Events for National Unity Day at school: description, scenario and plan

Events for National Unity Day at school: description, scenario and plan
Events for National Unity Day at school: description, scenario and plan

In any multinational country, schools need to pay special attention to the topic of friendship between peoples. And on the eve of the May 1 holiday, teachers are faced with the task of drawing up an action plan for the day of national unity at school. Carrying out such educational work helps to strengthen good relations between different nationalities in the country. However, it is impossible to take up any educational work without setting the right goals and objectives for yourself.

This scenario of the national unity event at the school is designed for students in grades 3-4.

The purpose of the event: the education of tolerance, civic patriotism and love for the motherland.


  • Develop an action plan for National Unity Day at school.
  • Prepare creative numbers in the form of poems, songs, dances.
  • Choose effective techniques and methods for educationtolerance in children.

Introductory part

Teacher: Hello, dear children! I am glad to welcome you to our lesson on this wonderful day. Today we celebrate the holiday of warmth and friendship - the Day of Unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Why do you think we need this holiday? (Children's answers.)

In front of each child is an image that is associated with some people (Kazakhs - dombra, Russians - matryoshka, Ukrainians - a women's headdress with ribbons, Chinese - a fan decorated with hieroglyphs and others).

Remember that this event is National Unity Day in elementary school, so try to take items that really evoke associations with the people in primary school children.

Teacher: You need to write on the picture everything you know about the people you got.

As a rule, it is difficult for students to cope with such a task, but this will help set the goal of studying the traditions and customs of all living peoples.

Student 1: Different peoples live in the country, But we are one family, So friendly, beautiful, You and I live here.

Let's love each other!

Support in case of trouble, And in the cold, cold, rain and blizzard

Stay together forever!

About the holiday

Student 2: There are about 130 different nationalities in our country. It is important and necessary to respect the traditions of each of these peoples. In 1995, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, signed a decree and declared May 1 the Day ofUnity of the peoples of the country.

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev
Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev

Since then, every year in all cities of our country, events are held with dances, songs, fun games, various ethno-cultural exhibitions are organized. Kazakhstan united millions of different people on its land. This day is also celebrated in the schools of our state, because we are the future of our country, and like no one else we must understand the importance of maintaining friendship between peoples.

When planning activities for National Unity Day at school, pay attention to patriotism, expanding knowledge about your native country (anthem performance, presentation about national symbols, quizzes, reports, etc.).


Teacher: Now we will have a quiz and check how well you know Kazakhstan. For each correct answer, a letter of the secret word will be revealed on the board, which we will talk about later.

Student 3:

- How do Kazakhs call the competition of poets? (aitys)

- When is Independence Day celebrated in the country? (December 16)

- How many nationalities live in Kazakhstan? (about 130)

- What is the state language in the country? (Kazakh)

- National drink of the Kazakhs. (koumiss)

- When is the day of languages held in the country? (September 22)

- What is the language of interethnic communication in Kazakhstan? (Russian)

- What are the names of the Kazakh heroes? (batyr)

- What is the name of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (Nursultan Nazarbayev)

- What is the name of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan?(tenge)

- What is the name of the main law of the Republic of Kazakhstan? (constitution)

- Which city is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

- What is the name of the national dwelling of the Kazakhs? (yurt)

Teacher: We got the word tolerance. Raise your hands those who have ever heard this word, and then those who know its meaning.

Tolerance is tolerance for a different way of life, behavior and outlook on the world. In our case, this word means respect for the traditions and customs of another people, completely different from yours.

You can't be angry at a person because his opinion, style of dress and appearance do not match yours. Such people will never command respect, they can rightfully be called ill-mannered and evil.

There is nothing more important than the friendship of peoples
There is nothing more important than the friendship of peoples

Let's make a promise of tolerance. For each of my statements, you answer with the word "promise".

- Always respect the traditions and customs of any nation.

- Never make fun of the idiosyncrasies of another person or family.

- Always help a comrade in need, regardless of his background

- To do everything in my power for the prosperity of the friendship of peoples in our country.

When planning a unity day event in elementary school, it is important to adapt the definition of complex words in simple children's language, otherwise children may simply not understand their meaning, and the lesson will not bring the desired result.

Dance of Friendship

Teacher: Not a single nationality can do without its holidays, songs, dances of its specialstyle. Our girls have prepared for you the dance "Friendship of Peoples". Let's try to learn the movements of different nationalities together with them. Greet them with thunderous applause!

fragment of the performance of the dancers
fragment of the performance of the dancers

Girls in different national costumes perform a dance to the cutting of melodies, and the students repeat the movements after them.

Group work

Teacher: Now I suggest you do the work in groups. The essence of the task: to talk in a group and identify how the younger generation of the country can influence the development of friendly relations between people in the country, and then arrange their arguments in the form of a cluster or a poster on a poster. Remember that in a group it is important to work together, accepting everyone's opinion.

group work
group work

Students work on the assignment for 10 minutes, after which the team speakers defend the work. The important factor is not to give the children templates, to let them design as they see.


Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson, you wrote in pictures the knowledge about the peoples of the country that each of you has. We dedicate the next week to the friendship of peoples. I give you all the following task: to prepare a message about the traditions and distinctive features of the nationality that you have inherited. Try to choose only the most useful and interesting, using a variety of images. So we can extend our National Unity Day event at the school for a while longer.

Throughout the next week, the guys make presentations (3-4person per day) for 5 minutes at the time of any lesson, whether it be mathematics, literary reading or labor training. However, the teacher will be faced with the task of planning the lesson in such a way that it is possible to smoothly move on to the topic of the child's speech. Therefore, students approach the teacher for advice the day before the scheduled performance.

Summing up

Teacher: Our School National Unity Day event is coming to an end. But there are still a couple of important points left.

Tell me which bird is the symbol of peace? Take white doves on your desk, write your wishes for the future of the country, relatives, friends and attach to the balloon.

The dove is a symbol of peace
The dove is a symbol of peace

Students write, tie to a balloon and march outside.

Teacher: Let's stand in a circle, close our eyes and think about what we wish. And now release your birds high, high into the sky, let them fly, scattering wishes throughout our republic!

Performance of the song "My Motherland".


Songs for the National Unity Day event at school are taught and rehearsed in advance by a music teacher or class teacher.

It is highly desirable on this day to invite the guys to come in national costumes of any nationality.

If it is important for you to write a script for a national unity day event at school, and not inside the class, try to plan more creative numbers, since in this case the conversations will not be perceived by the crowd while dances and songscan help to feel the spirit of unity.
