Cavemen. Their life and development

Cavemen. Their life and development
Cavemen. Their life and development

The history of mankind can be conditionally divided into two significant periods - the primitive system and class society. The first period is the era where the caveman ruled. It lasted many hundreds of thousands of years, in contrast to the second, which was several thousand years at most.

The first people on the planet

cave people
cave people

It was the cavemen who, thanks to their work, eventually turned into modern man. At the same time, culture arose. At that time the communities were small. Their organization was the most primitive. As is life. Therefore, sometimes the way of life of a person of that period is called primitive. Initially, cave people were engaged in gathering and hunting, making stone tools for these purposes. In such communities, equality of rights and obligations prevailed, and there was no class discrimination. Relationships were based on family ties. According to scientists, the caveman appeared about 2.5 million years ago as a result of the evolution of Australopithecus. The main difference is the beginning of stone processing and the creation of primitive tools from it. With such tools, cavemen cut branches, butcheredcarcasses after hunting, split bones, dug out roots from the ground. According to the classification of such people, it is customary to call a skillful person. Their abilities were limited to movement on their feet and the ability to hold a stone and a stick, minimal logical actions to make simple tools for hunting. The groups were small.



About one million years BC, Pithecanthropus, the ape-man, appeared. His brain size was significantly larger than that of homo habilis. Accordingly, he knew how to make more complex tools. For example, scrapers, cutters of the correct geometric shape. However, the functions of tools remained the same: to dig, plan, hunt and butcher the results of the hunt. The beginning of the Ice Age significantly influenced the life and adaptation to natural disasters of cavemen. Man has adapted to life in many climatic zones and zones, and scientists find traces of Pithecanthropus in areas of Europe, Northern China and Africa. These signs say that the geography of habitat has expanded significantly. The migration of ancient people contributed to the emergence of land zones due to lowering the level of the World Ocean.

How cavemen used to live

Pithecanthropes often built their homes near water sources. The caveman already then understood that water sources are the habitat of animals and, therefore, a source of food. A significant number of dangers forced people to gather in large groups for security, as well as to facilitate hunting.

Lifecaveman. Neanderthal

caveman photo
caveman photo

Neanderthal man appeared 250 thousand years ago. Homo sapiens evolved from Pithecanthropus as a result of the influence of the environment and the development of labor skills. This stage of human development was named after the valley in which its remains were first found. Outwardly, he already had a great resemblance to modern man. A low forehead, a rough physique, a sloping chin - these are the main distinguishing features that this caveman stood out for. The photos, modeled on the remains, give an idea of the strength and power that these creatures possessed.

Neanderthals massively populated areas such as the south of Europe, Asia, Africa. The main dwellings were caves. Often the cave had to be beaten off from the bears who came there for hibernation. The power of the cavemen is also evidenced by the fact that they were able to kill these large animals, the length of which sometimes reached three meters. Massive remains of bear bones have been found in caves in many European countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others.

Mental development of a caveman

Since the mental abilities of Neanderthals were higher than that of Pithecanthropes, the tools of labor were significantly improved. The quality of performance has improved significantly. Also, the form has become more correct and varied. The technology of processing stone material has accelerated. The main achievement of the Neanderthals was the ability to make fire.

The high level of mental development of cavemen saysthe fact that tools found in different parts of the world differed from each other. That is, their development took place independently in different regions. As scientists suggest, during the same period, racial differences of people also appear. The physical data of ancient people are also changing, which directly depend on the region of their habitat.

life of a caveman
life of a caveman

The cultural level of the cavemen also rose. In groups, relationships become stronger. There is an understanding of generational change. And, consequently, Neanderthals begin to bury the dead with the help of primitive rites. Often burials were carried out in caves. The people of that time had a separate attitude towards skulls. Their burials were carried out in special pits, probably due to some beliefs or everyday customs.

How did cavemen live?
How did cavemen live?

Unlike the Pithecanthropes, Homo sapiens did not abandon the sick and the destitute. Probably, people of that time already obtained food much more than was necessary for survival. Consequently, it became possible to support dependents.


The found artifacts of that time say that the Neanderthals performed some rituals. So, in several caves, bear skulls were found, arranged in a certain order. Such an installation is very reminiscent of an altar for religious ceremonies.
