What is gentle? This article talks about the word in detail. Its lexical meaning will be considered, the part of speech will be determined, the etymology will be indicated. To consolidate the information, you can not do without illustrative examples of use. To make the speech richer, it is necessary to choose synonyms for the word gentle. This article will be especially useful for people who are looking to enrich their vocabulary.
Part of Speech
First of all, it is worth determining what part of speech the word "gentle" is. It is quite common and belongs to the active vocabulary. To determine the part of speech, you can make a sentence with this word.
I eat tender cheese. Cheese (what?) Tender. The sign of the object is indicated, the question "what" is used. By logical reflection, we can conclude that "gentle" is an adjective.

When the part of speech is no longer a mystery, it's time to learn about the etymology of the adjective "gentle". This word has come a long way in development. It comes from the noun "tenderness". It, in turn,noun "nega".
The word "nega" (and, accordingly, "gentle") is originally Russian. The initial interpretation is the sweet state of slumber. From the noun "nega" came not only the adjective "gentle", but also the verb "undead".
Lexical meaning and usage examples
The adjective "gentle" has five shades of meaning. All of them are recorded in the dictionary of Efremova. For better memorization, examples of usage are given:
- The one that shows love. The girl gave her lover a tender look.
- Pleasant to the touch. The soft fabric tickled my skin.
- Pleasant to smell, taste or look. The cream should be gentle, that's what I love.
- Frail, in poor he alth. Children are now very tender, they do not get out of hospitals.
- Related to early childhood. At a tender age, children experience the world.

Synonyms for the word
When you need to replace the adjective "gentle", it is better to use synonyms. They eliminate repetition in the text and make it more readable:
- Sweet. He looked with tender eyes.
- Delicate. I like delicate fabrics that don't irritate the skin.
- Enjoyable. The taster liked the pleasant taste of the cheese.
- Greenhouse. How hothouse you are!
- Children's. Her childish view of the world pisses me off.
It is worth noting thatThe choice of a synonym largely depends on the context and situation. Gentle is a polysemantic word, therefore, synonyms should be chosen carefully. They should not distort the meaning of the statement.