What is reduction? What is its lexical meaning

What is reduction? What is its lexical meaning
What is reduction? What is its lexical meaning

The word "reduction" has several lexical meanings. Let's try to identify them, analyze the features.

First definition (in society)

Under this term it is customary to understand the concrete being of the human individual, as well as the objects that make up the social society. The lexical meaning of the word "reduction" in this case suggests an example of research and action, a real process that reduces individual qualities to the totality of their interaction. Reduction is characteristic of human activity, it is interconnected with labor. This concept is implemented in practice in individual statements and actions regarding the norms of behavior and language.

what is reduction
what is reduction

What is reduction? It is a process that is important for scientific research, helping to reduce complex tasks to simple actions. This concept is important for normal human relations in a social society, acts as a link between various social processes and phenomena, and has a significant impact on social development.

Second definition

There is another lexical meaning of the word "reduction", according to which, we are talking aboutsimplification, weakening, reduction, transition from difficult moments to simple actions. This interpretation of this concept is used in biological and sociological research.

Third value (in mathematics)

There is another interpretation of the word "reduction". The meaning of this term, denoting processes or actions, is reduced to methodological techniques that make it possible to simplify the structure of a particular object. In this context, translated from Latin, “reduction” sounds like a return, a push back.

word reduction
word reduction

This methodological technique, which involves bringing some procedures, tasks, rules, results into a form convenient for their detailed study, analysis, restoration of the initial state, is actively used in biology, mathematics, and also in linguistics. When reduction is absolutized, a concept is created that allows obtaining complete information about a specific mathematical object. Reductionism is traced in the desire of specialists to analyze the mental state of a person, to explain the peculiarities of his behavior in society.

Biological meaning of the term

Let's try to figure out what reduction is from a biological point of view. This is a process that is observed in the case of the maturation of female and male germ cells. It boils down to the fact that the number of elements of the coloring component located in the nucleus of the germ cell will be halved.

reduction value
reduction value

Quite a long time ago, scientists noted that in the process of maturation, eggs are formed on itsthe surface of two small bodies, and one of them will be divided into two halves. So what is reduction? This is the process of dividing one cell into parts, as a result of which the birth of a new cell is possible.

Medical meaning of the term

Thinking about what reduction is, let's turn to medicine. Currently, as a result of a course of infertility treatment with special hormonal agents, a multiple pregnancy occurs. Despite the joy of potential parents, doctors have a negative attitude towards the possibility of developing several live fetuses at once. In order to reduce various complications, increase the chances of having a he althy baby, they offer the expectant mother to carry out the reduction of embryos. What is meant by this medical term?

Reduction involves a special procedure that is aimed at killing and removing one or more live embryos from the uterine cavity. Such a process is recommended in cases where multiple pregnancy seriously threatens not only the lives of babies, but also the he alth of the mother herself. Once the reduction procedure is completed, the embryonic tissue remaining inside the uterus will gradually dissolve.

lexical meaning of the word reduction
lexical meaning of the word reduction

Reduction in medicine was first carried out at the end of the last century. It was recommended to patients who had serious abnormalities in the development of embryos. As a result, thousands of women were able to bear children and give birth to he althy babies. Gradually, reduction began to be used forremoval of excess viable embryos from the uterus, which were implanted in a woman as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Doctors reduced the risk of various complications, prevented the occurrence of premature birth, and reduced the mortality of embryos. The reduction procedure is carried out only if there are special indications, for example, if more than three live embryos are detected in the uterus.


The lexical meaning of the word "reduction" is multifaceted. This term is widely used in various fields of science and technology. Despite such versatility, its essence remains unchanged. Thinking about what reduction is, it can be argued that we are talking about the transition from a complex object to a simple object.
