Zaporozhye Medical University. ZSMU, Zaporozhye. Zaporozhye University

Zaporozhye Medical University. ZSMU, Zaporozhye. Zaporozhye University
Zaporozhye Medical University. ZSMU, Zaporozhye. Zaporozhye University

Zaporozhye State Medical University is a multidisciplinary higher education institution of IV level of accreditation, which has the right of autonomous management. The institution is considered one of the oldest universities in Ukraine, where those who wish can receive a quality medical education.

A trip to history

Zaporozhye State Medical University
Zaporozhye State Medical University

In 1903, the Higher Women's Courses were established in Odessa. From that time begins the history of the present university. In 1959, the institution from Odessa was transferred to Zaporozhye, where it was given a different name - the Zaporozhye Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1964, a medical faculty was opened under him, in which there are both full-time and part-time forms of education. In 1969, this institution received a new name - Zaporozhye Medical Institute. Until 1972, the Faculty of Medicine provided day and evening training for students. In 1972, a faculty for the preparation of foreign citizens was opened. Already in 1974, future doctors were trained in internships for 15speci alties.

Our days

Zaporozhye Medical University does not stop developing even today, the learning process is being improved, new speci alties are being introduced. A highly qualified staff of teachers is constantly working to increase and accumulate the scientific potential of the country. Graduates successfully find jobs in all regions of Ukraine and foreign countries.

Zaporozhye University
Zaporozhye University

ZSMU (Zaporozhye State Medical University) is an almost closed campus with many educational buildings, clinics, dormitories, libraries, student cafes and a stadium. The campus is surrounded by the city park "Rainbow", where mass events, exhibitions, broadcasting of football matches, the annual Intercession Fair, dedicated to the celebration of the City Day, are constantly held. In addition, the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River, which are located near the university, create a favorable climate for learning and excellent conditions for active recreation of students.

First Faculty of Medicine

The First Faculty of Medicine trains dentists and doctors in the speci alties of "stomatology" and "General Medicine". The form of study is full-time, the duration of study is 5 years in the speci alty "dentistry", "General Medicine" - 6 years with the possibility of further internship in the following primary specializations:

  • family medicine;
  • obstetrics and gynecology;
  • intensive care and anesthesiology;
  • emergency medicine;
  • neurosurgery;
  • traumatology and orthopedics;
  • surgery;
  • ophthalmology;
  • forensic examination;
  • psychiatry;
  • urology;
  • otolaryngology and others
admission to medical school
admission to medical school

All students of ZSMU (Zaporozhye) have the opportunity to practice not only in their hometown, but also in medical institutions of foreign countries. To date, the faculty includes about 25 departments, among the teaching staff - honored workers of science and technology of Ukraine, laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine, honored doctors of Ukraine, professors, candidates of science.

Second Faculty of Medicine

The Second Faculty of Medicine trains students in the following speci alties:

  • Pediatrics. The form of study is full-time, the duration of study is 6 years, followed by an internship in the following primary specializations: pediatrics, pediatric surgery, pediatric anesthesiology, pediatric otorhinolaryngology, neonatology.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. Educational and qualification level - bachelor, qualification - doctor-laboratory assistant. Day form of education. Bachelors - 4 years of study, masters - 1.5 years.

Out of 466 students studying at the faculty, 2 named scholarship holders, about 10% are excellent students. Zaporozhye Medical University gives every student the opportunity to conduct research work as part of the student community.

First Faculty of Pharmacy

The First Faculty of Pharmacyconducts training of pharmacists and pharmacists-cosmetologists in two popular speci alties: "pharmacy" and "technology of perfumes and cosmetics (TPKS)". The duration of study for full-time students is 5 years.

The faculty includes the following departments:

  • biochemistry and laboratory diagnostics;
  • Department of Analytical Chemistry;
  • Department of Drug Technology;
  • Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
  • Department of Clinical Pharmacology, etc.

Out of 900 people studying at this faculty, about 12% of excellent students, 3 winners of nominal scholarships, 30 people were awarded the scholarship of the mayor of the city of Zaporozhye. All students of the faculty have the opportunity to visit modern libraries, the reading rooms of which are connected to the Uranus system.

Zaporozhye Medical University
Zaporozhye Medical University

Second Faculty of Pharmacy

This faculty trains pharmacists and pharmacists-cosmetologists of distance learning. The duration of training depends on the basic education. Applicants who have received secondary or secondary special education, entering Zaporozhye Medical University based on the results of certificates or entrance exams, will need to study for 5.5 years; persons who have received secondary medical education - 5 years; 4, 5 years - persons with a secondary pharmacological education and bachelors in the speci alty "medicine"; 3 years - persons with higher medical education.

