Children learn about the first concepts of good and evil from fairy tales. It is in this fictional magical world that good always triumphs over evil, justice and happiness reign. But it often happens that some fairy tales do not really want to be told to your child for one reason or another. In such a situation, you can compose a short fairy tale about animals yourself or with your child.

Why compose fairy tales?
Despite the abundance of both copyright and folk tales, parents still adapt the material for their child. Indeed, in many of these works one can often find such concepts as "death", "evil spirits", "orphan". These and other definitions, except for the fact that they carry negative emotions, are very difficult to explain to a little man. For this reason, many parents "filter" for the time being the material thatpresented to the baby.
But you can't do without fairy tales either. So parents have to come up with their own stories, adapted to age and life situations. In addition, writing a fairy tale is very good at distracting the baby, which is important when traveling long distances or sitting in line.

Educational reception
The fairy tale about animals is very well heard by children. You can write such short stories, as they say, on the go. The main thing is that your invented fairy tale has a moral - what you wanted to tell your child about. This may be a story that doing good is always good and laudable, and doing evil is bad. You can talk about how courage will help you overcome any difficulties, and cowardice is a negative quality in a person.
In addition to educating the moral aspects of the personality, during the writing of fairy tales, perseverance develops, as well as attentiveness. These qualities will be very useful to the child in the future, especially during the period of study at school.

Fun game or learning?
To compose a short fairy tale about animals, a child needs to know their distinctive features, breeds and species. Fantasizing about certain animals, it is necessary to tell the baby about where animals and birds live, what they eat, what those animals look like that the child has not yet heard of.
Let's give an example based on two fairy tales that all children know - "Kolobok" and "Teremok". From the first storythe child learns about where you can meet animals (field, thicket of forest, edge), about their character: the hare is cowardly, the bear is clumsy, the fox is cunning.
In the second fairy tale, prefixes to their "names" are spoken about animals: the mouse - "norushka" (because it lives in a mink), the frog - "wah" (the sound it makes) and so on. It is in such details that the nature of the animals is revealed, grains of knowledge are passed on to kids.

Developing creativity
Fairy tales composed by children about animals not only contribute to the development of imagination, but also help to show their creative abilities. Indeed, for a story written with you, you can come up with illustrations, decoration. And it doesn’t matter what the pictures will be drawn with, the main thing is the colors and shapes, which, from the point of view of psychologists, are extremely important for studying the state of the baby. If the child plays any musical instrument, you can add sound accompaniment. You can also come up with a short story while role-playing with animal dolls - this option is great for the little ones.
The child's creative thinking develops well if a fairy tale about animals of his own composition is drawn up in the form of a small book. It can be either directly the canvas of the story with its own illustrations, or variations. Part of the text is written by the author, and then the picture follows, according to which the reader must reproduce the sequence of events. Making a book like this is a lot of fun.thanks to which not only fantasy is turned on, but logical thinking and artistic perception also work.

How to write fairy tales?
You don't have to be a talented writer to write a short story about animals. It is enough to come up with a situation that needs to be beaten, to show the kid the moral of this essay and that's it. The main characters must be chosen based on the situation shown - good-evil, brave-cowardly. A fairy tale about animals ("Once upon a time there was a bunny who had a magic wand…") will tell about your kid's fantasies and dreams.
For young children, it is necessary to include repetitions in the fairy tale. So they better remember the sequence of events, and it’s also a good psychological trick. On the example of the above fairy tales, remember how many times Kolobok sang his song (frequent repetition with elements of adding a character) and the question was asked: "Who lives in a small house?"
What else is characteristic of a fairy tale about animals? You can compose this even while walking, talking about those animals and birds that can be found in the city - a cat outside the window, a dog at the fence, a cooing dove, a chirping sparrow, etc. By writing short stories, you can study wild and domestic animals. A fairy tale about animals (“Once upon a time there was a bunny, and he had a magic wand …”) will tell you what your baby dreams about and what situations you should work on. Also, this method contributes to the development of the child's memory. Writing a fairy taleanimals seen at the zoo will definitely be remembered by the baby much more than a simple trip to the animals.
And yet, in order for your story to resemble a fairy tale, it is necessary to include some elements in it:
- Indicate exactly when the events in the fairy tale take place (a long time ago, under King Pea, etc.).
- Think up a place for events (in the Kingdom of Far Far Away, in the Fairytale City, in the Rainbow Meadow).
- Be sure to choose the main character with whom the situation and the moral of the story will be connected. This hero needs to choose a name, describe him a little (cockerel Vociferous neck - appearance, name and characteristics).
- Think of secondary characters that relate to the situation.
- Play out the situation you wanted to show the child.
- Be sure to come up with a good ending, show a way out.
As you can see, nevertheless, there are some nuances in the creation of this genre that you should not forget about in order to turn a fascinating story into an equally fascinating and instructive tale about animals. Composing it is not too easy, but quite entertaining and instructive.

Own stories
Composing a fairy tale about animals has many goals. But the most important of them is the instructive function. The child must take out from the story the main thing that the author meant. If the essay was created directly by the child, parents need to hear what is behind this fairy tale, what exactly the kid wanted to say.
By the way, psychologists say that through such a form of storytelling as a fairy tale, one can not only educate a person, but also resolve conflicts. It is enough to put the main character, similar to the baby, in the center of the story and imagine a similar situation, suggesting at the same time which way out will be the most optimal.

A child comes into this world tiny and helpless. Every rustle, unknown animal and plant can frighten him. Therefore, the best way to teach a child to understand life's circumstances is a fairy tale about animals. Compose or tell an existing one - the choice is up to the parents. The main thing is for the child to learn the moral from this story and be able to compare it with real life.