Vulnerability - what is it?

Vulnerability - what is it?
Vulnerability - what is it?

Vulnerability is the weak point of a person, machine, system on the Internet. Any object on Earth can have an "Achilles heel", viruses penetrate through it, enemies use it to destroy the enemy. This word describes a certain circumstance that allows you to "nail your opponent to the wall." It is often used to describe the nature of a loved one or a loved one in a relationship.

Semantic content

One word can often describe the state when a person becomes defenseless before nature, or the created ideal weapon is suddenly destroyed by ordinary rust. Such things are called vulnerabilities. Every person, machine, even soul has them.

vulnerability is
vulnerability is

Vulnerability is a capacious word that includes the following meanings:

  • openness to surrounding events;
  • naked soul or body;
  • transparency to the outside world;
  • excessive gullibility towards an enemy or friend;
  • relaxation in the face of an impending threat;
  • disabling the defense mechanisms of the body or computer.

Vulnerability is a property of absolutely any organism in the Universe. It is this that allows nature to renew itself, wash generations off the face of the earth, and enable the emergence of new species. Such a propertyobserved in all modern spheres of human life.


In every human group there is always a traitor, no matter how friendly the team is. It was easy to resist the enemy, until one of his own opened the gate and brought civilization to collapse. This is how great historical battles are described.

vulnerability system
vulnerability system

To get millions of friendly people out of the way, bad rulers begin to look for a weak spot in a noisy crowd. Sometimes one careless word can provoke bloodshed or, conversely, stop the attack of the enemy. This action is described by the word "vulnerability".

A prosperous society, capable of defeating wars and disease, will never be able to remove the inequality of people. This will serve to his death and decay. To exclude such a state, a system of vulnerabilities is designed, which is created to assess the state of mankind. However, despite the scientific approach to the problem, no society has yet been able to become ideal.

When it comes to human character

In a relationship, the meaning of the word "vulnerability" is a state in which the soul becomes so open that one careless action or an unsuccessfully spoken phrase is enough - and it will break. Is there any benefit in this: to become completely unarmed in front of a dear person - every woman needs to decide carefully. After all, a guy can harm without bad intent.

However, the male sex becomes defenseless against insidious seductresses. Revealing your secrets, you can lose everything in the world. AtA person has defense mechanisms in his character, but they are dulled under the influence of love, dope from alcohol, or as a result of excessive gullibility.

When it comes to computers and apps

In the world of the Internet, such a concept as the vulnerability of an object was introduced. Every computer with access to the network is under the threat of an external attack. Despite the use of a whole class of protection against viruses and spyware, attackers still manage to penetrate the system.

object vulnerability
object vulnerability

This happens as a result of program errors, incorrect exit from important sites, or simply due to neglect of protective measures. A flaw in the system needs to be identified and eliminated, these problems are de alt with by experienced specialists with education in the field of information systems.

System vulnerabilities occur as a result of a number of cases:

  • violation of the rules for storing and entering passwords;
  • untrusted software product codes;
  • refusing to install official software applications and antiviruses;
  • untimely system check for spyware, viruses, scripts.

Statistical criteria

Based on the results of investigations of incidents in the field of cybernetics, rules have been created for the operation of computers in the banking, military or industrial fields. National security or the integrity of a business often depends on the measures taken. Therefore, when a new PC unit is introduced, the vulnerability of objects is assessed.

vulnerability assessmentobjects
vulnerability assessmentobjects

The PC scan is based on the search for ways to penetrate the system from a remote computer:

  • via buffer overflow;
  • open ports;
  • applications that work with network protocols;
  • by deceiving users and forcing them to commit rash acts: enter a password on third-party sites, send SMS with a code, enter your personal account through a hacked program.

Often, users use hacked operating systems that already have spy codes in their bodies. Such actions make it easier for hackers to withdraw other people's funds from accounts.

What are the countermeasures to protect your PC?

Vulnerability check allows you to build a competent system of protection against malware. Informing the user should be carried out instantly, then material problems can be completely avoided. However, in practice, help comes too late.

vulnerability check
vulnerability check

Initially, the user himself can contribute to the protection of the computer by buying legal software and installing anti-virus programs. But it also requires monitoring of spyware and suspicious activity in idle mode. These problems often occur in the Android system. The latest updates help solve hacking problems, but even experienced specialists cannot completely eliminate cases of penetration.