There are many different individuals among people: personalities open and closed, gloomy and friendly, impudent, impudent and modest. What does a "modest person" mean, and what qualities does the bearer of such a characteristic have?
Decoration for a lady
They say a girl's best adornment is her modesty. No appearance and elegant decoration will give her so much splendor and charm as this irreplaceable quality. And yet, what does "humble" mean?

This is not a single character trait, but a combination of several qualities. A modest person has a number of certain properties that are woven into a single whole called "modesty".
So, a person called modest is distinguished by the following aspects of character and outlook:
- First of all, it's modesty. Modest people will not allow themselves too much either in words or in deeds. They clearly control their own behavior so that they do not feel shame later.
- Moderation in clothes, hair, make-up."Shoutiness" and excess are not characteristic of a modest nature.
- Compliance with the limits of decency. A modest girl is very polite, and under no circumstances will she allow herself rude behavior, loud laughter or a cheeky shout. Her behavior is worthy of royal nobility.
- Obedience, calmness, humility. She resignedly listens to a senior person in rank and age. Tries to stay calm under any circumstances.
- No desire for excess.
Such a girl will refuse an expensive gift given to her not by her husband, will not ask for money or a mink coat. Modesty fills her with wonderful femininity.
Humble gentleman
For a man modesty in behavior is not so important. What does humble guy mean? A timid young man looms before his eyes, who is afraid to turn to a girl, ashamed of his feelings and frank confessions. In most cases, this quality only interferes with men.

Modesty is an excellent character trait that best suits the fair sex.