What is the sacrament? There are two points of view. Representatives of the first confident

that this is an independent part of speech. The second believe that this is a special, special form of the verb. However, both those and others agree that it denotes a sign of an object by action and is formed from a verb. Participle suffixes will help to “identify” these words in the text.
The participle is unique in that it combines the characteristics of a verb (time, aspect, recurrence-irreturnability) and an adjective (the ability to change by number, gender and case). For example, in the phrase "washing baby" the participle is in the present tense, imperfect. species, masculine, name. case, singular. numbers and is returnable.
The participles also have their own, unique features: they can be real or passive. (Washing - the one who washes, washed - the one whom someone washed). Real - acts independently (writing, singing, beating). The suffering ones experience the effect on themselves (written, sung, beaten).

Precisely because thesethe words “outwardly” resemble an adjective, the spelling of participle endings is determined by the same rules as for adjectives: they are checked by a question. Example: a girl (what?) Singing, washed; boy (what?) who came, washed.
Determine whether a given form is a real or passive participle, participle suffixes will help. Knowing them, it is easy to determine not only what exactly the sacrament is, but also how it is spelled correctly.

Passive participle suffixes: -em-, om-, -im-, -t-, -nn-, -enn-. If the word was formed from a verb related to the first conjugation, then in participles (only present tense!) It will be written -em- or -om-. Examples: carried (to carry), driven (to lead), swayed (to sway).
Suffixes of real participles in the present tense also depend on the conjugation of the verb. From the verbs of the first conjugation participles are formed with the suffixes -usch-, -yushch-, and from the verbs of the second - with -ash-, -yashch-.
Examples: walking - walking, painting - coloring, but singing - singing, melting - melting.
Suffixes of participles in the past. time (valid): -vsh-, -sh-. Before them, the same vowel is preserved, which is in the past form of the verb before -l-. Examples: walked - walked, wore - wore, glued - glued, hoped - hoped.
Some participle suffixes depend on which verb was their original form. We are talking about words like knead-interfere, hang-weigh, roll-rock.
Here the rule is as follows: from verbs,which end in -it, participles are formed with the suffix -enn-, and from verbs in -at- with the help of -nn-. Examples: roll - rolled, knead - kneaded, weigh - weighed. But: interfere - mixed, hang - hung, pump - pumped up.
In order to understand the spelling of similar participles and adjectives, you first need to determine the part of speech.
In the phrase wounded by a bullet, a fighter, the word "wounded" is a participle, so -nn- is written in it.
The verbal adjective wounded (fighter) is written with one -n-.
Thus, if you want, you can easily deal with this topic.