Particles: examples, functions, basic meanings, spelling

Particles: examples, functions, basic meanings, spelling
Particles: examples, functions, basic meanings, spelling

Particles should be distinguished among the service parts of speech. Examples of them in Russian are quite numerous. The difficulty lies in the fact that they can perform several functions, and particles often turn into independent parts of speech. Let's analyze how these particles are represented in Russian, examples will help with this.


What is a particle? This is a special service part of speech, which is designed to convey additional semantic or emotional shades both to the entire sentence as a whole and to a specific word. They also have another important function: they participate in the formation of word forms.

particles examples
particles examples

Let's analyze two sentences in which particles are used. Examples are as follows:

  • Only she can help me do this hard work.
  • Let them finish this task as soon as possible and move on to the next one.

If in the first sentence the particle only strengthens the pronoun she, gives the word the meaning of emphasis, exclusivity, thenin the second, let the particle perform a completely different function - it participates in the formation of the imperative mood: let them finish, let them pass.

Syntactic role

Like other functional words (prepositions and conjunctions), particles do not carry a syntactic load, it is a mistake to single them out as a member of a sentence. The only exception is their formative role. In this case, the particle is indicated with the member of the sentence to which it adjoins.

  • Didn't we meet yesterday on the bus? (The complement not with you includes the particle not.)
  • Let the lights sparkle brighter. (The predicate in the imperative let them sparkle includes the particle let.)
particles in Russian examples
particles in Russian examples

Comparable to sentences with non-formative particles. Examples:

  • Do you have to be on duty in the class today? (Doesn't the interrogative particle carry a syntactic load.)
  • How beautiful the sea is at dawn! (The exclamatory particle is not a member of the sentence.)

Main Functions

Let's figure out what forms this part of speech (particle) is used in. Examples will help with this.

  1. The imperative mood of the verb. These are particles: let (let), come on, yes. (Let's quickly get down to your duties. Let the celebration begin!)
  2. The conditional mood of the verb. The particle would be used here (b). (If only I could bring everything back. If you had come to me, we would have done it much faster.)
  3. To form the degree of comparison of a nameadjective or adverb, particles are also used. Examples: taller, less deep, most beautiful; more interesting, less wide.
  4. A number of linguists single out some particles in the Russian language (we will give examples of them in this paragraph) as participating in the formation of indefinite pronouns: that, or, something, something (someone, somewhere, someone, some- then). However, classical science still distinguishes them as suffixes and prefixes (some-).

Transmitted values

Modal particles are much more varied. Examples will help prove that these function words can convey various emotional and semantic shades.

particles no examples
particles no examples

There are several groups of such particles:

  1. Interrogative. Really, does, whether (l) point to the question. (Is it really that hard to complete a simple errand? Did I say I'd come after dinner? Were you behind that tree?)
  2. Exclamation points. Like what they say about admiration or indignation. (How wonderful it is to come home after a day's work! What a beautiful morning! What a naughty child! How can you cook soup so badly!)
  3. Indicative. Here, won are used when it is necessary to draw the attention of the listener to a particular subject. (Here is the house. It is over a thousand years old. Look, there is a wedge of cranes.)
  4. Amplifying: even, after all, after all, the same, then. They are used to emotionally reinforce a particular word. (Even a small child knows to wash their hands after the street. After all, I warned thathere you can go wrong. Still, you are an irreparable romantic. Anya went into the forest through the thicket. Should I not know how hard it is to study and work!)
  5. Clarifying: exactly, exactly, just - used to refer to specific objects and phenomena. (It was exactly the dress that was hanging in the window yesterday. That is what I am trying to convey to you. This is exactly what Pavel should know.)
  6. Conveying doubt: hardly, hardly. (There is hardly anyone who can help us. He is unlikely to cope with such a difficult test.)
  7. Negative particles: no, no. Examples of their use will be discussed in more detail below. Here we just say that they convey negation in different ways.

Negation with not and neither

Most of all difficulties are caused by negative particles. The difficulty lies in the fact that they are used in various speech situations. So, the particle is not used when it is necessary to convey the negation of the sentence as a whole. (Don't talk to me like that! I can't help but go to this meeting.)

Another thing is the particle neither. It is designed to reinforce an already existing denial. In other words, it is always used in conjunction with not, giving it additional meaning. By the way, instead of a particle there cannot be an equal word no. (There is not a cloud or a cloud in the sky. I will not go to the store or visit - I want to stay at home.) The word no, which is a predicate, can be omitted, it can be easily restored from context. (There is not a soul in the house. Compare: There is not a soul in the house.)

part of speech particle examples
part of speech particle examples

A particle can also take on an amplifying value. (Everywhere I look, the first sun rejoices everywhere.) In such cases, the function word is used in subordinate clauses along with relative pronouns, for example, who, what, where, where.

Spelling neither and neither

When to write not, but when not ? The answer is simple: try to “throw out” the controversial particle from the sentence. If the meaning does not change - you need to use neither, otherwise - not. (No matter what book I read, everywhere I meet characters who are similar to my loved ones.) If you remove the particle, the meaning of the sentence will remain the same, it will not suffer grammatically.

modal particles examples
modal particles examples

(Those who did not prepare for exams passed them very badly.) If you remove the particle, the meaning of the sentence will change to the opposite. You must not use.

It should also be remembered that in exclamatory sentences, together with the particle, only not is always written. (Where he just did not look for the loss - everything is useless!)
