In the article, let's talk about the meaning of the word "sizma". Many misunderstand what such a figure of speech means, but we will try to explain the meaning of the word in an understandable language. We are sure that you have heard it more than once, even if you do not fully understand the meaning of the term.
What's the word?
The word "syzmala" is used quite rarely in the speech of a modern person, so many do not understand what it means when they encounter it during communication. In fact, you can unravel the meaning without even opening an explanatory dictionary. You just need to strain your imagination and find the most realistic option. It is easier to understand the meaning of a word when viewed in the context of a particular sentence.

So, since childhood, it means from the earliest years, from childhood. That is, when we hear such an expression or read it, it is necessary to understand what is meant. It is often said that a person from childhood is addicted to certain habits. Perhaps, since childhood, you have learned to be independent and steadfastly solve all problems. This means that such qualities are inherent in you from an early age.the age when you were just a child.
When used?
As we said above, syzmala is a term that is rarely found in modern speech. You can hear it from older people, because for them this word is known and understandable. It is also often used in literature, so it is not surprising that you could hear it many times without fully understanding the meaning and meaning.

There are several synonyms for this word that it makes sense to list. Therefore, consider them: from the cradle, from infancy, from an early age, from childhood, from childhood, from childhood, from youth, from the cradle.
Let's consider a few sentences with this word:
- Ivan learned to spread jam on bread thickly, plentifully.
- Basically, children learn from an early age to respect the people around them. If this was not instilled in childhood, then in the future you will have to cultivate respect in yourself on your own.
Now you know where to use this word!