Monosaccharide is Properties of monosaccharides and examples

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Monosaccharide is Properties of monosaccharides and examples
Monosaccharide is Properties of monosaccharides and examples

Carbohydrates monosaccharides are easily digestible substances that are very important in the human diet. If you eat a product rich in this substance, you will be charged with the necessary amount of energy for the whole day.

monosaccharide is
monosaccharide is

So, a monosaccharide is a heterofunctional compound. Next, we will take a closer look at each type, useful properties and examples.

Properties of monosaccharides


So, what are these substances useful for? To begin with, we highlight that a monosaccharide is a simple sugar. Let's single out the following types:

  • glucose;
  • galactose;
  • fructose.

Note that despite the same molecular formula (C6H12O6), all have different isomers. Based on this, they have various properties, which we will consider in great detail, but before that, it is necessary to note the chemical properties of monosaccharides.

Chemical properties

One of three functional groups can be present in a monosaccharide molecule:

  • carbonyl;
  • alcohol hydroxyl;
  • hemacetal hydroxyl.
monosaccharides examples
monosaccharides examples

What functional group contains a monosaccharide, and its chemicalproperties. A very important feature of monosaccharides is fermentation, which affects mainly hexoses. Based on the nature of the enzyme, the following reactions are distinguished:

  • alcoholic fermentation;
  • lactic acid;
  • butyric;
  • citric acid;
  • acetone-butanol.

Note that a monosaccharide is a carbohydrate that, under the influence of oxidation, releases a very large amount of energy, so these substances are so necessary for us in life. Let's move on to the analysis of such monosaccharides as glucose, fructose and galactose.


properties of monosaccharides
properties of monosaccharides

Probably, in his life every person has heard about glucose and its benefits. It is an excellent source of energy, very important for cellular respiration, essential for protein production.

Glucose is a monosaccharide that is a source of nutrition for the brain. It is necessary in order to control the mental state of a person, with a deficiency of this substance, he becomes irritable, loses self-control, and is not able to make a responsible decision.

As a rule, glucose is not found in the product in its pure form, it is part of more complex carbohydrates. When they enter our bodies with food, complex substances are broken down into simpler ones. This is how our body receives glucose and the necessary energy.

Note that monosaccharides (including glucose) are very quickly absorbed into the blood, so they are needed after training and in the morning. It is worth eating not cloying and sweetprocessed meals, and get the dose you need through natural foods like fruits, yogurt, and more.


carbohydrates monosaccharides
carbohydrates monosaccharides

Where is this monosaccharide found? These are vegetables and fruits, honey and sweetened foods. From where fructose is located, its beneficial properties also depend. If you eat natural products, your metabolism will improve, you will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals that are simply necessary for the normal functioning of organs.

As mentioned earlier, the source of fructose depends on its properties. For example, take syrup and a natural apple. There is much more of this monosaccharide in syrup, which is given in a simplified form, and in a natural product it is less, but it is in combination with other essential trace elements. So, for example, in a can of soda, the fructose content is much higher, but eating an apple is he althier. The syrup contains only one fructose, and fruits and vegetables contain the necessary substances that help the body absorb it better.

Why, then, if the syrup contains more fructose, should you think about reducing the use of this product? To begin with, an excess of this monosaccharide in the body leads to poor he alth, weight gain, excess cholesterol and decreased appetite control. It is very harmful to use fructose as a sweetener. These foods should be consumed in moderation.


glucose monosaccharide
glucose monosaccharide

The first thingI would like to note that galactose, like fructose or glucose, does not occur in nature in its pure form. It is formed during the course of such a reaction as the hydrolysis of lactose. Where is she kept? Of course, in milk, which is a very significant source of energy for mammals (including humans).

Note that it forms glycolipids and glycoprotein, which are necessary for body tissues. What else is galactose for? Of course, in order for the body to produce lactose. This applies to breastfeeding women. How does this happen, and how to get galactose? To do this, you need to eat foods that contain a large amount of glucose, the body then processes it into galactose, which directly affects the production of milk by the mammary glands. As you can see from this example, all monosaccharides are interconnected, some may appear at the expense of others.

As for the properties of galactose, they differ significantly from the properties of other monosaccharides. With it, you can control your weight, it is the basis of sports nutrition, as it provides the body with an energy boost that lasts much longer. That is why athletes are much more resilient than a person who has nothing to do with sports.

Monosaccharides. Examples

Now consider this important question: where are these substances found? The main sources of energy and well-being are monosaccharides. Examples of foods high in these substances:

  • Cereals. If you use them with added sugar, thenthey contain both fructose and glucose. What could it be? Bakery products, muesli, cereals, pasta and so on.
  • Fruits and berries. At the same time, even ketchup falls into this category, since a tomato is a berry. We also include any frozen vegetables and fruits, jams, syrups, compotes, preserves and other products.
  • Dairy products. They contain glucose and lactose, including milk, yogurt, cream cheese, ice cream, and so on.
  • Med.
  • Sweets.
  • Syrups.
  • Guilt.

This is not the whole list of products that contain carbohydrate monosaccharides. They are also contained in various energy drinks, which are very harmful to humans. It is worth giving preference to natural products.
