Ancient Egypt. Queen Cleopatra - its last ruler

Ancient Egypt. Queen Cleopatra - its last ruler
Ancient Egypt. Queen Cleopatra - its last ruler

Queen Cleopatra, whose biography is extremely romanticized in our time, is still one of the most significant women in world history. Her image today literally personifies deceit and beauty, a tragedy on a national scale and political will. Her name is associated with the last glorious years that Egypt experienced. Queen Cleopatra has regularly appeared in works of art, and especially in the cinema of recent decades. Perhaps, very few historical characters could compete with her in popularity, because there are more than a dozen feature films with her alone,

egypt queen cleopatra
egypt queen cleopatra

depicting the great ruler, ancient times and Egypt.

Queen Cleopatra: Life Story

The girl was born in 69 BC. She was the daughter of the then ruler of the country, Ptolemy XII. About the years of childhood andalmost nothing is known about the youth of the future ruler. The only thing that can be said is that it was probably to a large extent influenced by the unrest of the mid-50s BC, which Egypt underwent. Queen Cleopatra then experienced serious shocks, because her father was deposed from the throne and expelled from the state. This event was a very important episode in the history of antiquity. Ptolemy managed to restore himself to the throne, but this was already done with the help of one of the Roman commanders, as a result of which the ruler became the actual

cleopatra queen of egypt photo
cleopatra queen of egypt photo

puppet of the latter. The life of Ptolemy XII ended in 51 BC. He left a will, to which he transferred all of Egypt into the hands of his son Ptolemy XIII. Queen Cleopatra was forced to enter into a fictitious marriage with her own brother for the sake of joint rule.

The era of government, intrigue and romance

The first years were marked by a serious struggle between sister and brother for real power in the state. The turning point was the conflict of Ptolemy XIII with the Roman state, as a result of which he was in 47 BC. killed. From that moment on, Cleopatra became the sole queen of Egypt. Of course, she was forced to reckon with representatives of the powerful Roman state. And it was precisely for the sake of her own position in power that she often used her charms, which subsequently made her a name.

queen cleopatra biography
queen cleopatra biography

Cleopatra, queen of Egypt (photos of some of the performers of her role in the movie you can see inarticle) first charmed the famous Julius Caesar, who helped her win the fight against Ptolemy XIII. But after the death of Caesar, the woman had to look for a new patron. Such was the famous commander of that time, Mark Antony. Cleopatra met this man in 41 BC. He spent the winter with her in Alexandria. During this time, they really managed to become attached to each other. However, urgent state affairs forced the lovers to part. They did not see each other for about three years. The next date took place in 37 BC. in Antioch. However, their happiness was not destined to last long. The fact is that Anthony is gaining considerable popularity in Rome itself, and his alliance with the ruler of a very we althy province makes the Roman emperor Octavian consider this as a direct threat to his own throne. The emperor literally starts a civil war against Antony, convincing the population of Rome that the commander is fascinated by the eastern ruler, who is hatching plans to crush Rome. The decisive battle of this conflict was the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. The fleet of Antony and Cleopatra was defeated. And the lovers themselves were forced to hide under the protection of the walls of Alexandria. The defensive power of the city was only enough for a year. And when the walls fell under the onslaught of Octavian's troops, Antony and Cleopatra killed themselves by taking poison in turn.
