DPO: transcript. DPO Training Center

DPO: transcript. DPO Training Center
DPO: transcript. DPO Training Center

In order for the state, society and individual citizens to fully and comprehensively meet the needs for education, there is a federal law on additional educational services, according to which AVE programs (decoding - additional professional education) have been created.

dpo decoding
dpo decoding

DPO levels

Continuous professional development of any specialist, employee, worker is served by the system of state educational standards. The levels of vocational education can be different, so the programs are constantly being improved and divided according to the amount of knowledge offered for study, and they do not depend on the subject matter. Additional vocational education depends on the tasks posed by the production need.

This could be advanced training, where the programs are short-term and simply aim to expand knowledge in one of the areas of a given speci alty. These are various trainings and seminars. Professional retraining follows longer programs that are aimed at deepening knowledge in a complex,albeit within the framework of a profession or line of work. Additional vocational education has deep roots in history.

additional professional education
additional professional education

History of FVE in Russia

As such, additional education appeared in the country in the thirties of the twentieth century and until the end of the nineties developed as advanced training within the boundaries of intersectoral institutions. Then a period of active development began for DPO. Now in Russia there are more than a thousand departments that annually train about four hundred thousand specialists from institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, who receive advanced training or cardinal professional retraining.

institute of further education
institute of further education

DPO systems

Deciphering the abbreviation shows that the system does not provide for the provision of basic basic education, but its availability for retraining and advanced training is mandatory. That is why the leading universities of the country play the main role here, since such structural formations have been created on their basis.

For example, in 2009 the leaders were RUDN University, in the structure of which there is not one institute of further vocational education, but about thirty such centers, where more than twenty-five thousand students study in seven hundred programs, Lomonosov Moscow State University - in second place, there are four hundred programs and eighteen thousand students, the third - Bauman Moscow State Technical University with three hundred programs and fifteen thousand participants.

dpo education
dpo education


Everyonethe specialist has ever experienced a lack of knowledge and skills that he has, since information inevitably becomes outdated. For a successful career, certain FVE courses are needed. Everyone, without exception, should be trained, from workers to professors. The base can be anything: primary education, secondary or higher education. The FPE training center will increase the student's professional knowledge, help improve business skills and even retrain him to change the field of activity, if necessary. Each specialist once every five years has the right to improve their skills free of charge - or rather, at the expense of the employer. The rest of the DPO is necessarily paid.

Recently, clients receiving FVE have just received their basic education. It would seem that you can just work in your speci alty - knowledge is fresh. But now young people often make the wrong choice of profession. They learn not what they have a predisposition for, not even what is in demand, but what is fashionable or available. As a result, almost no one wants to work in their speci alty. There is only one way out - DPO. Such institutions are now in demand to an unhe althy state. For example, in Yekaterinburg there is a whole Academy of DPO. But is it good for the country if doctors, teachers, lawyers, engineers and journalists are all retrained as managers?

dpo training center
dpo training center

Types of DPO

Of course, if something gives a person the opportunity to choose, then this is the CVE system. Deciphering your own wishes, however, is not always possible the first time, but there is time before retirement, most importantly,solve the issue of money, and - welcome to the next retraining. However, when discussing advanced training or an internship, sarcasm is inappropriate, this is certainly a necessary and important activity.

They improve their skills by attending various seminars: short-term or long-term, thematic or problematic. Training can be either one-time and continuous, or discrete (step by step). Retraining implies the development of certain subjects, modules, courses, with the passage of practice. Quite often, additional education uses online forms of education, it all depends on the contract or educational program.

dpo academy
dpo academy

Professional development

This is the renewal of both practical and theoretical knowledge, plus the improvement of special skills, as professional requirements steadily increase and information becomes outdated. Only a certified specialist with a secondary or higher professional education can improve their qualifications.

The volume of lessons for short-term courses is not less than seventy-two hours, after listening to which a certificate is issued. Most often, this is training on specific topics of a particular production. Such courses are organized by employers with the involvement of highly qualified specialists in the role of teachers. To get a certificate, students pass tests, exams or defend an essay.

dpo courses
dpo courses


Problem or thematic seminars with a volume of up to one hundred hours are trainings aimed at acceleratedtraining to acquire the required skills. Seminars are held on technological, scientific and technical, socio-economic - all kinds of problems that arise at different levels: institutions or organizations, enterprises or associations, regions, industries. They also take exams and get a certificate here.

The most cardinal professional development is a long one, up to five hundred hours. The document on this education is also more solid - Certificate of long-term advanced training. The purpose of such programs is an in-depth penetration into current profile problems, updating knowledge, as well as preparing specialists for other, more complex work activities in this profile. Such courses are needed for people with experience, but with insufficient knowledge or practice. Such classes are held as needed, sometimes with a complete break from work, sometimes without a break or with a partial break, and there are also individual forms of training at the request of enterprises.


With the help of an internship, that is, practice, professional knowledge, skills, abilities in an existing or newly acquired profession are formed and consolidated. It is very convenient to study advanced experience in this way, to acquire professional and organizational experience. An internship can go along with the theoretical part of advanced training or retraining, that is, seminars or lectures, or maybe an independent type of additional education.

The employer who has chosen the FVE program sends for an internship. Deciphering the concept of "trainee" is quitewide range of interpretations. Both a specialist with a solid work experience and a fledgling graduate of primary, secondary and higher vocational education can participate in an internship. It can take place both in the country and abroad. The main thing is that the enterprise is ready to accept the trainee and organize a workplace for him. Usually a fixed-term contract is concluded. At the end of the internship, the intern prepares a written report on the practice and writes an attestation paper.

dpo decoding
dpo decoding

Updating production systems

Engineers need constant training as this profession in all areas requires precise and up-to-date professional knowledge. Science is constantly developing, new methods and technical innovations appear, so engineers need to improve as often as possible. The level of qualification must meet all modern requirements. Back in 2012, a presidential decree was issued on the long-term economic policy of the state, it clearly outlines the goals - the renewal of production systems.

Here, only qualified engineering personnel will solve the problem of labor productivity, and modern educational programs for further education will help create such a contingent. The President's message is deciphered in the following decree: "Presidential Engineer Professional Development Program for 2012-2014", that is, it was then that continuous training of engineering personnel began through advanced training and internships, as required by the modernization of production.
