Some of the words of the Russian language exist only in colloquial form. Their very sound sets up an informal mood, excludes even the thought of being placed in official documents. But at the same time, the terms remain sonorous and ambiguous, not everyone can say with accuracy: what is a flyer? Despite the obvious associations, a thorough analysis of the concept, its origin and interpretations is necessary.
On the wings of the wind
Linguists, when studying etymology, trace the ascent to the adjective "flying". Actual values are called:
- air;
- mobile;
- short-term;
- easy.
The speaker implies the momentary nature of a phenomenon or object, and in some cases denotes the actual properties, the ability to move through the air.
In a biology textbook
Dictionaries offer five interpretations of the definition under study. But only one meaning of the word "letuchka" can be used in a scientific discussion. If the discussion touches on botanical issues, points to plant parts:
- seeds;
- fruits.
The term is used when the same seeds have wing-shaped outgrowths that can be dispersed with the wind.

In everyday communication
Much more often, contemporaries resort to colloquial decoding options. Among them are both familiar to every office manager and those left in the past:
- one-off meeting to review and/or make urgent decisions;
- information sheet with an important message;
- mobile point for any assistance;
- flying mail.
When there was no air communication, the military often organized the delivery of reports and orders with pigeons. Messages literally rushed through the air at the speed of a feathered messenger. Naturally, in the conditions of the 21st century, this format turned out to be outdated. But in large commercial and government organizations, flying is part of the workflow. Meetings of management staff, teachers. Sometimes they mean intermediate surveys of students to identify gaps in knowledge before upcoming exams.
Leaflets due to the abundance of borrowings are now known under their English-language synonym. They are called flyers, and are used as an advertising distribution. But ambulances or military mobile workshops still enjoy respect and a colorful definition.

In the speech of the older and younger generations
The concept just seems informal. But it is present in various areas of life,and remains relevant for both the older generation and the youth. Be sure to include in the lexicon, and you will easily find a common language with schoolchildren, doctors, and the military. And then make a discovery in the study of flora!