"Your Natasha will grow up to be a flirt," the pensioners venomously remarked, sitting on a bench at the entrance. So, it will be an adult - it will begin to twirl its “tail”. The girl looked at them incredulously. Flip-tail - what kind of word is this? What does it say? Not clear…
The word is not a sparrow
In colloquial speech, the dictionary of the Russian language is not enough. Especially for a Russian person. To denote character, appearance, habits and activities, people invent new words and expressions, sometimes completely illogical, not related to meaning.
For example, flirtatious is a word associated with a small bird with a bushy tail. A bird jumps along the path, pecks at grains and twirls its feathery tail.
This word also applies to a red furry fox. He walks, sniffing out chickens and ducks and waving his tail in different directions.

Wind maiden
But in the world of educated adults, words are labeled with a precise purpose and deep meaning. A flirty tail is an attractive girl or woman who flirts with all the men in a row. Otherwise, it can be called "coquette". A lady in the center of male attention, who knows no shortage of gentlemen and suitors. The man is carefully trying to win her favor, but she does not choose one of the candidates. The meaning of "flip-tail" indicates a woman who leads men as she wants. "Wags his tail" - imagines, flaunts his own attractiveness and uses female charm for his own purposes. Sometimes - selfish.
The word "flip-tail" was formed on contemptuous emotions. It reflects a share of condemnation, annoyance and ridicule.
For example, the situation: a large company of different sexes has gathered in the room, they are having fun, laughing, and … - she enters! Smiling at men, ignoring women, dressed seductively, smooth movements. Men do not take their eyes off her and are only busy looking at the seductive lady. She, a little later, leaves, and longing male glances and an enviable female hiss follow her: "Flip-tail!"

Fidget girl
A not always described word denotes a flirtatious woman. So sometimes they call little girls who have nothing to do with the attention of the opposite sex.
Flirty-tailed girls are restless children. They can't sit still, they stick their little curious nose everywhere. Before you have time to look back, the girl, calmly sitting next to her grandmother, is already running around the yard and chasing pigeons. Wherever they come with her, she cannot calmly wait. Adventures and games beckon her.
However, this also attracts an adult woman with a twisted tail: love games and romantic adventures.

She does not seek to start a family, she is afraid to burden herself with marriage. The reasons for this behavior lie in several reasons:
- sad experiences and disappointments in the past;
- not a serious temperament, not ready for a deep relationship;
- love of thrill, pursuing one's goal;
- the ability to fall in love quickly and cool off just as quickly.
Fliptail, coquette, loves her lifestyle. She feels comfortable and happy when she catches the admiring glances of men and enjoys their location.
Vertihvostok can be called: easily accessible, "cheap" and "corrupt" women. This is not true. Usually in the life of coquettes a large place is occupied by flirting, which very rarely flows into some kind of relationship. A woman who is unrequitedly in love with one man can be a wiggletail. Under the guise of carefree coquetry, she hides a broken heart and despair. Light flirting and a growing crowd of fans help to forget the anguish of the heart and believe in your own irresistibility.

Another version
In the biological environment, the lizard is a lizard. The subject of the animal world has large dark gray scales, smoothly turning into spikes in the neck. A nimble animal - a flirt-tail, apparently so nicknamed for the deft movements of the back of the body. In dangerous situations, the lizard loses its tail without any problems and,thus staying safe.

Among women with a tail, this also applies. They "wag their tail" to keep deep feelings out, thus ensuring the safety of a woman's heart.