Shikotan Island. Kuril Islands, Shikotan Island

Shikotan Island. Kuril Islands, Shikotan Island
Shikotan Island. Kuril Islands, Shikotan Island

There are many interesting places in the world that are popular with lovers of natural attractions. Shikotan Island attracts lovers of eco-tourism with its unique topography and diversity of bio-resources. There are no volcanoes and there are no aggressive predators. The mild climate and fairly flat terrain (the highest point is 405 meters) create favorable conditions for visiting the island in any season.

shikotan island
shikotan island


The world learned about this wonderful island thanks to the Second Kamchatka Expedition, which took place in 1733-1743. Its first name is Figured, it very accurately reflects the characteristic indented line of the coast. Subsequently, this small piece of land began to bear the name of its discoverer - the Russian navigator M. P. Shpanberg. Today, it is better known as Shikotan Island, which means “the best place” in the local language.

Given the favorable strategic position of this territory, the "struggle" for it is between two countries: Russia and Japan. The Land of the Rising Sun has been trying for more than half a centuryreturn the Kuril Islands. Shikotan Island already belonged to her from 1885 to 1945. Another important historical milestone is the strong earthquake of 1999, after which a large number of the local population left these lands. To date, the situation has been adjusted.

Geographic location

In the North Pacific Ocean there is a small archipelago - the Kuril Islands. Shikotan Island is located in one of two parallel ridges (Malaya) that make up this geographical feature. It is considered the largest and has coordinates of 43 degrees 48 minutes north latitude and 146 degrees 45 minutes east longitude. This island is washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk.

Kuril Islands Shikotan Island
Kuril Islands Shikotan Island

Territorial unit

In Russia, there is only one administrative region, which is located on the islands, this is the Sakhalin region. Shikotan Island is part of the South Kuril District of this administrative unit and has an area of 182 sq. km. The length of this small piece of land is about 28 kilometers long and a little over 9 kilometers wide.

shikotan reviews
shikotan reviews


The map of Shikotan Island clearly shows how often the coastline is indented. Therefore, among the attractions for which it is known, numerous bays are distinguished into a separate group:

  • Malokurilskaya. It is considered the most “convenient”, since the gentle coast allows ships to moor directly at the pier. Here, lush taiga vegetation is widespread,which is typical for this region.
  • Dolphin. This bay is named after the ship of the same name, on which exploration of this territory was conducted at the beginning of the 20th century. It is famous for dangerous stones that block the entrance of ships, and a picturesque lagoon formed at the mouth of the Ostrovnaya River. The bay is ice-bound during the winter months, which distinguishes it from the rest.
  • Crab. Here, as in other coastal areas of the island, Far Eastern crabs and saury are harvested. Its depth reaches 15 meters, which makes it a transit point for all fishing vessels. There is a lighthouse in the bay, named after the discoverer of the island.
  • Church. This is the most attractive place for lovers of sea views. Proof of this is its other name - "Aivazovsky Bay".
shikotan island map
shikotan island map


The numerous land ridges are also unique attractions that characterize the island as one of the most picturesque. This is:

  • Cape End of the World. This is the most popular place among the guests of the island, which ends abruptly with a steep and rocky cliff 40 meters high. This cape is visited by all tourists arriving at Shikotan. The reviews of eyewitnesses who managed to visit the edge of the cliff indicate that such a frightening name is fully justified. From here you have a beautiful view of the water expanses of the largest ocean on Earth. Interestingly, many people confuse the name of the cape and the island and believe that the End of the World is the name of the latter.
  • Cape Voloshin. This is a very picturesque cliff,composed of rocks. It was named after a Russian watercolorist, an artist who, at the beginning of the 20th century, created a shelter for creative people in a life crisis. The Kuril Islands are still today a place of pilgrimage for famous "masters of the brush", who draw inspiration from a unique source of natural beauty.


The island is famous for lush coniferous forests of fir, spruce, juniper and larch, which are a characteristic feature of this region.

  • The unique stone-birch forests are also a distinctive feature of the local landscapes. They are located closer to the coast, the only exception is the eastern part of the island.
  • Local bamboo (Kuril) and yew are found in numerous undergrowths that are concentrated near streams.
  • Tea, which grows on the island, is popular with travelers and locals. Its infusion is used to improve the body, and it is included in the menu card of all food outlets.
  • Along with the vegetation typical of the northern regions, there are also typically "southern" specimens, such as acacia, grapes and liana.
  • Poison tree. It is a shrub with very fleshy leaf blades. Contact with any part of this plant can cause an immediate skin reaction - a burn. But it should be noted that this plant can be dangerous only for a very short time.


Shikotan Island differs from its "neighbors" in a wide variety of fauna:

  • Birds. They winter heremany feathered representatives of the animal world, such as eagles and swans. Birds such as the sandpiper, long-tailed duck, etc. stop on the island to rest during seasonal migrations.
  • Animals. There are animals that belong to protected categories: sea otters, seals (anthur, sea lions and spotted seals), wild horses.
  • Salmon and trout live in the island's many streams.
sakhalin region shikotan island
sakhalin region shikotan island


In the future, Shikotan Island may become one of the unique centers specializing in sea diving. The plans of the local tourism industry are to create special facilities for lovers of underwater sports, as there are all conditions for the implementation of such projects.
