The term "convention" seems quite recognizable, but its meaning is not always easy to determine. Convention is a word that includes various meanings that are close to each other and at the same time differ in essence. Let's figure out what this word means and what is the scope of its use.
Definition and essence
The word "convention" comes from the Latin. conventus, which means meeting or meeting. We should also mention another Latin word - conventionio, translated as an agreement, an agreement. Based on these two source words, a convention is a meeting designed to agree on some things, phenomena, events, laws. Most conventions cover a wide range of issues in their activities. It can be said that this assembly is endowed with unlimited power in the areas for which it was established.
Areas of application of the term
Conventions exist in various areas of culture. The most famous political version. For example, a convention is:
- Assembly of elected deputies with legislative powers.
- Council of elders or individual representatives of various political factions (signoren convention).

One of the first to use this form of meeting was Freemasons, who held their congresses or annual meetings in this way. European Masonic conventions have been known since the 18th century. In Russia they were called assemblies.
In the practice of religious Catholics, a convention is a monastery. As a rule, the term denotes a nunnery or monastic school. Here it brings together members of the same monastic order, less often people with a common way of life or a similar fate (for example, the Eck convention for widows in Latvia).
Convention in history
The term is most famous thanks to France, in 1792-1795. Convention became the main form of state government.

The National Convention replaced the power of the king and proclaimed a Republic, guillotining Louis XVI. He performed the functions of legislative, executive and judicial power, which were distributed among various committees and commissions.
Inside the National Convention, a serious struggle was unfolding between representatives of the parties, which was aggravated by the socio-political situation in the country. Popular uprisings and the fall of the Jacobin regime lead to its renewal. A new form of assembly is being formed, named after the month of formation - Thermidorian.
The Thermidorian Convention put an end to the revolutionary terror, gradually approaching the views of the royalists who would later come to power in France. His activities are due to the support of the we althy bourgeoisie, the ideas of civilequality. At the same time, the period of his reign was marked by ostentatious luxury and squandering in the difficult post-revolutionary period for the French people. The Thermidorian Convention lasted until 1795.
Convent - Monastery

The peculiarity of the monastery is that when entering its system, you must strictly follow its instructions. The most common convention is a nunnery. Mandatory conditions for admission to it are physical and mental he alth, the desire to serve God through his Church. Hence the nature of the convention - an agreement between the Church, God and the novice entering the monastery. The main activity of this institution is prayer and contemplation, service. Women's conventions have been known since medieval Europe and up to the present day.
Modern conventions

Today, youth conventions are becoming a new form of interaction in the field of science and innovation. They are held under the auspices of the country's leading universities, regional or state support. The annual Youth Innovation Convention has been held in Russia since 2008. It is a platform for the development and support of new scientific developments. The Youth Convention is attended by both the world's leading experts in various scientific fields, as well as novice scientists, researchers, inventors - graduate students, students, high school students. This form of interaction attracts financial investments in Russian science. It is designed to evaluate intellectual resources inareas of innovation.
Science fiction conventions
The term will change most widely in this area. Science fiction writers' conventions are held annually in Russia and the CIS, the most famous of which are Aelita (Yekaterinburg), Roscon (Moscow), Interpresscon (St. Petersburg), White Spot (Kharkov), etc. Many of them are an opportunity to get acquainted with new authors and works, participate in awards, literary studios and readings.

The convention is also a new form of communication between science fiction lovers. For example, fans of the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, fans of anime or the Star Trek series. In these cases, it becomes not just a meeting place for fandoms, but also a kind of home where fantasy worlds come to life. Such conventions are held at various levels - from regional to international and, as a rule, are annual.
Abroad, similar events are held for lovers of filk music (written for fantastic literary or film worlds).
Regardless of the scope of the term, a convention is a meeting called to approve something, develop new laws, ways and prospects for development. The meaning of the term today has significantly moved away from the purely political sound acquired due to the Great French Revolution, and has come to be understood as a form of recognition and development of a new space - scientific, literary or fictional fantastic.