Many modern inhabitants very often harshly criticize representatives of the so-called "old guard" working in the country's politics and economy for the fact that these officials are very behind the times and do not have time to respond to the challenges of our time. However, in practice this is far from the case. And a vivid example of this is a man named Yevgeny Yasin, whose biography will be presented in detail in the article.

Basic information
A well-known liberal economist today, as well as the head of a state university called the Higher School of Economics, who also occupies the chair of the Liberal Mission Foundation, was born in the hero city of Odessa on May 7, 1934. Yevgeny Yasin currently lives in Moscow.
Education and entry into work
In 1957, the future official became the owner of a diploma from the Odessa Hydrotechnical Institute, where he received knowledge in building bridges. This was followed by work as a foreman of bridge train No. 478 of Mostostroy No. 3. And in 1958, the young man ended up at the Design Institute of the Gosstroy of the Ukrainian SSR. In this institution, Yevgeny Yasin worked for two years as an engineer.

Also, behind the shoulders of the hero of the article there is an economic education received within the walls of Moscow State University (period 1960 - 1963). In 1968, Evgeny Grigorievich became a candidate of sciences, having successfully defended his dissertation, and three years later he became a teacher at the same department, which he himself graduated from. In 1973, he was promoted to the head of a laboratory at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1976, he completed another scientific work and became a doctor of economic sciences, and in 1979 he was awarded the title of professor.
Transition to civil service
In 1989, Yasin Yevgeny Grigoryevich was appointed to the post of head of the department of the State Commission for Economic Reform in the USSR Council of Ministers. The people remembered this unit as the “Abalkin Commission”. A year later, a professional economist became a participant in the development of a program called "500 days", which was led by Grigory Yavlinsky. Ultimately, these innovations were never put into practice due to a too radical approach to solving existing problems.

Ideologist of privatization
In 1991, Yasin Evgeny Grigoryevich moved to the post of head of the directorate of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists. And the following year, he began to combine this work with the duties of a representative of the President of the Russian Federation and the government in the Supreme Council of the Federation. Yasin was considered an ally of Chubais and Gaidar, who believedthat the transfer of state property took place in private hands in peaceful conditions, which is certainly an achievement.
Ministerial work
1993 was marked for Yevgeny Grigorievich by fruitful work as part of a specially created group under the head of the government of the Russian Federation. In the fall of 1994, Yasin completely moved to the post of Minister of Economy of Russia under the leadership of Viktor Chernomyrdin. In 1995, a native of Odessa became a member of the National Banking Council. In the spring of 1997, Yevgeny still remained in the government, but already as an official with no portfolio. For a certain period of time, he managed to hold out in the country's highest executive body even under the new prime minister, Sergei Kiriyenko.

About default
Yevgeny Yasin has always been a supporter of the truth and therefore never denied the fact that he was also involved in the creation of government short-term bonds, which led the country to the 1998 default. This incident was the impetus for the resignation of the Kiriyenko government. But in fairness, we note that Yasin at that moment was no longer working in the Cabinet.
Continuing career
In the summer of 2004, an experienced specialist was invited to take part in the development of a program for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period 2005-2008. Also in 2005, Evgeny Yasin, whose photo is shown in the article, got a job as an independent director in a company called Severstal-auto. In the spring of 2006, Evgeny Grigorievich became a member of the directors of Alfa-Insurance, which in turn was part of the country's largest holding, Alfa Group. In the summer of 2007, Yasin became a member of the board of directors of Ekho Moskvy closed joint-stock company.
It is worth mentioning that the colossal work and professional achievements of Evgeny Grigorievich were also noted abroad. And therefore he was appointed a member of the European Academy of Sciences, a professor at Jilin University and a doctor honoris causa at the University of Birmingham (England).
On April 23, 2012, Yevgeny Yasin gave a rather ambiguous interview on the capital's radio station, in which he called the hostilities that took place on the territory of South Ossetia "some kind of nonsense." This statement of the former high-ranking official was severely criticized by many politicians in the country. In particular, Sergei Zhigarev, deputy head of the Duma Defense Committee, clearly and clearly called Yasin's opinion "stupidity." At the same time, Igor Korotchenko, a former military man who is a member of the Public Council under the Russian Defense Ministry, considered that Russia had waged a just and legal war.

Civil position
Yevgeny Yasin (his nationality is Jewish) said in 2003 that the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky would lead to negative results both for the development of the entire economy of the country as a whole and for relations between the authorities and businessmen. And in 2007, the economist even stated that Vladimir Putin was unable to do what he was obliged to do as the head of the country - to build a full-fledged legala state that always upholds and fully protects the interests of its many citizens.
Marital status
Evgeny Grigorievich was married for many years. His wife's name was Lidia Alekseevna. Together, the couple lived for decades, until the woman died in 2012. The family raised a daughter named Irina, who, like her father, became an economist, and a little later a publicist and human rights activist. The hero's granddaughter's name is Varvara, she was born in 1989.