Cutting is Meanings of the word

Cutting is Meanings of the word
Cutting is Meanings of the word

Cutting - what is it? This word has many interpretations and denotes both an action and an object at the same time. Not everyone knows, but etymologically it has a connection with such a garment as a shirt. More details about the fact that this is a felling will be described in the article.

Connection with the verb

The first of the meanings of the word "cutting", which occurs in the dictionary, is the action corresponding to the verb "cut". It concerns, for example:

  • Cut down trees or take them out of the forest.
  • Crushing food with cutting tools.
  • Plant production, where the method of separating sheet material through its impact displacement is used. It is used in guillotines in some designs.

An example of the use of the word: “The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains an article according to which illegal logging and significant damage to forest or other plantations, committed on a large scale, are punished, which can be expressed both in the award of pen alties and in compulsory corrective labor, and even imprisonment for up to one year.”

Next for a better understanding of the meaning of "cutting"consider the verb "hack" to which the dictionary refers.

Meanings of the verb

wood cutting
wood cutting

In the dictionary, you can find several interpretations of the verb "hack".

  • The first of them is to split, grind, cut off something. Example: “The hawks were fed meat by chopping it up and then putting it out in the open and screaming loudly until the birds landed and started pecking.”
  • The second option is used in a figurative sense and means to construct, build something from logs, other timber. Example: “At the family council, the brothers decided that in the spring they would jointly cut down the hut for the youngest of them.”
  • The third option also has a figurative meaning and means - to say something directly, without any embellishment and roundabouts. Example: “Andrey Sergeevich was a decisive person from his youth, he acted sharply and expressed himself bitingly, he always cut the truth.”

What is hacking in jargon?

But, in addition to those indicated, the verb in question also has meanings related to jargon. These are like:

  • Understand, comprehend something. Example: “Aleksey told Masha in a big secret that he doesn’t cut anything in the rules of this newfangled game.”
  • Forbid, reject. Example: “Natasha complained to her brother that her mother constantly cuts down all her creative undertakings, subjecting them to the most severe criticism.”
chop rock
chop rock

Play music with drive. Example: “Inviting comrades to a concert, Sasha enthusiastically advertised a musical group, which, according tohe says, cuts real rock.”

Next, we will consider the meanings of the word "cutting" associated not with an action, but with an object.

Other interpretations of "cutting"

Among them in dictionaries you can find the following:

cabin on the ship
cabin on the ship
  • According to the first of them, the felling is a closed structure on the deck of a ship, which has a special purpose. Example: "The storm was so strong that, as a result, all the boats, the fore mast were demolished on the Swift, and the upper deckhouse was also badly damaged."
  • In the second meaning, it also denotes a room, but not on a ship, but on an airship. Example: "On an airship, the cabin is one of the elements of its design, in which there are control devices for it."
  • In the third meaning, the cabin is a radar station. Example: “In the ship's radio room, receiving and transmitting equipment is placed, with the help of which long-distance radio communications are carried out.”
  • Also in Russia there are two rivers with the name Cutting. Both of them flow in the Kirov region. One of them is a tributary of the Moloma River, the second is a tributary of the Syuzyuma.


It seems appropriate in conclusion to say a few words about her. Since the word "cutting" simultaneously denotes an action and a room, the origin of each of the options is different.

That “cutting”, which is an action, originates from the Proto-Slavic language, where the word looks like rǫbiti, from which the Old Russian verb “cut” was formed, and then the Russian “cut”. It is also associated with"shirt", "rags", that is, coarse clothing.

That cabin, which means room, comes from the Dutch noun roef, which translates as cabin.
