The human heart is one of the most perfect organs of the body, which performs important functions in the body. It has incredible power, distilling a large amount of blood through the arteries and small blood vessels per day. The heart is the motor in the human body. And it's hard to disagree with that. But few know what the configuration of the heart is. Before considering this issue, you need to pay attention to what an organ is and what its functions are in the human body.

Description of the organ and its function
The heart is a hollow organ made up of muscles. With the help of rhythmic contractions, it ensures the movement of blood through the vessels. The organ cavity is divided into several main parts. The left ventricle and atrium form the so-called arterial heart, while the right ventricle and atrium form the venous heart. The main function of the organ is to ensure continuous blood flow, therefore it distills blood throughout the body, saturating tissues and organs with oxygen andnutrients.
Heart Shape
The size and configuration of the heart depends on the structure of the body, chest, respiratory activity, and body position. The structural consequences of heart disease also play a role. The configuration also depends on the age, gender, he alth of a person. What are the parameters of the organ:
- The length of an adult organ can be from 10 to 15 cm, on average this figure does not exceed 12 cm.
- The width of the base can be from 8 to 11 cm, on average 10 cm.
- Antero-posterior size averages 7 cm, but can be observed from 6 to 8.5 cm.
An important diagnostic point is the determination of the size and configuration of the heart. They must be checked by all possible diagnostic methods. Thanks to this, specialists have the opportunity to make the correct diagnosis for various diseases of this organ.

Normal heart configuration
The human heart is presented as a cone, slightly compressed. The top of the organ is rounded and turned down, forward and to the left. In humans, the heart is located asymmetrically: 2/3 of its parts are located to the left of the middle of the body, the rest is located to the right of the median plane. Any other placement is considered abnormal.
The septum that separates the ventricles and atria is located in a he althy person between the sagittal and frontal planes. The right atrium and ventricle, pulmonary artery and arch are located on the frontal plane.aorta, as well as part of the left ventricle. Behind the organ is another part of the left ventricle and the left atrium, as well as part of the right ventricle. By the physique of a person and the shape of his chest, conclusions are drawn about what size he has and whether the configuration of the heart is normal.

Determining the shape of the heart
In the process of diagnosis, the location of the right and left contours of the organ is determined. Where should they be visible? The right contour should be observed in the upper part of the chest from the first intercostal space to the 3rd third rib, and the left contour is represented by the first and second intercostal spaces, the left atrium and further down the narrow strip of the left ventricle.
After the configuration of the heart is determined, the length and diameter are measured. What it is? The length is the distance from the top point of the left contour and the top of the right cardiovasal angle. Usually in men it is 13 cm, and in women it is 12 cm. The diameter is measured by the distance from the most distant point of the right and left contours to the midline of the heart. For men, it is 11 cm, for women - 10. Further, between the diameter and the length, the angle of inclination of the organ is measured, which makes it possible to talk about its position:
- inclination from 30 to 50 degrees indicates the middle location,
- to a horizontal position - from 30 degrees or less,
- for a vertical position - from 60 degrees or more.
Determination of the contours of the human heart makes it possible to draw conclusions about the causes,causing them to change.

Changing the configuration of the heart
In pathology, there is a description of five changes in the shape and position of the heart. Let's take a closer look at each of them:
- Aortic configuration of the heart is observed in humans with severe hypertrophy of the left ventricle. This phenomenon is characterized by a shift of the lower part of the left contour outwards. At the same time, the diameter and length increase, and the angle of inclination decreases. These changes are observed in aortic valve defects, aortic stenosis, hypertension, and cardiomyopathy.
- Globular heart occurs as a result of right ventricular hypertrophy. The changes cause a septal defect. There is a shift of the lower part of the right contour outwards. The diameter and angle of inclination increase, the length remains normal. Similar changes can be congenital and occur with pericarditis, ventricular septal defect, narrowing of the pulmonary artery, and with a three-chambered heart. Also, such an organ is often found in athletes, as well as in children and adolescents.
- Mitral heart configuration is seen in people who have mitral stenosis. They have hypertrophy of the left atrium and right ventricle, resulting in a shift of the lower part of the right contour outwards. At the same time, the angle of inclination and the diameter increase, the length remains normal. Such changes are also observed in mitral valve defects, myocardial changes, impaired diastolic function of the myocardium.
- The heart of a bull is inherent in people whowhich there is a strong increase in all cardiac chambers. This occurs in the presence of heart defects and dilated cardiomyopathy.
- Trapezoid configuration of the heart is observed when fluid accumulates in the pericardial cavity. In this case, the lower part of the left and right contours is shifted outwards. Also, the cavity may contain air in the presence of an abscess or a decaying tumor. Such phenomena are often observed in various cardiovascular diseases. It can be obesity, pericarditis, myocarditis, cardiosclerosis and so on. In some cases, this configuration is noted in children with a high diaphragm. In this case, it is considered normal.

Changing the diameter
The diameter is the sum of two transverse dimensions of the organ (right, left). So, the configuration of the heart in a he althy person suggests its presence, as well as the size of this part, which is from 11 to 13 cm. The right parameter is measured by the distance from the right border to the anterior midline. It should be normal 3 or 4 cm.
Left size is determined by the distance from the left border to the anterior midline. It should normally be 8 or 9 cm. An increase in the right size of the diameter occurs in pathology, which is accompanied by dilatation of the right atrium and ventricle. Also, pericarditis leads to the development of pathology. A change in the left size of the diameter occurs with violations that are accompanied by dilatation of the left ventricle.
Change in vascularbundle
The cardiac contours, which are determined in the second intercostal space from all sides, correspond to the size of the vascular bundle. In a he althy person, its right side runs along the right border of the sternum. At the end of the vascular bundle, the aorta is formed. The left border runs along the left edge of the sternum. Here, at the end of the vascular bundle, it is formed by the pulmonary artery. The width of the area is 5 or 6 cm. An increase in its size occurs with the development of atherosclerosis and aortic aneurysm, while the configuration of the heart also changes.
Other causes of changes in the vascular bundle are associated with diseases, which are accompanied by the appearance of additional tissue. This may be, for example, goiter, enlarged lymph nodes, the presence of primary tumors or metastases. Expansion of the vascular bundle appears with atherosclerosis of the aorta, aortic aneurysm, expansion of the pulmonary artery, and an increase in blood pressure.

X-ray diagnostics
The shape of an organ like the heart is of great importance. Therefore, its X-ray diagnosis is often carried out. The most common heart diseases are malformations, pathology of the myocardium. Such violations lead to the fact that the configuration of the heart on the x-ray changes. This contributes to the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, which is the main thing in the appointment of appropriate treatment. Diagnostics makes it possible to resolve issues related to the assessment of myocardial perfusion in heart disease.
Studying the configuration of the heart is an urgent problem today. Modern diagnostic methods make it possibledetect even minor changes in the size and location of the organ, which can lead to various complications. When conducting a radiograph, the severity of the arcs that form the edges of the cardiovascular bundle, as well as their differentiation along the left contour, is analyzed. If the configuration of the heart is normal, then other organs are examined to diagnose disorders in the body.

Thus, the change in the boundaries of the body is caused by the presence of various heart and vascular diseases. These include, for example, tricuspid valve insufficiency, aortic heart defects, heart failure, pneumothorax, myogenic dilatation, and so on. Also, a change in configuration may be the result of an asthenic body type. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis in order to prescribe effective treatment for various heart diseases.