A monologue is a way of expressing one's own thoughts

A monologue is a way of expressing one's own thoughts
A monologue is a way of expressing one's own thoughts

A monologue is a statement of one person, presented orally or in writing. At the same time, active speech is designed for the passive perception of the one to whom it is intended. The addressee can get acquainted with the essence of the monologue through direct or indirect communication. In case of delayed contact between the addressee and the author of the message, there should be an intermediary, usually technical devices, writing, printing.

Comparison of monologue and dialogue

monologue is
monologue is

If a dialogue is an exchange of remarks between two or more interlocutors, then a monologue is a detailed and meaningful speech, the author of which must take care of its information content. During the dialogue, the interlocutors constantly change the roles of the listener and the speaker, each statement causes a corresponding reaction. Gestures, intonation, facial expressions help to maintain a conversation. In the monologue, all this is absent, the addressee does not have the opportunity to ask the author about something or clarify the details.

Types of monologue

An extended statement is usually a significant amount of text. It is organized in formal and semanticrelation and is a single entity. For all functional styles of speech, a monologue is acceptable, but in each of them it manifests itself in the form of different monologue genres. In a scientific style, this could be a review, an article, or a monograph. In colloquial speech, a letter and a story are common, in journalistic - an essay, note, review, correspondence. In an official business style, a monologue is a reference, law, report or decree.

monologue characteristic
monologue characteristic

The author of a detailed statement must always address his message to someone, he cannot speak to himself. The addressee can be personal or mass, the construction of the text, its fullness and peculiarities of perception depend on this. A monologue is always opposed to a dialogue; as a rule, artistic prose genres are built from their combination. Although expanded speech refers to passive communication, it retains its communicative nature. Each monologue is dialogic, it's just that the dialogue features are a little peculiar and pushed aside.

Types of monologue

All monologues are divided into several types depending on the functional and semantic feature underlying the text. The most common are narrative, description and reasoning. Narrative texts belong to the short story genre and underlie novels and short stories. They are characterized by a description of events in dynamics. The characteristic of a monologue in this case includes exposition, plot, development, climax, denouement.

types of monologue
types of monologue

Description is a type of speech containing an enumerationelements and signs of any object, its external characteristics, phenomena in statics, internal signs. This variety is similar to a narrative, but the verbs here are used not to develop the action, but to characterize the subject. Reasoning is a type of mental activity, the most common are explanations and syllogisms.

A monologue is a competent expression of one's own thoughts, observations, conclusions. It requires the author to have a certain speech preparedness, plan and goal.
