Phoenix is an institution of trading and investment. Features and Reviews

Phoenix is an institution of trading and investment. Features and Reviews
Phoenix is an institution of trading and investment. Features and Reviews

People who are far from the financial environment have heard about the Forex market and bitcoins at least once in their lives. The possibility of earning money on various Internet sites beckons with the prospect of getting easy money. But is it worth getting involved in such games without special knowledge? In this article, we will talk about a specific educational organization in this field of activity, and also study student reviews. Until recently, people were wary of the currency and stock markets. However, the time of change has shifted the priorities and perspective on the possibility of obtaining good earnings in these areas. To try yourself in an unfamiliar field, you need to gain basic knowledge.

About company

Everyone can attend advanced training courses, trading training, as well as various trainings, webinars and seminars at the Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute. This center for the study of currency and exchange trading is also a specific community, which is aimed atstudying market understanding.

Institute graduates
Institute graduates

The scientific and practical center brought together teachers, analysts and practitioners on a single platform. The Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute offers not only special educational materials, but also a free start-up program. Students can learn how currency and stock markets work.

Who is the training aimed at?

Practically all students have completed higher education. Therefore, the average age of listeners is 30 years. The courses are very popular among those who have suddenly lost their jobs. Interest in training is shown by people who wish to realize their ambitions in the financial market in the future. The courses are also designed for students, since this educational organization has repeatedly won tenders at Moscow State University.

What's the point?

In order to form an objective opinion about this organization, it is recommended to study real reviews about the Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute. Many report that teachers convey information in a simple and understandable language. Students quickly learn professional slang in the courses.

Learning process
Learning process

Other comments indicate that the training provided insight into the underlying patterns of financial markets. Many students began to understand themselves better, understood their strengths and weaknesses.

Public Opinion

Many professional traders attend various events organized by the trading institute andPhoenix investment. The seminars provide information that will be equally useful to beginners and advanced traders. During the learning process, students can exchange opinions, compare analytics and market prospects, listen to speakers.

Public opinion
Public opinion

Many reviews point to the excellent organization of the events and the interesting conversation topics for the seminars. Students enjoy a relaxed environment that is conducive to learning. The speakers explain the intricacies of the market in simple language, so even a beginner can understand any topic.

Critical remarks

Some reviews contain information that attending such events is very expensive. There are also no guarantees that the money invested in training will return. Many are confused by the lack of subsequent employment and income from the stock exchange. Reviews about LLC "Phoenix" - an institution of trading and investment - note that it is almost impossible to recoup the cost of training.

Opinion of visitors

Some listeners talk about the real opportunity to get a new profession that will allow you to earn big money. For graduates of the Institute of Trading and Investment "Phoenix", stock exchanges become a real source of income. Students receive valuable knowledge about how you can make money in the financial market. The teaching staff consists of practitioners who are always ready to answer emerging questions.

Audience opinion
Audience opinion

Potential customers are interested in the question of whereThe Institute of Trading and Investment "Phoenix" is located, since the territorial location plays an important role. For many people, the factor of transport accessibility is decisive when choosing a particular educational institution. Traders with extensive experience can take a separate course. Many people like the convenient location of the Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute. Its address is as follows: Khokhlovsky per., 16, building 1, office 16. After completing the training, students receive a state document.


Some comments indicate that the institute is one of the brightest representatives of domestic stock analytics. Professionals can look at their skills from the outside and analyze the trading strategy, which is confirmed by positive reviews. The result from the money invested in training will not be long in coming. Many managed to find errors in the developed technical analysis, which was used earlier. The training made it possible to identify shortcomings and weaknesses, as well as to develop a competent trading strategy.

Course Benefits

Many course attendees liked the convenient class schedule. Even working people can attend classes at a convenient time. As an advantage, many noted the existence of a state educational license to carry out this type of activity. Reviews note that among all training institutes, only this organization legally exists in this market.

