Tricky - what is it? Word interpretation

Tricky - what is it? Word interpretation
Tricky - what is it? Word interpretation

If you still do not know the meaning of the word "tricky", you should read this article. It describes the interpretation of this adjective. It belongs to the male gender. It can stand in the plural form - tricky. Using Ushakov's dictionary, we will find out what the adjective tricky means.

Interpretation of the word

This adjective has two main lexical meanings. It is worth noting that they are interconnected.

  1. Convoluted and hard to solve. Tricky is complex, intricate and multi-component, causing a feeling of irritation. Such an adjective can describe, for example, a question. Imagine yourself as a movie star. You come for an interview and the journalists start attacking you with tricky questions. That is, you do not want to answer them. These are trick questions, a double bottom.
  2. Ask a tricky question
    Ask a tricky question
  3. Prone to antics, likes to get on your nerves. Tricky is also a characteristic of a person. So you can describe an individual who loves all kinds of pranks. He cannot live without tricks and ridicule. He seems to like to callannoyance to others.

Examples of use in sentences

Tricky is an adjective that is widely used in colloquial speech. You can make several sentences with it.

  • I really don't like being asked tricky questions and then waiting for my answer.
  • tricky questions
    tricky questions
  • In any tricky situation, you must keep a good mood and smile.
  • One tricky person tried to spoil my mood, but I quickly put the joker in his place.
  • Remember that tricky people will always meet in your destiny, just don't let them influence your mood.

Tricky is an adjective that can describe a person's nasty disposition, as well as any tricky situation. Now you know what this word means.
