The issue of higher education is particularly acute in today's reality. Without the proper level of knowledge in many areas, it is impossible to get a good position. Even specialists with already existing higher education are trying to improve their skills all the time, to say nothing of people without basic training. The indisputable advantage of modernity is the abundance of educational institutions. Minus - in a huge number of universities it is easy to get confused, losing sight of what really suits a particular applicant. This article discusses the Saransk Medical Institute, its history, structure, educational programs, passing scores and requirements. Feedback about this educational institution will also be considered.

History of the institute
Saransk Medical Institute is a structural subdivision of a huge federal university. Its name is National Research Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev. To date, the Saransk Medical Institute combines several areas of activity, a largea team of highly qualified professionals in their field, has a high potential in the field of scientific and educational activities.
The institute was opened back in 1967. Initially, this structural unit was a faculty. Later, with the growth of clinical disciplines and the improvement of the level of education, the faculty was renamed into an institute. It is now over half a century old. Many well-known figures of science were at the head of the structural unit of the Mordovian University. To date, the leadership is in the hands of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L. A. Balykova.

About the university and its structure
The Saransk Medical Institute belongs to the list of subdivisions of the Ogarev Mordovian State University. In addition to the medical division, it includes the agrarian, the Institute of Mechanics and Energy, National Culture, Physics and Chemistry, Electronics and Light Engineering, and the Institute of History and Sociology. The university also has two branches in other cities: Kovylkinsky and Ruzaevsky.
Over the 85 years of its existence, the university has developed a wide range of research areas, opened many departments, each of which has its own semantic load in the field of scientific research, discoveries, improving society, as well as training the younger generation of specialists. University departments include:
- "Internet Center".
- Research Institute "Materials Science" and Regionology.
- Business incubator forsmall businesses.
- Palace of Culture and Arts.
- Housing and sports cooperative, Sanatorium, Sports club.
- University Press and Journal Editors.
- Interregional Center for Finno-Ugric Studies.
- Museum Complex and Science Library.
- Departments of Chief Metrologist, Mechanics, Energy.
- Departments of quality management, property complex management, social development and inclusive support, intellectual property management.
- Board of Trustees, Admissions Committee, Legal Department;
- Grants and Programs Sector.
- Sector for organization and support of R&D.
- Council of young scientists.
- Council of rectors of universities of the Republic of Mordovia.
- Department of security and bukh. accounting and financial control.
- Management of affairs, personnel, international relations, scientific research, extracurricular activities, public relations, training of highly qualified personnel, labor protection and fire safety.
- Teaching and methodological management and the Academic Council of the University.
- Financial and economic management.
- Information Security Center.
- M. M. Bakhtin Center.
- Centers for new information technologies, Olympiad training in programming, for working with innovative educational institutions.
- Centers for technology and innovation support, development of distance education, promotion of employment of university graduates, supercomputer technologies, transfertechnologies.

Activities of the educational institution
As can be seen from the above list of departments, the educational institution does not stop at one particular direction, but develops in many branches of science, labor and creative activity that are important for modern times. Students of the university and its departments, including the Saransk Medical Institute, have access to huge amounts of information, open the way to various olympiads, competitions, conferences and exhibitions, museum, research and sports complexes are available. All this gives the educational institution and its students a huge advantage over other educational organizations that do not have such a rich infrastructure. Especially many programs have been created specifically in relation to research and scientific discoveries.

Institute infrastructure and teachers
Those who are included in the lists of those admitted to the Saransk Medical Institute get access to education at the highest level. The educational process takes place with the best teachers, professionals in their field, with various titles in the field of scientific activity and medical work. The infrastructure is represented by twenty departments, a research complex of a regional scale and a department for industrial practice, which, by the way, takes place in conditions as close as possible to the future labor process. Also on the territory of the institute there are sports and cultural complexes, a library with a reading room, a ski base,dormitories and canteens.

Educational programs
At present, the Saransk Medical Institute trains doctors in four speci alties. A small number of directions, unlike many other medical universities. But this does not in any way reduce the quality of training, profitability and future success. To date, specialists are trained in the following areas:
- "Medicine".
- "Dentistry".
- "Pharmacy".
- "Pediatrics".
What is important for physicians, the institute provides continuous education. That is, after graduating from a bachelor's or a specialist's degree, a student continues to study in residency and postgraduate studies, can improve his qualifications, and also retrain. At the moment, residency trains in 35 speci alties, postgraduate studies in 21, advanced training in 24 speci alties.

Training time and cost
As for the terms of study, there are no differences from other universities. Medical speci alties are a very responsible and important job; people's lives and he alth depend on specialists in this field. Therefore, the training is long. "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy" will take a student 5 years of study in a speci alty, "Pediatrics" - 5-6 years, "General Medicine" - 6-7 years of study.
The cost of education at the Saransk Medical Institute is quite acceptable compared to othersleading universities providing training in these speci alties. A year of study at an educational institution will cost a student 77,000 rubles when studying in the direction of "Pediatrics" and "Pharmacy", 85,200 rubles in the direction of "General Medicine" and 112 thousand a year - "Dentistry".
What you need for admission
The selection committee of the Saransk Medical Institute recruits applicants with a complete secondary education - 11 classes. Applicants must pass the exam. The subjects required for admission to the institute are: chemistry (profile), Russian language and biology. The total passing score at the Saransk Medical Institute for 2017 was 239-262 points according to the results of the Unified State Examination. Highest passing score in Dentistry.
The start of accepting applications for admission is June 20th. At this moment, all groups of applicants in all areas and conditions of study begin to apply. The deadline for accepting applications from persons entering the results of the Unified State Examination for full-time education is July 26. Persons entering the internal entrance examinations must have time to apply before July 16.
Applications from part-time students who have passed the exam are accepted from June 20 to August 20. Correspondence students wishing to pass internal exams must be in time by August 10. Persons entering on a paid basis - apply before August 20 (USE) and August 27 (internal tests).

Information on the number of seats
There are not so many budget places,so applicants should hurry to complete all the necessary documents on time. By the way, there are no state-funded places for full-time and part-time education. Only 230 of them have been allocated for full-time studies. There are 150 state-funded places for the speci alty "Medicine", 125 - on a commercial basis. The speci alty "Pediatrics" can accept 40 state employees and 25 "payers". 15 people can study as dentists for free, 55 for a fee. Pharmacists train for free in the amount of 25 people, for a fee - 10.
Total, a total of 445 people are admitted to the course in various areas and forms of education. In order to get into the lists of applicants of the Saransk Medical Institute, it is necessary to write an application on time, attach information about the Unified State Examination or pass internal tests, as well as provide original documents.

Saransk Medical Institute: reviews
Reviews about the educational institution are very similar. Almost everyone who studied and is studying at the Saransk Medical Institute notes that studying is difficult and sometimes even boring. This continues until the 2nd or 3rd course, then the practical part of the training is connected, cyclic work in hospitals and clinics, the learning process becomes easier and more interesting. Studying a medical speci alty is not the most fun activity in itself. The work is serious, which means that the learning process should also be at the same level.