Youth slang is a huge layer of the Russian language, which changes every day and becomes more and more extensive. Our children are already accustomed to speaking some kind of secret language that only they understand and embarrasses their parents. The older generation is forced to convulsively type in new words heard somewhere into the search box in search of deciphering the mysterious words. In order to keep up with the new words that are included in the speech of the most advanced stratum of society, we will analyze one of the slang expressions, and more specifically, what is "please".
It's no secret that most of the words that make up modern youth slang are either abbreviations or Russified English words, and the word "please" is no exception here. This expression came into the modern speech of teenagers in the twenty-first century from abroad. From English, the translation of "pliz" is literally - "please" or "please".

In our country, this word quickly spread among young people,replacing the commonly heard expression of request.
The expression gained its initial popularity among gamers and e-sportsmen, and in the game it could mean any request of the player, performing the function of that very cherished "magic" word. However, many other groups of people soon began to use it, and the expression gained wide popularity. Among students of educational institutions or just while playing in the yard, you can often hear the word "pliz", which has already become familiar and commonplace for young representatives of humanity. However, it sounds like a curse or a spell to their parents, let alone grandparents.
Examples of usage
Let's look at some examples:
- Please tell me math homework!
- Pliz write who can go outside now.
- Help, please! I will not remain in debt.
From the punctuation marks you have already understood that the slang word "please" obeys the same rules as the more familiar "please". Pliz must be separated by commas on both sides in the text, according to the generally accepted grammatical and spelling rules of the Russian language. And also highlight intonation pauses for correct auditory perception of the main idea of speech.

We hope that this short article was useful and interesting for you to read. Now you understand what "pliz" is and how it got into the Russian language. Keep up with new trends in ourlanguage so as not to feel like an ancient mammoth!