Saratov State Medical University (SSMU) first opened its doors in 1909. It is one of the oldest medical higher educational institutions in Russia. At that time, its structure included a single faculty, which was called medical. Today it is a major educational institution whose diploma is highly valued in the Russian labor market.
About University

SSMU in Saratov accepts more than 600 people annually for training. The total number of university students reaches 5,000 people. In addition to Russian citizens, students are also representatives of foreign countries. The main mission of the university is to maintain the competitiveness of the educational institution both in the foreign and domestic markets.
Faculties and departments
SSMU in Saratov in its structure has 4 faculties, including such as dental, pediatric and others. Also, the structure of the university includes more thantwenty departments:
- clinical immunology;
- nervous diseases;
- general surgery;
- otorhinolaryngology;
- pediatrics IDPO and others.

Also, the structure of the university includes the following institutions:
- nursing education;
- Research Institute of Cardiology and others.
Passing points
For admission to the free basis in the direction of "Nursing" SSMU in Saratov, an applicant in 2017 needed to score a little more than 177 points. To get into a paid department, it was necessary to get 124 points on the sum of several state exams. Every year, the university allocates 10 places paid from the federal budget and 50 places - at the expense of the student. Tuition is 108,300 rubles per year.
To pass to the budgetary place of the direction "Pharmacy" last year it was required to score more than 195 points in the USE. The passing score for the contract department is lower: from 129. At the same time, 25 state-funded places were allocated, contract - 50. The cost of education per year is 135,000 rubles.
The passing score for the direction of training of specialists "Clinical Psychology" exceeded the value of 205 points. A total of ten budget places were allocated. Much lower scores were required when entering on a paid basis: from 124. The number of paid places is 30. The cost of education is 108,000 rubles a year.

SSMU clinics
The number of structural divisions of the university also includes severalclinics, among them:
- skin and venereal diseases;
- eye diseases;
- occupational pathology and hematology.
The Eye Diseases Clinic is one of the leading medical centers in the city. Complex operations are carried out within the walls of the institution:
- phacoemulsification of cataracts;
- vitrectomy;
- reconstructive surgery, etc.
The clinic for skin and venereal diseases at the SSMU in Saratov is one of the best institutions in its field in the region. Services provided include:
- modern bowel cleansing;
- PUVA therapy;
- treatment of chronic prostatitis, and others.
The quality of the services provided in the clinics is at its best, the employees try to find an individual approach to each patient. In addition, the staff of the clinics at the university try to make the treatment of patients as comfortable and painless as possible.