India has always been a mysterious country with traditions unlike any other. Powerful ceremonies, untold riches, luxury - all this attracted and continues to attract the interest of people from all over the world. However, even people familiar with the history of this incredible country are unlikely to know what records were made in Ancient India and with what tools, and the answers to these questions are quite simple. One has only to mentally return to the distant past.
What records were made on in ancient India
In ancient times, when modern technologies did not yet exist, people had to be very practical, so the most unexpected items were used for domestic needs. For writing in ancient India, for example, stones were adapted, and very often palm leaves, since they were more convenient.

Originallythe leaves were dried and then cut into long and narrow pieces. Talipot palm leaves were most commonly used and could be easily softened before drying.
Writing aids
Now that you know what was written on in ancient India, it's worth talking more about writing instruments. A special ink was prepared for writing. Most often it was soot or charcoal mixed with other elements. A reed pen or just a thin stick was used as a writing tool. To create books, small holes were made in palm leaves and tied with a rope, the ends of which were tied to pre-prepared planks that served as the cover of the book. Almost always they were varnished and painted.

What were records made on in Ancient India besides palm leaves? In some areas, birch bark, silk, bamboo and even copper were also used to create important documents.
It is believed that in some parts of ancient India they even used paper that came from China. Now you have learned what records were made on in Ancient India (pictures were rarely drawn), but you still have a whole unexplored world of this country with a rich culture and an incredible past.