The teacher chooses the types of lessons based on the content of the academic discipline, the teaching methods and educational technologies used, and the distinctive characteristics of the class team. There are several options for classifying training sessions that differ by type of activity.

Types of lessons at school are determined by some distinctive features. Authors choose for subdivision:
- how and content;
- variant of organization of educational activities;
- teaching methods;
- didactic goal.
Unit by purpose of the lesson
Goal setting is a must for every single session. According to the purpose, the following types of lessons at school are distinguished:
- learning new material;
- deepening knowledge;
- training skills and abilities;
- summary of material;
- ZUN control;
- analysis of the level of assimilation by students of the studied material.
Depending on the nature of the content of the material under consideration, the level of education of schoolchildren, there is also a certain gradation of classes.
Selectthe following types of lessons:
- learning new material (1 type);
- improving skills, abilities, knowledge (type 2);
- systematization (type 3);
- combined (type 4);
- control of knowledge and skills (type 5);
- skill adjustments.

Division by ways of implementing teaching methods
M. I. Makhmutov identifies different types of lessons according to the nature of the activities of students and teachers:
- learning new knowledge;
- shaping skills;
- systematization and generalization of the studied material;
- control and correction of skills, knowledge;
- practical work;
- combined (mixed) classes.
Among them, the last type is the most widely used. Practitioners and theorists involved in the organization of the pedagogical process note that it is the share of combined lessons that accounts for more than half of all training sessions.
These types of lessons combine the main elements of learning in their structure:
- organization of the educational process;
- checking and repeating the knowledge of schoolchildren;
- learning new learning material;
- shaping skills and abilities;
- consolidation of acquired knowledge;
- explaining homework;
- summing up;
- assessment of student success;
- correction of skills.
These types of GEF lessons are aimed at achieving several main goals. With a smooth transition from one stage to another,provides mobility and flexibility of the structure of the lesson, the solution of numerous educational and educational tasks.
Among the shortcomings of the combined lesson, we highlight a small amount of time (15-20 minutes) for learning new material, as well as a forced reduction in practical activities aimed at developing cognitive interest in the subject being studied.
An experienced teacher knows how to use these types of GEF lessons, minimizes all shortcomings.
A lesson in gaining new knowledge
Most of the time in such classes is devoted to the transfer and assimilation of certain skills, skills, knowledge by the younger generation. In this case, the main types of work in the lesson are related to the formation of ideas about a particular material, phenomenon, process.
They use such classes to transfer a large amount of educational material to schoolchildren, or to demonstrate certain technological processes to them.
The following types of activities in the lesson are suitable for this type: explanation of the teacher, lecture, heuristic conversation, setting up and conducting experiments and experiments, independent activity.
At such a lesson, various methods of activating activity are appropriate:
- consideration of the presented material using problem questions;
- inclusion of bright facts, examples, evidence in the content of the lecture;
- involving schoolchildren in the discussion of the material under consideration using theory, facts;
- use of visibility and TCO.
Such kinds of formslessons involve the activation of attention and mental activity, the systematization of the skills acquired by students.

Lesson structure
Such types of Russian language lessons have a certain sequence:
- organizational moment, preparing students for learning new material, updating the knowledge that was obtained earlier;
- highlighting the purpose and objectives of the lesson;
- explanation of new material, active involvement of schoolchildren in independent activities: with a book, computers, reference materials, devices;
- conducting practical work to consolidate new knowledge;
- analysis of homework;
- results of the lesson, assessment of class performance.

Securing ZUN
Such types of Russian language lessons are necessary for the generalization and systematization of knowledge, their detailed understanding and assimilation. Their main task is the development and formation of skills and abilities in the course of practical and educational activities, as well as their correction.
Types of lesson plans have a structure:
- organized start;
- setting goals and objectives;
- exercises of various types and levels of complexity according to the material covered, laboratory and practical work, involving schoolchildren in independent activities under the supervision of a teacher;
- summing up, demonstrating the results achieved, their collective discussion, clarification of somemoments, student marks;
- summarizing the main provisions, conclusions, hypotheses, ideas, identifying trends in the development of the topic in science, establishing its connection with other sections of the subject course;
- homework explanations;
- correction of activity and knowledge of schoolchildren.
Such types of lessons in a correctional school do not require the teacher to explain the new material. The guys themselves look for all the information related to the topic under consideration when performing independent work, experimental experiments.
It is not supposed to separate the repetition of the studied material into a separate stage, the teacher logically fits it into the main content, offering pupils different exercises.
For example, these kinds of math lessons can be done as a competition between columns. The teacher offers each group the performance of certain tasks, then the results of the work carried out are summed up, the results of the activity are analyzed.
When preparing for the lesson, the teacher selects the material, types, forms, thinks over the duration of independent work.
To achieve the didactic goals of the lesson, the connection with the organization of the evaluation and control function is used.
The variety of types and tasks involves the maximum combination of frontal and individual surveys based on problematic situations and "uncomfortable" questions with oral and written exercises.
Different types of open lessons suggest:
- applying the work of writing short essays, dictations, charting,charts, diagrams;
- acquaintance with the principle of operation of individual devices, mechanisms, devices.

