Assignments for preparing for school: what to do with a child?

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Assignments for preparing for school: what to do with a child?
Assignments for preparing for school: what to do with a child?

A well-prepared child for school will be successful in school. It will be easier for him to master new material and fulfill the requirements of the teacher. Regular preschool activities are an important part of getting ready for school.

Questions for preparing for school - what skills need to be developed?

Psychologists and teachers believe that in the framework of preschool preparation it is necessary to develop the following basic qualities and skills in a child:

  • literate speech;
  • attention;
  • logical and spatial thinking;
  • short-term and long-term memory;
  • fine motor skills of hands;
  • reading skills;
  • the ability to perform simple mathematical operations within 10.

In order for classes to bring maximum results, developmental tasks for preparing children for school should be varied and versatile. There are no more or less necessary skills - everything is important.

tasks for preparing for school
tasks for preparing for school

Speech Development

In order for a child to be able to speak correctly, express their thoughts clearly and correctly, formulate complete answers in the lessons, it is very important to develop children's speech.

The top advice from experts is: talk to your child. Discuss the news, events of the day, ask him more clarifying questions. Encourage him to tell something, describe. Always correct speech errors. Talk about books you read, offer to retell their content.

The main tasks for preparing for school for the development of speech are drawing up a story from pictures, retelling what has been read or heard, answering questions. Children with whom they fully communicate at home and in kindergarten should not have any special problems with the development of speech.

Should I learn to read?

There is a lot of debate among parents of preschoolers about whether it is necessary to teach children to read as part of preschool development. "And what will they do at school then?" some moms ask.

Modern realities are such that today's first graders, entering school, must be able to read. If a child does not read, they will teach him to read at school, but it will be difficult for him to keep up with his classmates who read.

developmental tasks to prepare children for school
developmental tasks to prepare children for school

Develop thinking, logic and memory

Mandatory tasks for preparing for school should teach the child to generalize, compare on one and several grounds, search for patterns, eliminate the superfluous. Now there are many good collections with such tasks - beautifuldecorated with bright pictures. Most of the kids enjoy doing it. But parents can teach children not only with special books, but also with the help of improvised objects. All it takes is a little imagination.

From childhood, it is worth teaching poetry with children. Constantly, regularly, and not several times a year for a matinee in kindergarten. This is great memory training.

Training the hand

To make it easier for a child to learn the basics of writing at school, you need to train your hand in the preschool period by completing developmental tasks. Preparing for school implies the ability of a child to accurately color, without going beyond the edges of the picture, the ability to carefully outline figures along dotted lines, and write block letters.

preparation for school 6 years assignments
preparation for school 6 years assignments

If you regularly perform such tasks, by the time you enter school, the child's hand will be strong enough. Children get tired of writing most of all, so they should not be long. However, children can color as much as they want.

Math assignments

Math is easy to do with a preschooler. You can count everything around, making up the simplest tasks. It is very important that the child masters the concepts of “right” and “left”, “more”, “less” and “equally”, knows how to continue the simplest ornament, correlate the number of objects with numbers. For most children, basic math concepts come easily enough.

How often should you exercise with your child

Classes can and should be arranged daily. This does not mean at all thatthe child needs to be forcibly seated at the table, get a collection of tasks for preparing for school and sit over them for hours. Many tasks the child can perform effortlessly, as if in between times. Since children get tired quickly, they cannot do one thing for a long time, it is necessary to switch the preschooler from one activity to another more often. For example, a small writing task might be followed by a speech development session.

developmental tasks preparation for school
developmental tasks preparation for school

What activities are useful for future students

Throughout the entire preschool period, the development of the child is important, and not just preparation for school at 6 years old. Beneficial activities include needlework, building and puzzle games, building mosaics and jigsaw puzzles, learning poetry, and more.

Sometimes parents can overdo their efforts in preparing for school. Children are taken several times a week to lessons at preparatory centers, at home they are forced to write and read. This, alas, is not uncommon. Here you need to be careful not to discourage the child from studying at school. Exercise doesn't have to be boring. If possible, it is worth adding elements of the game to them. It's better to say to a child: "Let's go play!" than "Let's sit down to study."

The following parenting mistake is quite common. While the child is 2-5 years old, parents do not consider it necessary to deal with him, explaining this by the fact that the school is far away, there is no hurry. In the last year before school, they catch on and do their best to make up for lost time. Develop your child from birth, giving what you canassignments and gradually make them more difficult. And then preparing for school will not seem like a difficult task.