Definitely personal sentences are ubiquitous in our speech, even if we don't always notice them. Their main function is to simplify the text without prejudice to the information contained in it. Examples of definite personal sentences are those where the stem is represented by a predicate - a first or second person verb in the present or future tense.

As the name implies, definitely personal sentences include those constructions where the predicate can determine the person who performs the action. For example, in the sentence "I'll go to bed in half an hour", where the grammatical stem is represented by the personal form of the first person verb, you can confidently substitute the word "I" as the subject. This substitution is the most reliable way to identify a definitely personal offer.
Definitely personal sentences also include incentive constructions, in which the substitution of the subject is often impossible, but the person to whom the action belongs is easily determined. "Take out the trash until the evening." "Tell me, please, how to get to Pushkin Street?"In the first case, the person performing the action is "you", and in the second, "you". Although these words cannot be substituted as a subject.

Thus, we see that the person who owns the action in a definite personal sentence is either the speaker or his interlocutor. But there is one exception. The group "definitely personal sentences" cannot include those examples where the predicate is represented by the past tense of the verb, since this form does not make it possible to determine with accuracy who is performing the action. For example, in the sentence "Yesterday he left and did not return," the pronouns "I", "you", "he" can act as the subject. Therefore, it cannot be included in definitely personal proposals.
It is also a common mistake to classify indefinitely personal sentences as definitely personal. The former include constructions in which the grammatical basis is represented by a third-person plural verb. For example, "I was told to count the poles on the avenue." And it seems that here you can unequivocally substitute the pronoun "they" as the subject, but many people forget that nouns can also act as it. If we take this into account, it turns out that we cannot unambiguously determine who exactly performs the action in this sentence. It is important to remember this.

Definitely personal offers include only those in which, asthe person performing the action unambiguously figures "I", "you", "we" or "you". If you learn this, further work with similar designs will not be so difficult.
So, identifying definitely personal offers is easy. It is enough just to remember that the verb in it indicates the missing subject, in the place of which a certain pronoun can be substituted. Even the very name of the category - "definitely personal" - gives a hint here and helps to avoid errors and confusion in the classification and analysis of such examples.