Lessons systematization and generalization of the studied material
Among the main didactic tasks that the teacher sets for such classes, we highlight:
- the formation of a system of theoretical knowledge among schoolchildren on the central sections and topics of the taught academic discipline;
- highlighting the key sentences that were analyzed in previous lessons, considering the relationship of the events and facts considered, the formation of concepts, the systematization of knowledge;
- testing and accounting for skills, knowledge, skills in the considered sections, topics, all the material covered for a quarter, half a year, a year.
For example, these types of technology lessons might have the following structure:
- organized start, setting goals and objectives;
- repetition of learned material with the help of oral, frontal, survey, interview, discussion;
- summarizing the results with a complete analysis of the completeness of knowledge, choosing ways of independent activity, identifying guidelines for working on new educational content.
Such lessons form the need for schoolchildren to systematically repeat the educational material. They not only highlight the main theoretical provisions, generalize knowledge on various topics, establish interdisciplinary connections.
Students learn to use acquired skills in new situations and conditions. If necessary, the teacher reads generallectures, conducts additional consultations, creates handouts and visual materials.
Productive classes in the form of problematic discussions, seminars, business games, allow students to solve problems of a practical and theoretical nature.
For the effective influence of such lessons on the development of abilities, intelligence, thinking in the younger generation, it is necessary to use a psychologically motivated spatial placement of visual materials in the classroom.
Lessons of correction and control of skills, skills, knowledge
Such classes are needed to identify the level of learning, assess the quality of the knowledge gained by schoolchildren. How can such a lesson be written? Types of reading: individual, frontal help the teacher of literature to control each child, analyze their involvement in the lesson.
Such lessons are a great opportunity to identify moral, spiritual, worldview values, lifestyle, world views, types of creative activity. They help the teacher to identify the readiness of schoolchildren for independent creative activity, to assess the attitude to educational activities.
How to write a lesson summary? Types of reading, options for exercises, assignments for independent work - all this is chosen by the teacher, taking into account the individual characteristics of schoolchildren.
The selection of forms and methods is of particular importance when the teacher takes 1st grade. Types of lessons in elementary school are determined by the new federal educational standards. They do not involve grading,therefore, when conducting lessons for correction and control of knowledge, the teacher should use the incentive system.
It is in the course of such classes that a system of attitudes to teaching, various aspects of educational activity is revealed, which contributes to the use of a student-centered approach, making adjustments to the content of the material.
The structure of this lesson:
- beginning of class, psychological adjustment to work, preparation for activity;
- setting goals and objectives, revealing the concept of the lesson, determining the range of actions for schoolchildren, updating the role of control;
- the main part involves instructions on doing independent work, brief commentary, maintaining the intellectual and emotional background of the activity;
- at the final stage, the results of the work are summed up, typical mistakes and their causes are considered, rational solutions are chosen, poor progress is prevented.
For example, after composing, you can analyze the main types of sentences. The teacher can build a lesson on the consideration of the best works, explaining their main advantages.
Example activity
We offer a variant of a game between students and teachers related to the natural sciences.
Main objectives of this game:
- formation of cognitive interest among schoolchildren in subjects of the natural cycle,
- helping students in self-development through communication with teachers,
- building cooperation and respect between children and teachers.
The game is played according to the scenariotelevision game "One hundred to one" between a team of students in the class and a team of teachers. Two weeks before the start of the game, a survey of schoolchildren and teachers who will not be involved in the game is offered.
Respondents are asked ten different questions:
- What is nature like?
- Why do humans need proteins?
- What are mountains?
- From whom did man come?
- What does chemistry study?
- What characterizes ecologists?
- How to find the location of our city?
- What do students do in chemistry class?
- What does a geography teacher bring to class?
- What science of nature do you know?
After analyzing the received questionnaires, the five most repeated answers are selected, indicating the number of respondents. The processed data is recorded on a special scoreboard (paper sheet, board) and kept secret until the start of the game. Teams of students and teachers choose a captain, come up with a name for the team, a motto, and select an emblem. Each team gives the players an idea (about each member of their team). The jury involves high school students of the parallel eleventh grade and teachers of a different profile, for example, philologists. Students of parallel classes are given a task: some must come up with a collective image of an eleventh grade student, others - a collective image of a school teacher. With the help of students, two electrical circuits are assembled for the game, which consist of elements connected in series: a key, a bell, a current source (or two bells are used).
Game hoststarts the game, gives the teams the floor for mutual greetings. The guys present their emblem, name, motto to those present. The captain introduces his team members to everyone, then the guys talk about him.
The host asks a certain question, then the game continues with the team whose captain closes the electric circuit the fastest (or rings the bell). Then the captains return to their teams. Players take turns answering the question. If the answer is on the impromptu scoreboard, then the assistants open it, and the team earns points. If the players allow three incorrect answers, then the right to answer passes to the other team. If the opponents answer correctly, they win the warm-up and earn points. While the jury sums up the first results, fixes the points, the presenter talks about measures to protect nature.
The reverse game
The team that won the warm-up starts answering the question. The facilitator asks a question, then the teams give answers in turn. Assistants open the scoreboard, and the team whose answer is located on the scoreboard below wins the game. The jury sums up the round "in reverse", and the students of the eleventh grade advertise the image of the "student" of their educational institution.
"The Big Game"
Two players of the winning team take part in it. One of them is removed for a few minutes, while the second remains in the class. The first player is asked five questions in 25 seconds. Then the facilitator of the event comments on the answers given by the participant and the answers received duringtime for questioning teachers and students. The assistants open all the matching answers on the scoreboard, and the jury calculates the points. Next, the second player is invited, he is asked the same questions, the player must answer them in thirty seconds. If the answer of the second player matches the answer of the first, a signal will sound, you must immediately give a different answer. Then the assistants open on the scoreboard all the matches with the answers of the respondents. The jury sums up the general results, and high school students at this time advertise the collective image of the school teacher.
The host of the game gives the floor to the jury. After the awards ceremony is over, teams thank each other for their performance.

