Scenario Shrovetide at school with contests

Scenario Shrovetide at school with contests
Scenario Shrovetide at school with contests

Modernity requires innovative approaches from teachers not only in teaching but also in extracurricular activities.

The special program of educational work of the school, created for the academic year, includes a lot of activities related to various holidays. We bring to your attention the scenario of Maslenitsa at school. You can hold such an event in the classroom, between classes.

Scenario "Wide Maslenitsa"

This holiday is dedicated to seeing off the Russian winter. The class teacher can lead the event. In addition to the thematic holiday, an original game program and a joint tea party are expected.

What is the purpose of the holiday "Shrovetide at school"? The scenario on the street is aimed at familiarizing children with national Russian traditions.

The estimated age of participants in this event is 8-12 years old.

How to start the holiday "Shrovetide at school"? The scenario on the street involves a serious preparatory period.

The teacher selects a playground, thinks over the design, stocks up on equipment: a rope, balls, a scarf, delicious pancakes.

The script for celebrating Shrovetide at school involves several characters: Petrushka, Sunshine.

meeting of spring
meeting of spring

The facilitator might say the following:

"Dear guests, we invite you to Russian fun, cheerful, provocative. Maslenitsa is a real Russian holiday, the time of seeing off winter, meeting spring."

In ancient customs, the Russian people often turned to the Sun. It was a welcome friend and helper. To bring spring closer, people tried to draw circles:

  • Baked pancakes.
  • They danced round dances.

The host invites the guys to call the Sun to bring spring closer.


spring gatherings
spring gatherings

In the scenario of a fun Maslenitsa at school, you can include interesting questions that will become a “warm-up”:

  1. Looked - cried. But there is nothing more beautiful than him. (Sun)
  2. What burns without fire? (Sun)
  3. It gets up early, shines brightly, but warms hot. (Sun)
  4. One big fire warms the whole Earth. (Sun)
  5. The doctor is rarely needed by those who are always friends with him. (Sun)

The scenario of Maslenitsa at the school continues with the appearance of the Sun on the holiday. It looks sadly at the guys, wondering who and why called him. The sun refuses to warm the earth, wants the cold winter to continue.


-Sunny, after all, the guys and I didn’t just call you like that, there will be no time for you to be sad. Today we have a fun holiday, which is called Maslenitsa.


-With songs,outdoor games, funny contests?


-Of course!

The scenario of Maslenitsa at school can include the appearance of Petrushka. His words might be:

Hello everyone, here I am! Is it possible to have fun without Petrushka? I was a ringleader in Russia on all holidays. I arranged many different games for Maslenitsa. During bright masquerades, I sang, danced, sculpted from various sculptures of snow, competitions arranged, which were called merrymaking. Colorful fisticuffs were organized on Maslenitsa, so that the good fellows could measure their heroic strength. And none of you wants to measure strength, to amuse the sad Sun? Are there any Russian heroes among you?

spring holidays
spring holidays

Cockfight game

In the script for the celebration of Maslenitsa at school, you can include the original competition. A circle with a diameter of one meter is drawn on the ground. The guys are divided into two teams, one participant is chosen from each, his hands are tied behind his back. The playing "cockerel" must, jumping on one leg, knock out his opponent from the circle.

Tug of War Game

outdoor games
outdoor games

The scenario of Maslenitsa at school can include such fun. A bright ribbon is tied in the center of the rope. The border is drawn on the ground. Teams from different sides grab the rope, at the command of Petrushka they begin to pull it. The condition of the game is the constant location of the ribbon above the line. The team that manages to pull the rope so that the tape is on its half wins. Dialogues of the main charactersholidays continue.


-Sunny, I see you are more fun now. Did our daredevils amuse you?


-One of the indispensable traditions of Maslenitsa is the capture of the Snow City. A wall was built from the snow, the players were divided into two teams: horse and foot. Some guarded the snowy town, while others tried to take it by storm. I suggest that we also try to drive away winter, call spring.

Snow City Contest

A fun competition can be included in the scenario of Shrovetide at school. Teams are located opposite each other. For the assault, the guys make snowballs. Then the participants in the "battle" take turns throwing them at each other, pronouncing the name of the cities. The team that cannot come up with the name of the city loses in the competition.

In the scenario of the holiday "Shrovetide at school" you can include such a game indoors, replacing real snowballs with tennis balls. We listen to further dialogues of the heroes.


-Why don't guys dance?


-The sun is red, now we'll fix everything. Come on, boys and girls, join the round dance!

Petrushka gathers a big round dance of children, teachers, parents.

