Mine - what is it and why is it needed

Mine - what is it and why is it needed
Mine - what is it and why is it needed

Mine - what is it? Why do people need it, what types are there and how does it work? We will learn about this from the article.

mine is what
mine is what


Mine is a mining enterprise. This word comes from the word "ore". Ores are rocks that are processed to extract the metals they contain. It is distinguished depending on the chemical composition, origin, metal content and various impurities.

Dive into history

Even in ancient times, people found deposits of ores. In those days, its extraction was organized with the help of iron wedges, shovels, etc. They carried everything on their bodies. It was considered really hard work in those days.

Today, mines are the largest underground enterprises. They look like mines, but they are not. Electric trains run through underground passages, which bring production to specialized elevators. And from here she goes upstairs.

what is a mine
what is a mine

For whom and why are mines needed

Mine is one of the main necessities in the modern world. The main thing that is produced from ore -cast iron and steel. In the modern world, there is not a single production operating in the relevant field that could do without these materials.

There are also different types of mines:

  • Uranium.
  • Copper.
  • Iron.
  • Bauxite.
  • S alt.

By the names it is immediately clear which minerals are mined in each of the species. Mining ore is a labor-intensive process. Here there is a deep dive underground for the extraction of various minerals. To date, there are two ways to obtain ore: open and closed.

  1. Open. This is the most common and safest mining method. It is convenient when there are no settlements and hard rocks nearby. To begin with, they dig out a huge quarry, about 350 meters deep. Further, with the help of machines, the ore is collected and raised to the surface.
  2. Closed. Less secure method, rarely used. It is necessary if you want to preserve the landscape of the area. Actually, it's costly. Expenses are incurred for the construction of underground tunnels, transportation of production, etc. And at an unexpected moment, the earth may collapse and block access to the surface of the mine workers.

The most famous deposit of the mine is the Kursk magnetic anomaly. According to scientists, its resources will be preserved until 2020. Later they will decrease. The Ural Mountains are also considered large ore deposits in Russia. In smaller volumes, minerals are mined in the Irkutsk region, Transbaikalia, Khakassia and other regions.areas.
