Applied bachelor's degree is a specific program of educational activities, as a result of which the student must obtain all the necessary knowledge and skills in order to go to work immediately after graduation. This direction for the preparation of students appeared relatively recently, in 2010, but disputes over its necessity have not subsided so far. Let's take a look at what an applied bachelor's degree is, and whether it is a full-fledged higher education.
Bachelor's degree
Many universities in our country have long since switched to a system of two-level education. It lies in the fact that a student, after studying for 4 years at the university, receives a bachelor's degree and can go with him either to work or to a master's program, which lasts two years. Studying in master's programs, the student expands his knowledge in the chosen field and in the future has a chance to enter graduate school and engage in scientific activities.

The undergraduate program lasts fourof the year. Admission occurs on the basis of secondary full education, that is, after grade 11. If a student enters on the basis of secondary specialized education, then in some cases the term of study at a university can be reduced to 3 years. After graduation, the graduate receives a bachelor's degree and a corresponding diploma, which may well qualify for vacancies where higher education is required. In 2010, there was a division into applied bachelor's and academic bachelor's programs.
Academic bachelor's degree is a classic form of study in higher education programs. The main emphasis in it is on the full development of the theoretical base in this speci alty. It is assumed that after receiving a bachelor's degree, the student will enter the master's program and possibly engage in scientific activities.

Applied bachelor's degree is a form of study in higher education programs, which is focused not only on theoretical, but also on practical, professional training of the student. It is necessary for the training of specialists with a high level of knowledge in the speci alty, but also with a certain experience in this field.
The Essence of Applied Baccalaureate
Despite the fact that the program has been put into operation in many universities for about 10 years, few people understand what it is. Of course, an applied bachelor's degree is higher education, and a diploma of this form of education can qualify for speci alties where higher education is needed.
The main goal of this program is to train personnel who, after graduation from the institute, will be able to start working without additional internships and advanced training courses. Many employers interested in such personnel are helping to develop curricula together with institutes.

Just like academic, applied bachelor's programs last four years, after which the graduate receives a diploma of higher and secondary specialized education. In addition, a graduate of an academic bachelor's degree can immediately enter a master's program, and a graduate of an applied one - only after he has worked for several years in his speci alty. It will not be possible to complete an applied bachelor's degree at a technical school or college.
Speci alties
At the moment, there are about 60 areas in which the standard of applied bachelor's degree has been developed. Every year, students enroll in these study programs. The most popular speci alties among applicants:
- legal;
- economic;
- environmental;
- engineering;
- sociological.
Also, chemistry, choreography, computer science, tourism, management and other areas were included in the number of applied speci alties.
More than 40 universities across the country have supported the applied baccalaureate program and are actively implementing it.
Pros of an applied bachelor's degree
This system of higher education has long been exploited in Europe. It has its own significant pluses.
Wo-First, the introduction of an applied bachelor's degree is an opportunity to make the traditional education system more flexible. Many students, receiving the coveted certificates of higher education, do not go to work in their speci alty. This is due to the fact that they were vague about their duties in practice. The introduction of more applied disciplines will prevent disappointment in the chosen profession.

Second, after graduating from university, a graduate can immediately go to work. If he needs advanced training, or he himself decides to expand his knowledge in the field of study, he can enter the master's program. This principle gives awareness to the acquisition of knowledge in higher educational institutions.
Thirdly, the applied bachelor's degree produces specialists who are qualified in the chosen speci alty. There is a shortage of experienced workers in the labor market, and many employers would rather accept a person with an understanding of the profession than a graduate without applied knowledge.