Training of pharmacists and cosmetologists is carried out by highly qualified teachers,among which there are many doctors of sciences, professors, candidates of sciences and associate professors. Modern information and logistical support of the educational process provides a high level of training.

zgmu zaporozhye state medical university
zgmu zaporozhye state medical university

First International Faculty

For foreign students wishing to enter the Zaporizhia Medical University, since 1973, the faculty of pre-university training has been functioning for further education in the country's universities in the field of medical and biological profile.

The purpose of training is the possibility of mastering the Ukrainian and Russian languages in a volume that allows you to freely communicate in them in all areas of activity. In addition to languages, students study mathematics, computer science, biology, physics, chemistry and regional studies. Many teachers have completed internships in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Studying at the courses greatly facilitates admission to the medical university of Zaporozhye and the universities of Ukraine as a whole.

In order to improve the assimilation of the material, students study in groups of 8 people, each is provided with textbooks and teaching aids. The duration of study is 1 year.

Zaporozhye Medical University
Zaporozhye Medical University

Second International Faculty

The Second International Faculty prepares specialists and masters in the following areas:

  • "Pediatrics", "General Medicine" - full-time education, training period - 6 years.
  • "Pharmacy", "TPKS" - full-time and part-time forms of study, duration of study- 5 years.

Postgraduate education of specialists includes clinical residency lasting from 2 to 5 years, internship from 1 year and postgraduate studies from 3 years.

Zaporozhye Medical University deservedly ranks first among Ukrainian universities in terms of foreign student enrollment. Since its inception, more than 5,000 specialists from other countries have been trained. Zaporozhye University successfully cooperates with 101 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. Since 2002, foreign students have been taught in English.

Zaporozhye Medical University
Zaporozhye Medical University

Faculty of Postgraduate Education

The Faculty of Postgraduate Education provides internship training for doctors, pharmacists, pediatricians and clinical residents. The terms of study depend on the chosen speci alty.

Masters are being trained, and on the basis of the faculty there are various courses for advanced training and thematic improvement.

Conditions for studying, living and leisure of students

The campus is located almost on the banks of the Dnieper, its territory is under round-the-clock protection. Junior students take theoretical classes in educational buildings, which are located on the campus. Practical classes for senior students most often take place in clinics located in different parts of the city. Opposite the Oak Grove (a park in the old part of Zaporozhye) there is a university clinic, where the skills of future doctors are also honed.

DormitoriesThe university is able to accommodate 2900 students, each of them has lounges and auditoriums with Internet access. Living rooms for 2 and 3 people. Only foreigners live in two buildings.

All conditions for sports have been created for students: within the walls of the university there is a sports complex, near the academic buildings and hostels there is a stadium with a football field, athletics sectors, sports grounds. In addition to physical education, students have the opportunity to attend various amateur art circles.

Tuition fees

One of the most famous universities in Ukraine is Zaporozhye Medical University. The cost of training depends on the chosen speci alty and form of education. According to the information for 2014, provided on the official website of the university, the cost of the contract form of education at ZSMU is as follows:

Cost of contract form of education at ZSMU for 2014

Speci alty

Total amount


1 course


2 course


3 course


4 course


5 course


6 course


Medicine 108 500 14 200 15 800 17 600 19 200 20 300 21 400
Pediatrics 83 200 12 700 13 300 13 700 14 100 14 500 14 900
Dentistry 105,000 16,000 18 800 21 300 25 300 25 300 -

Laboratory diagnostics


27,000 6450 6850 6850 - - -

Laboratory diagnostics


15,000 10,000 5000 - - - -

Pharmacy (daily form


67,000 13,000 13 500 13 500 13 500 13 500 -
TPKS (full-time education) 71 000 13 800 14 300 14 300 14 300 14 300 -
Pharmacy (correspondence course) 53 350 9700 9700 9700 9700 9700 4850
TPKS (correspondence education) 53 350 9700 9700 9700 9700 9700 4850

There are some reasons why ZSMU is more famous than many other universities in Ukraine. The medical achievements of professors and the rest of the teaching staff at the university cannot be ignored:

  • The first heart and liver transplant in Ukraine was performed thanks to Professor Nikonenko O. S.
  • The first domestic endoprosthesis of the knee joint was developed by traumatologists of the University with the assistance of Motor Sich OJSC. The quality of the endoprosthesis fully complies with international standards, and its cost is much lower than that of foreign analogues.
  • A number of domestic original drugs ("Thiotriazolin", "Thiocetam", "Thiodarone", "Levotil", "Amiotril", "Indotril", "Carbatril") were developed with the assistance of Professor I. A. Mazur.

Enjoy learning everyone!
