Where are specialists trained for the river and sea fleet? One of these educational institutions exists today in Rostov-on-Don and is called the Rostov College of Water Transport. This institution has an eventful history, a fruitful present and a promising future.
Brief historical background
The history of the college began in 1933. The educational institution was not created immediately with such a status. In order to obtain the right to be called a college, the educational organization has taken measures for development throughout the years of its existence. In 1933, this educational institution was the Rostov School of Factory Apprenticeship. Shortly before the start of World War II, it became vocational school No. 11 of the river fleet.

Until 1990, the educational organization was a school, and from 1990 to 2009 it was called a lyceum. In 2009, it became a college of river and water transport. As you can see, the name of the educationalinstitutions periodically changed, however, the college did not turn off the road that was planned at the time of its creation. Throughout the years, he has trained workers and specialists in water transport:
- sailors;
- boatswains;
- skippers;
- helmsmen;
- ship cooks;
- Court Clerks;
- navigators.
School today
College of water transport today is considered one of the oldest educational institutions in the Rostov region. For several decades, the college has been training personnel for the river and sea fleet in a limited list of areas. The list was expanded after receiving the status of a lyceum. Now there are several dozen programs in the secondary school, ranging from training programs for mid-level specialists and workers to professional retraining programs.

Over the years of existence, the educational process has been noticeably modernized. If earlier students received knowledge from books, today modern technologies have come to the aid of students. Simulators, software and hardware systems are involved in the educational process. The laboratories of ship radio equipment, navigation pads, and other well-equipped classrooms help to master practical skills.
Speci alties with budget places
Education at the college of water transport is implemented both on a budgetary and paid basis. Fully budget training is offered in 3 areas of training:
- "Operation of ship power plants". They enter this direction after the 9th grade in order to obtain the profession of a mechanical technician. Students are prepared for the operation, maintenance and repair of ship power equipment, ensuring navigation safety.
- "Organization of transportation and transport management". Graduates of the 9th grade are also recruited for this speci alty. On it, at the end of the training, students are awarded the qualification of technicians. After graduation, graduates can organize the transportation process, transport service, transport and logistics activities.
- "Sailor". The direction is designed for graduates of 9 classes. The qualifications that are assigned on it are sailor, helmsman, boatswain, skipper. Students are prepared to perform ship work, steer a ship on a given course, moor a ship, etc.

Speci alty with budget and paid places
There is also a direction in the college of water transport of Rostov-on-Don, in which, in addition to the budget, there are paid places. It's about "guiding". The group of students is formed from applicants with basic general education (after 9 classes). In this speci alty, technicians-navigators are trained. During the training, students receive professional competencies in the management and operation of the vessel, ensuring navigation safety, handling and placement of cargo.
College invites graduates to study "navigation" 11classes. However, they do not provide full-time education. They can receive education only at the correspondence department of the secondary school. Budget places are provided.

What is important for applicants to know
Students of the Rostov-on-Don Water Transport College are called not just students, but cadets. There is a document in the college that obliges them to wear uniforms. It defines the cadets' affiliation to the sea and river fleet, is mandatory to wear every day in college and to participate in various events organized outside the educational institution.
The form has several types:
- Summer on weekdays, students wear a black cap, white shirt with short sleeves and epaulettes, black trousers/skirt, black shoes.
- The dress summer uniform differs only in two things. It includes a white long sleeve shirt with epaulettes and a black tie.
- Winter casual uniform includes black cap, navy blue sweater with shoulder straps, white shirt, black tie, black trousers/skirt, black shoes.
- Ceremonial winter uniform consists of a black cap, black jacket with shoulder straps, long sleeve shirt, black trousers/skirt, black tie and shoes.

Reviews about the educational institution
Students leave positive feedback about the College of Water Transport. Learning is interesting. The first year of study is easy. It is considered common. On thesubsequent courses may be difficult. These years are considered special.
Those people who previously studied at this educational institution also leave positive feedback, because quality education is provided here. Particular attention is paid to obtaining practical knowledge. The college has established links with various water transport enterprises. In them, cadets undergo practical training with the possibility of subsequent employment. The college also cooperates with some higher educational institutions - with the Don State Technical University and the Institute of Water Transport. G. Ya. Sedova. Established connections allow college graduates to continue their education in universities.

The College of Water Transport is an educational institution that continues to develop today. It strengthens the material and technical base, holds events of various directions and levels. Every year it becomes more and more interesting and prestigious to study here.