Commander of the British Navy Horatio Nelson is one of the most famous and famous British military. During his career, he went through several campaigns and bloody battles, defending the honor and interests of the kingdom.
Childhood and youth
The future Admiral Horatio Nelson was born in 1758 in the family of a priest. His father had 11 children, but this did not stop him from raising them all in an atmosphere of love and attention. Edmund Nelson tried to accustom Horatio to physical labor and exercise. His son was sickly in he alth, but at the same time he had an energetic character.
12-year-old Horatio decided to follow in his uncle's footsteps and become a sailor. In 1771 he was in the ocean for the first time. His ship "Triumph" went to the West Indies (Caribbean Islands), where the cabin boy got his first professional experience.

US War of Independence
In 1777, the young Horatio Nelson finally connected his life with the fleet, having successfully passed the exams for the rank of lieutenant. He was still drawn to the western seas, where Great Britain had many colonies. However, it was at this time that the kingdom faced a serious problem. The American colonies declared war on the mother country, wanting to gain independence. In 1776 they formed the United States of America.
The colonists were supported by Spain, which had large possessions on the continent. In response, Great Britain sent a fleet to the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. Horatio Nelson was on one of those ships. He took part in the landing at the mouth of the San Juan River. The operation was unsuccessful. The British failed to gain a foothold in the territory of the modern country of Nicaragua. In addition, Nelson was sent to Jamaica during the campaign. It may have saved his life, as most of the British left on the mainland died.
In peacetime
Soon the American War of Independence is over. However, Horatio Nelson's ship remained in the West Indies. Great Britain still had colonies in this region. For several years, the officer was involved in regulating trade with the Americans. At this time, a new market was being created, the rules of which were dictated by the United States.
In the late 80s, Nelson returned to his homeland. But he did not have a quiet life. A revolution broke out in France, overthrowing the monarchy. The king was executed, and supporters of the republic were in power. Most European monarchies were horrified by these events. Over the next few years, they alternately created anti-French coalitions.

Wounds and rank of Rear Admiral
All these military campaigns went through and Horatio Nelson. The officer's biography is a battle path full of suffering. In 1794, in Corsica, he damagedeye. A few years later, Nelson lost his right arm. It happened in the battle in the Canary Islands, where the British fought with the Spaniards who supported the French.
In the battle off Cape St. Vincent in Portugal, Nelson, on his own initiative, withdrew his own ship from the general squadron and undertook a risky maneuver that helped the British win a landslide victory. A brave officer led the capture of two Spanish ships that were boarded. After this battle in 1797, Nelson became a rear admiral. He was not yet 40 years old.

Hero of the Navy
In 1798, Nelson was given command of an entire squadron. It was not in vain that the authorities entrusted him with the fleet - this officer was distinguished by courage, a sharp mind and the ability to make a strong-willed decision in the most difficult moment. Nevertheless, he was not without some sailor superstitions. On the mast of the flagship of Horatio Nelson hung a horseshoe - a symbol of good luck. Sailors from any country have always been distinguished by their love for signs. What is only the international custom of launching a ship into the water!
Meanwhile, in France, the successful and brave commander Napoleon Bonaparte was gaining more and more popularity. He did not want to depend on the Republican government. In 1798, the general organized the Egyptian campaign. His goal was to cut Britain's connection with the colonies in India. Formally, Egypt was part of the Ottoman Empire, but the main confrontation in the region flared up between the French and British troops.

Whenthe British squadron entered the Mediterranean Sea and headed towards an exotic country, a horseshoe still flaunted on the mast of the flagship of Horatio Nelson. He hoped that he would not let his country down at such a crucial moment for the whole people.
Battle of Aboukir
The decisive naval battle in the Egyptian campaign was the battle of Aboukir, which lasted from 1 to 3 August 1798. For the previous three months, the British fleet had been hastily chasing the French ships, on board of which was the expeditionary force under the command of Bonaparte. Napoleon managed to land in Egypt, after which he went inland. The fleet also anchored on the shores of the Gulf of Aboukir not far from the famous Alexandria. Commander Francois De Bruye had 13 battleships and 4 frigates at his disposal. It was a formidable force. Admiral Horatio Nelson sailed to Egypt with a small quantitative backlog - 14 battleships and a sloop.
The main reason for the failure of the French was that they allowed the British to maneuver and surround the flotilla from two sides - from the sea and land. Besides, De Bruye was too complacent. He believed that the British would not dare to attack his large fleet and did not even prepare guns with which he could beat off the first attack. In the heat of the ensuing battle, the commander died. Horatio Nelson's mast and his entire ship were also constantly under fire. But this time the admiral was lucky. He not only survived, but also won the battle. The French fleet was destroyed. Napoleon was cut off in a foreign land, which predetermined failurehis adventurous trip.

On the eve of the last battle
Egyptian campaign once again rallied European monarchies. They formed a new coalition against the republic. Meanwhile, returning to his homeland, Napoleon found himself at the center of a coup d'état. First he became first consul, and in 1804 - emperor.
The entire beginning of the 19th century was marked by the Napoleonic Wars. France was still supported by Spain. Bonaparte planned to arrange an amphibious landing in Great Britain. But he was hampered by the fleet, which reliably guarded the English Channel. Therefore, the admiral instructed Admiral Villeneuve to carry out a deceptive maneuver, heading for the Caribbean Sea, where there were English colonies.
But the plan didn't work. The British, not wanting to leave their native island unprotected, remained in the strait. Napoleon abandoned his original plan and decided to attack the Kingdom of Naples in Italy. Meanwhile, the French fleet returned to Spain, where it was blockaded by Nelson in Cadiz.

Napoleon ordered Villeneuve to break out of encirclement and go to the Mediterranean to help him in Italy. The admiral tried to follow the order, but failed. His fleet was destroyed by the British, led by Horatio Nelson. The biography of this brave officer is full of episodes with his wounds. But this time, on the very first day of the decisive battle of Trafalgar, he was shot dead by a sniper from a distance of 15 meters.
It happened October 21st1805. The death of the admiral only angered the British. Enraged, they destroyed 22 ships without losing a single one. Every contemporary grieved about the departed national hero. Horatio Nelson embodied all the ideals of an impeccable officer.
In honor of his last victory, one of London's central squares was renamed Trafalgar Square. The center of its architectural ensemble is Nelson's Column, installed there in 1843 in memory of the talented admiral.