Competence-based approach in education - features, problems and interesting facts

Competence-based approach in education - features, problems and interesting facts
Competence-based approach in education - features, problems and interesting facts

Competency-based approach in education involves the use of certain methods and pedagogical approaches. The term began to be used only after a significant modernization of domestic science. At present, serious scientific, methodological and theoretical works have appeared that analyze the problems of the formation of key competencies. For example, A. V. Khutorsky’s monograph “Didactic Eureka”, as well as the author’s methodology by L. F. Ivanova, aimed at modernizing education in primary, secondary, and high schools, can be considered as such a manual.

How to teach children?
How to teach children?

Distinguishing Features

Competency-based approach in education is a set of principles for defining goals, selecting content, organizing the educational process, and evaluating universal results. Among them are:

  • development in schoolchildren of an independent solution to the problem posed in different areas and activities based on the use of their own social experience;
  • adaptation of the didactic and social experience of the solutionworldview, political, moral, cognitive problems.

The competence-based approach in education involves the assessment of educational skills by analyzing the level of education achieved by students at a particular stage of education.

The problem of the competence approach
The problem of the competence approach

Innovation in education

To consider this approach, it is important to touch upon issues related to the modernization of Russian education.

The problem of a competency-based approach in education was considered in the 20th century, but this innovative concept came into practice only in the 21st century.

Due to the accelerated pace of development of society, kindergartens and schools were forced to change the specifics of their activities.

Mobility, constructiveness, dynamism began to be developed in educational institutions in the younger generation of Russians.

The structure of the work of schools and preschool educational institutions has changed significantly after the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

How to find an approach to a child?
How to find an approach to a child?

Specific labor market

The competence-based approach in education appeared after a detailed study of the situation that has developed in the modern market in relation to the employee.

The concept of a "good employee" includes not only professional training, but also the ability to make independent decisions, initiative.

An employee must have psychological stability, readiness for stress, overload, the ability to get out of difficult life situations.

The Purpose of Innovation

In order to meet the demands of society,preparation for full-fledged socialization should begin with a preschool institution, continue at school at all levels of education.

Such a process should not be limited to children learning the right amount of political and economic concepts.

The purpose of the competency-based approach in preschool education is to develop skills for the effective use of skills, mobility in modern realities.

Recently, among the changes that have had an impact on schools, let's single out informatization.

The implementation of a competency-based approach in education involves the creation of certain conditions for unhindered access to information. This leads to the loss of the school's position as a monopoly in the field of educational knowledge.

With unlimited access to various information, the winners will be those guys who can find the required information in the shortest possible time, apply it to solve the task assigned to them.

The school has always tried to respond to the changes that are taking place in society. Such a reaction was expressed in making changes to the curriculum, in improving the curriculum.

For example, the program included industrial practice, the course "Ethics and psychology of family life", initial military training, an additional hour of physical education, computer science, life safety. Such an approach is aimed at an extensive path of development of an educational institution, which is a dead end, since the time resources allocated for training sessions are very limited.

Can't reach neweducational results that meet the needs of the development of society, only increasing the amount of knowledge, changing the content of individual subjects.

To achieve the desired results, it is important to find a different way - to change the nature of relationships and connections between different academic disciplines.

Competence-based approach in modern education
Competence-based approach in modern education

Distinguishing Features

Competency-based approach in modern education is a way of focusing on the ability to apply acquired knowledge. The goals of education are described in special terms that reflect new opportunities for students, reflect their personal growth. Formed key competencies are considered as the “end results” of education.

Meaning of term

Translated from Latin, “competence” means a range of issues in which a person has certain experience, knowledge.

Competence-based approach in education is the ability of a person to act clearly and quickly in an uncertain situation. Let's highlight its main characteristics:

  • field of activity;
  • degree of uncertainty of the situation;
  • option for choosing the mode of action;
  • justification of the method taken.

The level of education can be judged by the field of activity, the number of situations in which the student will have the opportunity to show their independence.

Goals of the competency-based approach in education
Goals of the competency-based approach in education

Key competencies

The goal of the school was to form keycompetencies that will allow the student to respond to the slightest changes taking place in the modern world. Here are some of them:

  • we are talking about the ability to act effectively not only in education, but also in other areas of activity;
  • behaving in situations where independence is needed;
  • solving issues that are relevant for schoolchildren.

Competency-based approach in higher education makes it possible to harmonize the expectations of learners and teachers. Defining learning goals from the standpoint of this method involves a description of such opportunities, thanks to which the children master the skills in the framework of educational activities.

Pedagogical task

Competence-based approach as the basis of education is a way of highlighting the purpose of cognitive activity. It allows the teacher to choose the necessary sources of information, determine ways to achieve the goal, evaluate the results, organize their activities, cooperate with other students.

The goals of the competency-based approach in education fully meet the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards. He managed to show his effectiveness and efficiency at different levels of training.