Game "Governor"

An unusual competition can be included in the scenario of Shrovetide at school. The guys stand in a circle, pass the ball. The person who holds the ball on the word “voivode” runs out of the circle, runs behind the guys, puts the ball on the floor between two of them. Then the guys scatter in different directions, run around the circle. The rest of the players clappalms. The one who gets to the ball first wins. He is “appointed as governor”, the fun competition continues.

joy of communication
joy of communication

Whisper game

You can include such an interesting game in the Shrovetide script for elementary school children. The guys join hands and form a circle. The driver is blindfolded with a handkerchief. He has a wand in his hands. He moves in a circle, touches one of the players with a stick, asks to say “at least a word” to him. His answer should be pronounced in a whisper, by which the driver determines who is in front of him. If he manages to guess, the guys switch roles. In case of a mistake, everyone clap their hands together, and the one who did not guess is penalized with a song, a poem.

You can finish the Shrovetide scenario for elementary school children with tea and pancakes prepared by the girls with their mothers.

Second version of the celebration in elementary school

It involves several components:

  • Performance.
  • Indoor outdoor games.
  • Fun and outdoor activities.

In the scenario of the holiday "Maslenitsa in elementary school", the teacher includes the acquaintance of the younger generation with Russian folk traditions. The main task of the teacher is to familiarize children with the spiritual values of their ancestors.

The scenario of the holiday "Shrovetide in elementary school" has the following tasks:

  • Comprehension of the traditions of the Russian people.
  • Inviting the younger generation to celebrate Maslenitsa.
  • Enriching the vocabulary of younger students.
  • Informing about the habits of animals in winter and spring.
  • Expanding knowledge of folk etiquette.

Development tasks:

  • Development of attention.
  • Formation of a sense of rhythm and beat.
  • Agility adjustment.
  • Formation of logical thinking.

The Shrovetide scenario at school with contests is a great way to educate the younger generation of patriotism based on respect for the customs of their ancestors.

During the holiday, the guys get the skills of communicative communication, tolerance.

we meet spring
we meet spring

Progress of the event

In the scenario of Maslenitsa at school with competitions, you can include: buffoons, Vesna, Baba Yaga, an accordion bear.

The event will require certain props:

  • Ropes.
  • Scarecrow of Maslenitsa.
  • Hoops, balls, fabric snowballs.
  • Spoons, tambourine.

Buffoons appear to Russian folk music.

Turning to the guys, they talk about the fact that Maslenitsa is a bright farewell to winter, a meeting of spring warmth, renewal of nature. Ancestors believed that it was important to drive away Winter, to help Spring come to people. To "delight" the young beauty, people "buttered" her with delicious and sweet pancakes.

The scenario of the Maslenitsa holiday at school can be continued with the performance of the bear. He will play the harmonica and amuse the guests.

Buffoons tell the guys that the festivities continue for a whole week, and each day has its own original name.

Bthe scenario of Maslenitsa in elementary school can include separate fragments of how the holidays once passed, introducing the children to the features of each day.

The first day was called "The Meeting". Everyone was preparing for the holiday, baking pancakes. Further, in the scenario of Shrovetide in elementary school, you can include the inviting of the main character of the holiday - Shrovetide.

The guys, together with the buffoons, repeat in chorus:

"Dear guest Maslenitsa, Izotyevna, Avdotyushka, Dunya ruddy, Dunya white, Scarlet ribbon, Long braid, White scarf, Frequent bast shoes, Blue fur coat. Come, Maslenitsa, to our wide yard!".

A scarecrow is brought in, it is carried around the hall.

Shrovetide continues at school. The scenario of the holiday with games can be diversified by the fun "Tambourine".

Guys line up in a circle. One of the players is given a tambourine. It is passed to the music, as soon as it subsides, the one who has this musical instrument left “treats” the neighbors: sings or dances.

The second day is called "The Play". It is with him that a long pancake epic begins for the female half of the population. Delicious pancakes should be ready by morning.

how to celebrate spring festival
how to celebrate spring festival

Egg Relay Game

An unusual and exciting competition can be included in the scenario of Carnival in an elementary school with games. The girls are divided into two teams. They must alternately run through the hall with a spoon on which the ping-pong ball lies without dropping it. The team that made no mistakes and reached the finish line first wins.

Third Pancake daycalled "Gourmet". It was on Wednesday that the son-in-law went to his mother-in-law for delicious and hearty pancakes. It's time for the boys to show their strength and Russian prowess.

Choose two guys, they stand in a circle of rope, hold their left leg with their left hand, place their right hand on their belt. You need to try to push the opponent out of the circle with your stomach. The winner is the one who does not fall, remains inside the circle.

The buffoon grabs the bag, and Baba Yaga climbs in (her role can be played by a teacher or one of the parents of schoolchildren).

Baba Yaga:

-A low bow to everyone, greetings from Leshy. My name is Vesnyanka, I brought you good news about the coming warmth. Here is my passport. It says: "Appointed for a year in Spring." And there is even a signature - "Kashchei the Immortal".

