a percentage, the population of the entire region is 3-4% of the total population in the country.
The capital is the city of Regina, located in the southern part of the state. The population, according to 2011, is about 200 thousand people. Regina is the second largest city in Saskatchewan, followed by the city of Saskatoon with a population of about 300,000.
The state has a total population of 1.1 million, which is fairly average compared to the rest of Canada.
The name comes from the river that flows through this area. It was invented long before colonization and is literally translated from the language of the Indians as "fast river".

Manitoba is located in the heart of Canada. The entire territory consists mainly of plains, and a feature of this area is a huge number of lakes, of which there are more than 100 thousand in the state. These territories border North Dakota (US state on the border with Canada).
In terms of population, this subject is relatively small, the total number of people living there is 1.2 million people. Not surprisingly, the area is quite small. It has a little more than half a million square kilometers, which, as a percentage of the total area of the country, is approximately 6%.
The capital city is Winnipeg. It has a large population for Canadian cities, approximately 800 thousand people, and is a major commercial and transport center. In fact, Winnipeg is the economic capital of the Canadian midwest.
It is noteworthy that in the capital of Manitoba, a fairly significant proportion of the population is occupied by Ukrainians. It is most likely caused by somehistorical circumstances, and now, in fact, more than 15% of the population of Winnipeg are of Ukrainian origin. This is quite unusual, since the rest of the states of Canada cannot be marked with anything like this. Although it should be said that in many territories you can often meet a large number of the French.

The state of Ontario (Canada) is the largest administrative-territorial entity. The population of this state is about 40% of the total number of people living in the country, or rather, more than 14 million people.
The state of Ontario (Canada) is located almost in the very center of the country and borders on many states, both Canadian and American. However, despite the high population, in terms of area, this subject is not the leader, but takes only the fourth place. Canada's largest state by population has a total area of just over a million square kilometers.
Ontario's capital city is Toronto. It is he who is the largest city in the country, its population is more than 6 million inhabitants based on the entire agglomeration.
Toronto is a huge metropolis. It contains a considerable amount of the country's economic resources. This city is rightfully considered one of the largest economic centers not only in Canada, but throughout the world.
In addition, we must not forget that the capital of Canada, Ottawa, is also located on the territory of Ontario. It is located in the eastern part of the state on the banks of the river of the same name. This city is the fourth largest in the country.
Ottawa is quite a beautiful city with its unique architecture and sights. That is why it is, along with Toronto, very attractive for tourists from different countries.

Quebec is also one of the largest states in Canada. If we talk about its size, then it is in first place, since the area of Quebec is more than one and a half million square kilometers. In terms of population, it is second only to the state of Ontario, having more than 8 million inhabitants as of 2016. The next feature is that these territories are strictly inside the country and do not have access to any US state bordering Canada.
It is noteworthy that in Quebec the official language is French, while in the vast majority of other states English prevails. Here, more than 80% of the population speaks French.
The capital of this entity is the city of the same name - Quebec. It is quite small in itself, but by Canadian standards it is quite average. The population of the capital of Quebec is about 700 thousand inhabitants.
The largest city is Montreal. Its population is 4 million people. Montreal is interesting because it is the largest French-speaking city that is not within France. It is also the second largest city in Canada.
Montreal, despite being a fairly large metropolis, has managed to maintain its historical value in the form of variousinteresting sights, as well as very beautiful architecture. That is why tourists from all over the world love visiting it so much.
Quebec's special feature is that this administrative-territorial entity has the right to make its own laws, and this right is enshrined in the Canadian constitution. At the moment, there are many points of view about the political status of this state. Some insist on its secession, while others want to preserve the integrity, but in fact Quebec is still part of Canada.
New Brunswick

New Brunswick is a small coastal state in eastern Canada. Its population is about 750 thousand people, and the area is slightly more than 72 thousand square kilometers. The state ranks 11th in the country in terms of area.
2 languages are recognized as official in New Brunswick: French and English, however, it is worth noting that a fairly large percentage of the population speaks both equally well.
The capital is the city of Fredericton with a population of just over 50 thousand people. Despite the small size of the territory, information technologies are developing very actively in the city, which is largely due to the high level of education, the presence of a large New Brownswick University and the bilingualism of the inhabitants.
Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island is the smallest subject of the country. This is a small state next to Canada, which is located likecan be understood from the name, on the island. Its population is only 150 thousand inhabitants, and the area does not exceed 6000 square kilometers.
This territory is located in eastern Canada and is included in the list of coastal provinces. Despite the small population, its density is relatively high - 25 people per square kilometer. According to this indicator, Prince Edward Island ranks fifth in the country.
The capital is the city of Charlottetown, where 90% of the state's population is concentrated. Most of the jobs in this city are created by government agencies, such as various levels of government, as well as all kinds of medical and educational organizations.
If we talk about the state as a whole, it is worth noting that agriculture and fishing are very developed here, which is quite logical for a coastal province.
Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is also included in the list of coastal provinces, but its population is already significantly larger and has about a million people. These territories are located in the eastern part of the country and have access to the Atlantic Ocean.
The largest city in the state and concurrently its capital is the city of Halifax. Its population is just over 300 thousand inhabitants, but if we take into account the entire agglomeration, then the number of residents will be approximately 500 thousand.
Speaking about the economy, it should be noted that such industries as the transport industry, education, shipbuilding andauto construction. Cargo transportation is of particular importance: its volume is more than 10 million tons per year.
Nova Scotia has a very beautiful nature, besides the climate in these territories is quite pleasant. Every tourist should visit this state, despite the fact that there are no major attractions, the local nature will give anyone an unforgettable experience.
Newfoundland and Labrador

Previously, this state was simply called Newfoundland, but in 2001, the local government began to refer to itself in documents as the government of Newfoundland and Labrador, so the Canadian authorities had to enter that name in all government documents.
The population of these territories is just above the half million mark, which is small compared to others, making the state 9th in the nation in this criterion.
The capital and largest city is St. John's with a population of about 200 thousand people, including suburbs. Despite the relatively small number of inhabitants, the city is the second largest on the Atlantic coast of the country.
The leading industries are mining and woodworking, as well as construction. Agriculture is the least developed in the state, accounting for only one percent of the total production.
Yukon, Nunavut & Northwest Territories
Listing the states of Canada and their capitals, we must not forget about the territories. In addition to the main administrative-territorialunits discussed so far, there are also smaller entities in Canada called territories. There are only three of them: Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.
Yukon is located in the west of the country and has a population of 31 thousand people. Mining is mainly carried out here, and the mining industry is also actively developing. The capital is the city of Whitehorse with a population of 19 thousand people.
Nunavut is a relatively new territory, it was formed at the end of the last century as a result of separation from a larger administrative-territorial entity. The population of Nunavut is 35,000 people, which seems surprising given the vast area of 2 million square kilometers. In fact, most of the territories of this state are located in very cold climatic zones and are simply unsuitable for normal life. The capital is the city of Iqaluit.
The Northwest Territories also occupy a large area, approximately 1.3 million square kilometers, but the population is only 50,000 people. The capital is the city of Yellowknife, and the leading specialization is mining.
In conclusion
Canada is a huge country. All states of Canada are curious and unique in their own way. Here you can find everything that will be interesting for a tourist, and have a very good time enjoying the picturesque nature. If you list the states of Canada, the resulting list will consist of ten states and three territories.