Objectives of the approach

Modernization of Russian science has set new tasks for teachers, which can be solved using the competence-based approach. In vocational education, the ideas of this approach contribute to the successful solution of the following tasks:

  • consider cognitive problems;
  • orient the growinggeneration in the main problems of modern life: political, environmental, analytical;
  • navigate the world of spiritual values;
  • solve problems related to the implementation of social roles: consumer, citizen, organizer, voter;
  • develop communication skills.

Key competencies are universal activities, the development of which gives a person the opportunity to perceive the situation and achieve specific results in professional and personal life within a particular society.

Professional ideas of teachers
Professional ideas of teachers

Preschool education

The main goal of the competence-based approach in preschool education is to instill in children the initial communication skills. The end result of such developmental activities will be not only the ability to solve standard problems, act according to a certain algorithm, but also the mastery of key competencies.

The goal of a competency-based approach in preschool education is to develop a creative, active personality capable of making serious and timely decisions.

Among the features of the modern education system, we highlight:

  • openness, ability for quantitative and qualitative enrichment and transformation;
  • formation of variable forms of preschool education as a condition for increasing accessibility and quality;
  • preference is given to individual work and group work;
  • the relationship between children and teachers is partnership,the teacher takes into account the age and individual characteristics of the kids;
  • application of modern information and computer technologies as a means of modernizing the development process.

To work with parents, the teacher uses various forms of work: seminars, conferences, interest clubs. For wide communication of children with peers and adults in preschool education, a new educational paradigm has emerged.

The relevance of this approach in the formation of key competencies in preschool children is not only in the assimilation of certain skills, abilities, knowledge, but also in their personal development.

The new generation GEF provides for five different educational development areas:

  • verbal;
  • cognitive;
  • social-communicative;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical.

For preschool children to acquire the necessary competencies, teachers must systematically improve their professional training:

  • attend various trainings;
  • carry out methodical activities;
  • take an active part in seminars, master classes;
  • take computer literacy courses.

The competency-based approach in vocational education helps preschool educational institutions to fully fulfill the social order, educate key competencies, and monitor the dynamics of the child's development.

Research suggests that teachers who use the competency-based approach in their professional activitiesmore successful, achieve high results.

Pedagogical goals are influenced by various factors: didactic and methodological materials, the system of certification of teachers and students; teacher qualifications.

In addition to the educational task, a developmental and educational function is put forward as the general goals that are set in the educational field.

The educational field includes not only the direct educational process, but also additional (extracurricular) education aimed at introducing theoretical skills into practice.

There are several main components in the structure of the objectives of the subject:

  • learning knowledge;
  • development of skills and abilities;
  • building relationships;
  • development of creative abilities of students.

This structure fully complies with the new federal educational standards.

From the point of view of the competency-based approach, to determine the goals of a subject, you first need to select its content, find out what a particular academic subject is for, and only after that proceed with the selection of content, upon mastering which you can count on obtaining the desired result.

The first group of goals of any object is the goals that determine the direction of movement. They are associated with the formation of value orientations, worldview attitudes, the formation of needs, the development of interests. The student gets the opportunity to build for himself his own educational trajectory, to engage inself-education.

The second group of goals is related to education outside the classroom, the following groups are assumed:

  • model metasubject results (formation of communicative, general educational skills and competencies);
  • goals identified within the subject;
  • focus on the professional orientation of schoolchildren;
  • contribute to the formation of general cultural competence of students.
The importance of a competent approach
The importance of a competent approach


Any educational program of the school cannot focus only on programs in specific academic disciplines. Within the competence-based approach, a complex structure is used, which includes not only curricula, but also serious extracurricular activities. Elective and optional courses are created in each educational institution, taking into account the interests of schoolchildren and their parents.

Such an approach to understanding the essence of the educational program contributed to the emergence of comprehensive programs designed for the harmonious development of the individual.

Special over-subject programs that focus on achieving other educational results. They are designed not only for the stage of preschool or school education. The essence of the approach used in their development is that each program allows solving urgent problems, forming key educational competencies in schoolchildren and preschoolers.

The programs indicate the key competencies for which they are designed, subjects, types of practical andcognitive activity.

According to such programs, the teacher works in the classroom, outside of school hours, achieves the desired meta-subject result.

Their content should meet the needs of the children, satisfy the needs of the parents. The development of such subject programs is one of the priority areas of innovative activity of educational institutions, since the content of such programs takes into account the specifics of a particular school: the composition of students, the social environment, and the potential of teachers.

Within the framework of the new federal educational standards, it is the competency-based approach that has become an excellent way to form a creative personality with an active citizenship.

In a preschool institution, educators, within the framework of a competency-based approach, develop plot and role-playing games for children, offer them a variety of activities that contribute to the formation of key competencies. Such activities comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. A competency-based approach in education is a variant of the formation of a citizen and a patriot.
