Incentive - what is it? Word meaning, origin, synonyms

Incentive - what is it? Word meaning, origin, synonyms
Incentive - what is it? Word meaning, origin, synonyms

Not everyone knows what the word "stimulus" means. We use it in completely different areas of our lives, without thinking about when and how this word arose.

So what is an incentive? Some historians associate the origin of the word with buffalo and donkey drivers. In order for the animals to obey their owners and move forward faster, they were periodically poked with a long stick with a sharp tip.

Interesting facts

After receiving such a blow, they began to move much faster.

In Latin, stimulus is a metal tip, the strong influence of which induces action.

Material meaning

Despite the fact that many do not even think about the origin of the term, everyone understands its meaning. At present, the incentive is bonus payments, bonuses, recognition of the quality performance of a certain task.

Of course, this term is important and meaningful, and therefore, it is found in almost all spheres of modern life.

what does stimulus mean
what does stimulus mean

Pedagogical focus

Let's consider the meaning of the word stimulus in the modern upbringing and educational process. Activeteaching methods used in Russian educational institutions contribute to the formation of an active, patriotic personality. In this case, the stimulus is those means that accelerate the educational process. The most famous method of activating the creative thinking of schoolchildren is "brainstorming".

Such a technique, proposed in the middle of the last century by the American psychologist A. Osborne, involves a collective method of finding unusual solutions. The essence of the idea is to divide all participants into "generators" and critics.

In this situation, an incentive is a way to gain additional skills.

Brainstorming rules

There are certain requirements for such mental activity:

  • criticism of proposed ideas, discussions and disputes is prohibited;
  • any, even the most fantastic ideas are encouraged;
  • improvement, development, combination of other ideas is welcome;
  • thoughts should be concise and clear;
  • The main goal is to get as many new ideas as possible.

The word "incentive" in a situation like this is a way of celebrating the best team.

The purpose of this technique is to guide the group to quickly generate a significant number of different ideas.

incentive options
incentive options

Employee incentives

The employee motivation system is the basis of human potential management. At present, there is no doubt that only a well-built incentive structure will positivelyaffects the performance of the company. The very word "motivation" is considered in a fairly wide perspective: from economic and organizational to psychological and philosophical.

The incentive system should ensure continuous improvement of the incentives for the work of employees of the organization using the achievements of Russian and foreign science and the best management experience.

This problem is relevant for any field of activity. For example, serious reforms have taken place in educational institutions, which have affected not only the educational and educational process, but also the system of remuneration of teachers.

Human behavior is determined by a combination of different motives, so it is so important to look for certain options for the interest of employees in performance results.

Motivation is the sum of external and internal driving forces that encourage a person to be active, determine its forms and boundaries, and orient towards the achievement of certain goals.

Its influence on human behavior is determined by several factors, depending on the individual characteristics of the person.

how to incentivize
how to incentivize

Aspects of motivation

There are three aspects of this phenomenon:

  • ratio of internal and external forces;
  • correlation with the results of human activity;
  • dependence of activity on motivational action.

Needs are what is born and is inside a person. People try to satisfy them in many ways.

Motivecauses some actions, it is individual in nature, encourages a person to take action. A person is able to influence his own motives, depending on what his needs are.

Motivation is the basis of human management. The process of motivation directly depends on the success of this process.

There are two types of such impact. The first option is that with the help of external influences on a person, certain actions arise that lead to a result. This incentive option can be compared to a trade deal. If the two sides have no common ground, the process of motivation is out of the question.

The second option involves the formation of some human stimulating system. In such a situation, it is important to form and strengthen a person's desire for quality work.

Incentives can be different levers of "irritation": objects, actions of other persons, promises, material goods.

incentive options
incentive options

A person does not always consciously react to them. For example, for some teachers, gratitude from parents, letters from the leadership of an educational institution are enough to selflessly work. Other teachers react only to bonuses, state awards associated with material we alth. GEF of the second generation, which were introduced at all levels of domestic education, contributed to the emergence of a new system of remuneration of teachers. In addition to the basic (standard) part of the salary, alsothere were targets to motivate creative and bright teachers.

opportunities to stimulate
opportunities to stimulate

In closing

Despite all the versatility, at present the word "stimulus" is considered mainly as a system of measures that allows you to improve, accelerate some specific actions. A wise leader uses various reward options to improve the performance of his employees, as well as to get the maximum benefit from the actions taken.