Game "Clever and clever"
This game is designed for 8th grade students. Its main task is to improve the cognitive interest of schoolchildren in subjects of the natural, humanitarian, and mathematical cycles.
During the game, students identify the relationship of objects, which is necessary for the formation of a scientific worldview. The game consists of three stages. First, there is a qualifying round. During it, students can demonstrate their knowledge in various subject areas.
For example, knowledge of chemistry, biology, physics, history, literature. The questions are chosen in such a way that they do not directly overlap with school courses in these subjects. Questions are not subdivided by subject areas, they are given in a mixed version. The game provides an opportunity to show students their comprehensive development, creativity. For each correct answer, the student is awarded an guy. After the completion of the qualifying rounds in each class, five people are selected who have scored the maximum number of points. 25 people advance to the semifinals.
In the semi-finals, the audience is asked questions on various topics. For each correct answer they give out the order of the nerd. Next, the results of the second qualifying round are summed up, according to the results of which three students go to the final of the game.
To choose the color of the track, students are offered a task. The student who will be the first to correctly answer the question gets the right to choose one of several game tracks. The rest of the guys choose the tracks that are left.
There are only two questions on the red carpet, but it is necessary to give the correct answer to each of them. Three questions are waiting for the child on the yellow path, one wrong answer is allowed. On the green (blue) track, the guys are asked four questions, two pen alty points are allowed. Students are offered different topics for the final, they stop at one of them.
The winner is the player who runs faster along the playing track. He is recognized as the winner of the game "Clever and clever", receives a prize and a diploma. The audience also has the right to answer questions, earning "orders of smarties." The spectator who has collected the maximum number of orders at the end of all 3 rounds is declared the best theorist, receives a prize and a diploma.
The game is conducted by students from the eleventh grade, and the guys who won the previous games act as experts.
According to the results of the semi-finals, the jury selects 3 finalists. On the red carpetThe student is asked two questions. To win in the final game, he must give the correct answer to each of them. Otherwise, the "wise guy" turns into a theorist again.
On the yellow track, the player is waiting for three questions, he has the right to only one mistake. On the green path, the student is asked 4 questions, two “misses” are allowed. The winner is the student who passes his path first.
Questions in the final are offered in the following areas: history, literature, mathematics.
In closing
Currently, teachers in domestic educational institutions use various forms, methods, types of lessons. When choosing a variant of the lesson, the individual characteristics of the classroom team, each individual member, age and physiological characteristics are taken into account.
For example, when working with children with serious mental disabilities who study within the framework of correctional methods, it would be best to use a combined type of lesson.

This allows the teacher to combine various forms of work with such students to the maximum extent, to give them a chance for successful socialization after the completion of the educational and educational process.
For gifted and talented students, support from a teacher-mentor is important, therefore, when working with such students, the teacher pays maximum attention to the selection of individual educational trajectories for them.