The painting "Again deuce" - a classic of socialist realism. It is one of the most beloved works of Soviet painting. Now she is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The artist raised a problem understandable to both children and adults, regardless of the era in which they live. The Ministry of Education considered it necessary to include an essay on the painting "Again a deuce" in the program of grades 2, 5 and 6 in Russian schools. It is not very difficult to write it.
Reshetnikov's painting "Again deuce": composition (plan)
- Brief information about the artist.
- History of writing the work.
- Description of the painting "Again deuce": a) the situation in the apartment; b) the main characters; c) everyone's reaction to a deuce.
- My impressions of the canvas.
Using this plan and the information below, it will not be difficult to write an essay on the painting "Again the deuce".
Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov - Soviet painter and graphic artist, laureate of two Stalin Prizes for the paintings "Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I. V. Stalin", "Arrived for the holidays" and "For Peace!"

Since 1943 he began to draw children, especially teenagers, since he himself had a daughter, Lyuba. At the international exhibition in the city of Brussels, his paintings were awarded a bronze medal.
History of Creation
The original idea was to depict an excellent student at the blackboard who received another five. Then Reshetnikov considered that the story about how a diligent student does not cope with the task and they give him a deuce would be more interesting. On several sketches, such an excellent student is depicted in the classroom, at the blackboard, and the strict teacher looks at him with disappointment and reproach.
But when Reshetnikov's painting "Again a deuce" was almost completed, his daughter Lyuba - and she was a diligent student - brought a deuce from school. Then Fyodor Pavlovich wanted to show the bitterness of this situation in a family setting, and not in the classroom.
Composition on the painting "Again deuce": description
The action takes place in the family of ordinary Soviet citizens.

If we talk about the description of the painting "Again deuce", then its composition is very clear and understandable. Many details are guessed between the lines. If you recall the year when the painting "Again the deuce" was painted (and this is 1952), it means that seven years have passed since the Second World War. Judging by the approximate age of the children (12, 8 and 4), only the youngest did not catch the war. Father returned alive from the front, and in the familya third child was born. Of course, the head of the family is not depicted here, but he is most likely at work, since it is still light outside the window, and this is happening in winter.
A mother, an older sister, a younger brother and a dog are at home at this time. Everything looks as if before the appearance of the unfortunate student, each of them calmly went about his own business. The mother, in a tied apron, was busy with the housework, the sister was preparing to sit down for lessons, the youngest mastered all the subtleties of cycling, and the dog indulged in his special dog joys. But suddenly the door opens and the middle son comes in. The briefcase, from which the skates peep out, hastily tied with twine, the boy's ears are red from the cold. The dog immediately joyfully rushes to him, wagging his tail and whining joyfully. But now he is not up to it, he is forced to report about the next deuce. For a couple of moments dead silence reigns, only the sound of a wall clock on the wall and the sniffling of a dog can be heard. This very moment was captured by Reshetnikov's famous painting "Again the deuce".
Reaction to what happened
Each of the five characters has their own. The unfortunate student himself is upset not so much by the assessment itself, but by the fact that he will again be scolded or other educational measures will be applied. He delayed this moment of truth as long as possible, because after school he did not immediately go home, but also raced with the boys on skates and rode down the hill on a battered briefcase. Now he is standing with downcast eyes so as not to look into the eyes of a distressed mother. But in this reckless boy, many were able to see themselves, and therefore his image causes sympathy, not condemnation.
And the mother, while waiting for her son, probably looked at her wrist watch more than once. And as soon as the boy showed up on the doorstep, she is ready to pour him out for being late, and then there's a deuce! The woman already sat on the edge of the chair from the unpleasant news. There is a silent reproach and disappointment in her eyes. She looks at him like he's committed a heinous crime.
Sister - apparently, an excellent student - also evaluates her brother with disapproval. She knows the value of her fives and will certainly never bring a deuce. By the way, on the wall in the apartment there is a photo reproduction of another painting by Reshetnikov "Arrived for the holidays", where the main character is also, apparently, an exemplary student.

And the younger tomboy smiles slyly, because from the expression on his mother's face he understands that today not only he will get for childish pranks.
And only a dog sees a true friend in front of him, and not a loser.
Embroidered reality
Today's critics reproach Reshetnikov that he painted not what was in reality, but how it should have been seen. And the picture "Again deuce" is no exception.
Written in 1952, seven years after the end of World War II. At that time, the life of the average Soviet citizens was still very miserable. The country was just rising from the ruins. Toys such as a bicycle were an unaffordable luxury for many families. The same can be said about the carpet on the floor, and about the parquet board. It is now such rugs that you will see in the village. In the 50s, the apartments had a maximumlinoleum, and parquet and carpets were in short supply.
True, the picture "Again a deuce" deviates a little from the canons of the correct ideology, because not an excellent student (the future builder of communism) was chosen as the main character, but a loser, and even a sympathetic one.
But basically, Reshetnikov never went beyond the limits outlined by the party, clearly understanding his task to depict the life of Soviet citizens in the brightest colors. Although one should not immediately attribute to him the servility of power. Perhaps he simply believed in what he painted. On the other hand, he worked for a whole generation that survived the horrors of the war years. His cute sketches on social topics helped to understand that life goes on, and switched to less global problems (passing exams, bad grades, grandson's arrival on vacation).
A classic of this genre is Reshetnikov's painting "Again deuce". An essay on it was written by the grandparents of today's schoolchildren. It is interesting that the artist then wrote a continuation of this picture called "Re-examination". The main character is still the same negligent student who is preparing to retake in the village.

Any student - today or yesterday - has experienced the pain of disappointment from a bad grade. Therefore, everyone can write an essay on the painting "Again deuce".