KubSU, Kuban State University: description, features and reviews

KubSU, Kuban State University: description, features and reviews
KubSU, Kuban State University: description, features and reviews

One of the best institutions of higher education operates in the south of Russia - the Kuban State University (KubGU). This is a university with a rich experience in training personnel, an excellent material and technical base, and a solid scientific potential. And it's not just words. A few years ago, the university was awarded the gold medal "European Quality". She confirmed that the university has indeed achieved high results in its activities.

How it all started

KubGU today is an educational organization in Krasnodar with more than 29 thousand students. And the history of this university began with the opening of a small educational institution in 1920 - the Institute of Public Education. It was created to train teachers.

The Institute of Public Education is not the only name that the KubanState University (KubGU). The school has been renamed several times:

  • in 1924 the university became the highest pedagogical institute;
  • in 1931 - Pedagogical Agronomic Institute;
  • in 1933 - State Teachers and Pedagogical Institute;
  • at the end of the 40s - by the State Pedagogical Institute;
  • in 1970 - State University.
Kubgu Kuban State University
Kubgu Kuban State University

Rankings of the educational institution

Every year in the history of the Kuban State University is a step forward. During the period of its existence, KubSU has turned from a small pedagogical university into a large classical institution of higher education, has become a scientific and educational complex recognized in the country and the world. Such a high status of the university is confirmed by the rankings.

One of the rankings, indicating the achievements of the university and the provision of quality education, was compiled in 2009. The ReitOR agency evaluated a huge number of educational institutions in Russia and other countries. In our country, the university entered the top ten, and among world universities it took 314th place.

In 2014, KubSU entered another rating of higher educational institutions in Russia and the CIS countries. It was compiled by the Expert Ra rating agency. During the assessment of universities, the University of Krasnodar was included in the list of the best educational organizations. He was given a rating class "E", which denoted a sufficient level of graduates.

kubgu branch in novorossiysk kuban state university
kubgu branch in novorossiysk kuban state university

The first feature of KubSU: pre-university training

An important feature of the Kuban State University (KubGU) is the implementation of pre-university training. It is handled by a specially created structural unit - the Institute of General Additional Education and Test Technologies. It was opened at the university in order to help applicants prepare for exams and develop their creative abilities. The Institute of General Additional Education and Test Technologies combines more than 20 small divisions. Each of them is responsible for the implementation of specific general educational, general development programs.

It is important to note that the university offers pre-university training not only in the form of courses that may seem boring to many applicants. An example of an unusual form of education is associated with the organization of summer holidays for children. In the summer of 2016, university teachers went to the camp, where they thought out an interesting and educational pastime for schoolchildren. Children were offered interactive games, sports and creative competitions. In addition, schoolchildren were trained in general developmental programs of a profile orientation and in programs providing for in-depth study of school subjects.

Kubgu Kuban State University faculties
Kubgu Kuban State University faculties

The second feature of the university: the availability of open source programs

Many applicants entering the Kuban State University(KubSU), they think that only programs of higher professional education are offered here. Such an opinion is erroneous. KubSU is additionally engaged in the training of middle-level personnel for various areas of modern life, which means that the university has a variety of secondary vocational education programs.

The offered speci alties are related to tourism, restaurant business, design, advertising, pharmacy, economics and law. Among all the programs, it is worth highlighting "Beekeeping". This is a unique speci alty, because only the Kuban State University offers it in the region. Other educational institutions do not provide similar training.

Departments in the structure of KubSU

In Krasnodar, the Kuban State University is a major university. To conduct effective educational activities, it has opened a huge number of departments involved in the preparation of students for programs of higher professional education. The existing faculties are associated with the following areas:

  • with biology;
  • physics and technology;
  • chemistry and high technology;
  • applied mathematics and computer technology;
  • computer science and mathematics;
  • journalism;
  • philology;
  • Romano-Germanic philology;
  • art and graphics;
  • architecture and design;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • sociology, history and international relations;
  • psychology, pedagogy and communication science;
  • psychology and management.

There is also a unit with a higher status in the organizational structure. We are talking about the Institute of Geology, Geography, Tourism and Service. It was formed very recently. The Institute was created on the basis of 2 faculties of the Kuban State University (KubGU) - geological and geographical. They were united in order to create a more powerful scientific and educational unit at the university, begin effective training of personnel, contribute to the development of earth sciences and the study of the tourist and recreational complex of the region.

Kubgu branch in Armavir of the Kuban State University
Kubgu branch in Armavir of the Kuban State University

Learning process and opportunities for students and teachers

Education at KubSU, as in many other higher educational institutions, is a process consisting of lectures, practical classes, seminars, laboratory work, consultations, colloquia, practices, term papers. To improve the efficiency of the educational process, the university is experimenting with modern methods. University teachers develop trainings, business games, think over pair and group work for students.

Classes at the educational institution are conducted using modern technology. 108 classrooms of the university have multimedia equipment with Internet access. For successful preparation for classes, students and teachers are provided with access to electronic library systems of foreign and Russian publishing houses (Lan, Elsevier, University Library Online, etc.).

Kuban State University in Krasnodar
Kuban State University in Krasnodar

Affiliates of the educational institution

Quality education and a quoted diploma of the university in question are received not only in Krasnodar. Branches of the Kuban State University (KubSU) operate in several cities:

  • in Armavir;
  • Tikhoretsk;
  • Novorossiysk;
  • Gelendzhik;
  • Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

The branches offer not the entire list of educational programs. The fact is that in some speci alties, obtaining a high-quality education is possible only at the head university, because it employs qualified teachers and has laboratory equipment necessary for developing practical skills.

For example, Armavir offers the most popular and fashionable destinations. These are "Jurisprudence", "Municipal and State Administration", "Personnel Management", "Economics", "Management", "Trading", "Applied Informatics", "Business Informatics". In the branch of the Kuban State University (KubSU) in Novorossiysk, there are only some of the areas listed above. Most of the programs are related to teacher education.

kubgu kuban state university reviews
kubgu kuban state university reviews

Students about studying at KubSU

People express different opinions about studying at the Kuban State University. There are those students who write positive reviews. In them, students point out such advantages of an educational organization ashighly qualified teaching staff, the presence of a rich library with a huge number of books and magazines.

Some students speak negatively about the university. Corruption forces them to leave bad reviews about the Kuban State University (KubSU). Those who complain about the financial interest of teachers claim that students with a low level of knowledge pay university staff and receive good grades in return.

Students' opinions about extracurricular life at the university

KubSU students say that the university offers interesting options for spending time in their free time. There are 7 creative teams-clubs in the educational institution. There is also a chess club. In it, students prepare for all-Russian and international competitions, individual championships.

Kuban State University, according to students, has everything you need to lead a he althy lifestyle. A training complex has been created at the university, a new football field with artificial turf and a mini-football field have been equipped. Those wishing to go in for swimming are offered a swimming pool, on the basis of which the AquaCub sports and recreation complex was created.

Kubgu Kuban State University
Kubgu Kuban State University

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Kuban State University is sometimes confused with another university - the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. These are completely different educational institutions. KubSU does not specialize in the production of personnel for a particular area. The university graduates specialistsfor different areas of life, from economists and managers to teachers and designers.