Children, together with buffoons, chase Baba Yaga away, Maslenitsa continues at school. The scenario of the holiday with games involves many more interesting tasks and competitions.

The fourth day was called "Let's walk around". He was considered the most cheerful and noisy. In the morning, people rode horses through the villages and villages, planted a stuffed Maslenitsa in them.

Horse Game

The guys are divided into two teams. The first players take the rope in their hands, run around the hall, return, pick up the second person from the team, make a circle with him, return for the third person. The game continues until all the guys take the rope, that is, they are in the same “harness”.

Victory is awarded to the team that reaches the finish line faster, while not losing a single player along the way.

Fifththe day was called "Teschiny parties". Mother-in-law came to visit a young family, tried pancakes. On this day, a wheel decorated with ribbons was rolled along the street, which was considered a symbol of the sun. For whom it rolled the farthest, that family was waiting for a satisfying, fruitful year.

Roll the hoop game

Schoolchildren rolling a hoop together. The longer they manage to do this, the closer they are to victory.

The sixth day was called "Sister-in-law gatherings". The young wife received her husband's sister that day. In addition, on this day they had fun, played snowballs.

Seventh day - "Forgiveness Sunday". He was called that because people forgave each other's offenses. In the evening, everyone saw off Maslenitsa, they took it out of the outskirts, and then set it on fire.


-Guys, we learned a lot of interesting and new things about the traditions and customs of the Russian people, we were able to drive away the evil Baba Yaga, who did not want to let Spring come to us.

The guys unanimously call Spring, who appears with delicious pies, treats them to all participants of the holiday.

Since it is difficult to imagine the celebration of Maslenitsa without pancakes, in addition to pies, it is quite possible to cook delicious pancakes as a treat.

It will be interesting to arrange a tasting of culinary masterpieces between classes, to announce a competition for the thinnest, delicious, ruddy, unusual pancake.

Another holiday option

In the third grade, you can offer the guys an unusual version of the celebration of Maslenitsa. Its purpose is not only to get acquainted with the traditions of the people, but also to enrich the vocabulary of students, teaching the rules of thisRussian hospitality, fostering respect for the older generation.

Fifth-graders can act as the leaders of the holiday. They urge everyone to have fun, enjoy the warm, sunny days.

The guys tell the guests that Maslenitsa was one of the most favorite holidays in Russia. They always waited for this "beauty" with impatience, they called her "lady", "boyar". They talked to her as if to a living person, considered her a “dear guest”, waited in every hut.

In many parts of Russia, a scarecrow was made of straw, but there was no face on it, so as not to endow the doll with a soul. We went with Maslenitsa all over the village, praising her, rejoicing at the arrival of spring.

Then the guys remind that the holiday could not do without pancakes. They were considered a symbol of the Sun, nascent life. To feel a real holiday, the presenters invite all participants to play the Russian game "Boyars".

A flat area is chosen, the students are divided into two teams. They line up about 10-15 meters apart.

The first team is sent forward with the following words: "Boyars, and we have come to you!". Then they come back, saying at the same time: "Dear, we have come to you!".

The second team makes the same movements with the words: "Boyars, why did you come? Dear, why did you come to us?".

A dialogue appears between them:

-Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.

-Boyars, how sweet are you? Dear ones, how cute are you?

After the meeting, the teamchooses someone:

-Boyars, this one is sweet to us (they point to the one they chose). Dear us, this one is sweet.

The player who was chosen turns in the opposite direction to all the other guys.

The dialogue continues:

-Boyars, she is a fool with us. Darlings, she is a fool with us.

-Boyars, and we are her whip. Dear ones, and we are her whip.

-Boyars, she is afraid of whips. Darlings, she is afraid of whips.

-Boyars, and we will give her a gingerbread. Dear, and we will give her a gingerbread.

-Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.

-Boyars, and we will show it to the doctor. Dear ones, we will show her to the doctor.

The first team ends the game with the words: "Boyars, don't play the fool, give us the bride forever!".

The student who was chosen as the bride scatters, breaks the chain of the opposite team.

If he succeeds, then he returns to the team. The team that retains the most players wins.

In conclusion

Extracurricular activities are of great importance precisely in primary school age. When planning extracurricular activities at the level of an educational institution, teachers try to select such forms of organization of competitions and holidays so that children develop a cognitive interest in studying the culture and history of their people. One of the options for the formation of patriotism in the younger generation, the formation of a sense of pride in their country, is the Spring Festival. Shrovetide scenario at school (indoorsor on the street) can be compiled both for one class and for a parallel. In addition to schoolchildren, the teacher also involves parents in organizing and conducting it. Joint activities contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding between children and parents, which positively affects the psychological state of students.
