The sentence is one of the basic units of syntax. It is a complete thought and can consist of one or more words. From a grammatical point of view, the sentence has members - the main ones (subject and predicate), as well as secondary ones (these are definitions, additions, circumstances). What is the syntactic role of this or that part of speech in a sentence? We will try to deal with this issue below: we will consider only independent parts of speech.
Syntactic role of a noun

As a rule, a noun acts as the main member of a sentence or object. But the peculiarity of this part of speech is that it can become any member of the sentence. In their main role, nouns can be defined, for example, by adjectives, pronouns, participles, ordinal numbers, with agreement in categories such as gender, number, and case. A noun can also form syntactic constructions with verbs, adverbs and predicative words.
Syntactic role of adjective name
The most common role of an adjective in a sentence is the agreed definition, but it is not the only one. The adjective can also act assubject or nominal part of the compound predicate. It is typical for short form adjectives to act only as a predicate.
Syntactic role of adverbs
The usual role of an adverb is circumstance - manner of action, time, place, cause, purpose, measure and degree. However, sometimes it can be predicate. There is also a separate group of adverbs that play the role of allied words in a sentence.

Syntactic role of the verb
The verb usually acts as a predicate. The infinitive (if you don't remember - this is an indefinite form of the verb) can also be part of a compound predicate, or be a subject, object, definition, circumstance.
Syntactic role of the participle
The participle has the same grammatical properties as the adjective, so it often acts as an agreed definition in a sentence. However, its relationship with the verb also allows the participle in some cases to be the nominal part of the compound predicate, but this is typical only for short forms. In addition, the participle with dependent words forms the so-called participle turnover, which, being an indivisible construction, can be almost any minor member.
Syntactic role of gerunds
The gerund in a sentence is only a circumstance. However, as part of a participial turnover, it can become another minor member of the sentence, but it is important to remember that the turnover is considered as a whole.

Syntactic role of the pronoun
The role of a pronoun directly depends on what category it belongs to. Since the variety of pronouns gives them ample opportunities, they can act as a subject, predicate, attribute and object - depending on the context.
Syntactic role of the numeral
Numerals in a sentence can be both subject and predicate, as well as a definition or adverb of time. As you can see, nothing complicated.