In a year to pass the exam, and I have problems with the Russian language: noun suffixes are not given in any way! He didn’t do anything: he crammed the rules, slept with textbooks under his pillow, even took Rosenthal’s manual from the school library, but all to no avail. Looks like I'm going to fail my exam!
So that sad thoughts often do not visit my head, I'll ask you to visit our excellent student. Sveta is a smart girl, maybe she will help me learn how to write noun suffixes. Now I'll dial her phone number - and into battle! She answered and made an appointment at six o'clock in the evening. I hope that she will teach me how to move the brain convolutions.
Svetka and I are sitting in the school locker room, surrounded by textbooks, notebooks, arguing so that teachers passing by look around, and friends in the corridor are having fun. Here I understand that it is not necessary to yawn around, but to try on the rules of the Russian language.

It turns out that the suffixes of nouns -chik- and -schik-, or rather, the rules for their spelling, can be remembered using the alphabet. Imagine its beginning and remember the paired consonants for deafness-voicedness: b-c, v-f, g-k, d-t, f-sh, s-s. The rule reads as follows: suffix -chik- write if the stem of the generating word ends in dt, ss, f (to cut - a carver, to run across - a defector).
Compare with the above paired consonants. Got a resemblance? True, there is one underwater stone: a vowel sound should precede consonant sounds, but if it is not there, then, kindly, write a word with the suffix "shchik" (asph alt - asph alt worker).

The noun suffixes -chik- and -shchik- do not fall under the above rule, if the lexical meaning of the word does not indicate the type of human activity or occupation, for example, a herdsman is a profession, and a herd is a small herd of animals.
I even jumped for joy when I realized that it is not at all difficult to distinguish between these morphemes. Then Sveta stunned me with the question: “In what cases is the suffix -ank written?” I tried to remember this morpheme for a long time, rummaged through manuals, looked for suitable words, but apart from the phrase “spacious bathhouse”, nothing came to mind. With grief, I opened the textbook and saw that there is no such suffix in modern Russian.
Sveta laughs: "You need to be friends with textbooks and manuals in order to know the spelling of noun suffixes." I get it, but what about the rest of the guys?

For my friend, for example, it is still not clear how to distinguish abstract (relative) nouns from verbs if "t" is written at the end of both words. “On the question, my friend,” Sveta answers. – The suffix -ost- is for nouns that answer the question “What?”For example, real estate, anger. Verbs do not have such a suffix, and they answer completely different questions, for example, run (what to do?), Pay (what to do?).
How interesting, I thought as I opened the textbook to page twenty-two. It told how not to make a mistake in writing combinations of the letters ink and the suffix -enk-. It turns out that ink is two morphemes that have this form, if in feminine nouns before the formation of a new word there was a combination of in (a): the crossbar is the crossbar, but the Frenchwoman is French. The only exception is the word Gorlinka.
I will definitely thank Sveta: tomorrow I will buy her a box of chocolates and bring her as a gift for my education. Maybe she will also pull me up in mathematics?