Institute audience
Institute audience

Listeners enjoyed meeting withsuch well-known traders as Goykhman, Pushkarev and other professionals in this field. You can communicate with practicing traders in an informal setting, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews.

How is the training going?

In the process of training, professional traders analyze real market situations online. Teachers will explain in detail the behavior of currencies and the reasons that affect the change in their exchange rate. Courses can be the right start for future activities in the financial sector. Reviews state that this institution provides fundamental trading education.

Trading strategy
Trading strategy

The Institute offers the best teaching methods, which include webinars, workshops and seminars. Also, the educational institution conducts joint training programs with the leading universities of the country. To date, ITI "Phoenix" is the largest project that allows you to learn the skill of trading on the stock exchange. The training ground is interested in all students to succeed in this field of activity.

Specific learning

The Institute offers several stages of study, each of which has its own name. The learning process can take place in various formats. Visitors can choose the most convenient option for themselves: a webinar, attending master classes, etc. Many reviews claim that this institute is a worthy educational institution. Despite the high price tag, many people prefer this particular organization. rich program andwell-known speakers predetermine success in future careers.

Employee reviews

Pro Institute of Trading and Investment "Phoenix" inspire confidence. Some experts report that the flow of customers depends on the season, which affects the final financial result. However, groups are recruiting quite quickly, as interest in the financial market is growing every day.

Leading experts in the field of trading
Leading experts in the field of trading

Reviews note a specific atmosphere, since labor activity is quite intense. Some employees report that there are no special differences from working in other educational organizations. However, any activity associated with constant communication implies the presence of special personal characteristics: stress resistance, the ability to convince, etc.

Critical remarks

When entering this educational institution, no one is interested in the education of students. Also, experts strongly recommend immediately depositing real money into the account and carrying out trading activities in the learning process. Critical reviews contain information that in this way the institute earns from its students. Some comments point out that the curators do not hide this fact, as they receive a certain percentage for trading efforts.

Studying trading strategies
Studying trading strategies

If beginners do not invest money, then you should not wait for advice and count on a friendly attitude from teachers. Therefore, the institution of trading and investment"Phoenix" is called by many a dubious company. The educational institution positions itself as a solid project. Despite this, the negative reviews of the course participants claim that the Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute is a scam and extortion of money from gullible people.

What's alarming?

Upon admission, applicants are informed that the training is free of charge under the state program "Increasing the economic literacy of the population." This misleads many people, since the educational organization provides training on a paid basis, and the average cost of courses is 100,000 rubles. Then it is offered to purchase an advanced trading program. Some visitors were surprised by the contingent of students, since in this institute you can meet people of retirement age.

Communication with experts
Communication with experts

Many listeners paid attention to the fact that trading is positioned by teachers as an easy activity that can bring good income. It is not customary at the institute to say that activity in the foreign exchange market is a lot of work that requires maximum return. Some visitors did not like the practical classes, where the teachers talk to everyone like they are children. Reviews note that this is a clear manifestation of disrespect. Others say that inviting real traders is a ploy that allows you to increase the status of this institution.

Some report chaotic lecture order as no one is interestedreally teach something to the students. The received scraps of information cannot form a complete and voluminous picture. In the classroom, curators encourage visitors to open a real account and start earning on it during the training. However, this will require an investment of $10,000. Teachers, internal experts and management receive a certain percentage of this money, so it is not profitable for them to work with smaller amounts.

Main features

Many professional traders and popular bloggers leave positive feedback about the Phoenix Trading and Investment Institute. However, ordinary people are afraid to trade with real money even after completing training in this organization. Many potential customers are discouraged by the high price tag. Positive reviews claim that the courses provide a good theoretical base. Teachers and professional traders clearly show and intelligibly talk about complex things. Many listeners liked master classes with leading experts in the financial market. Photos of the Institute of Trading and Investment "Phoenix" really confirm this information, since the events are attended by real gurus in this field of activity. Especially for this format of meetings, small groups are formed, so each participant can communicate with an expert individually.

Positive Feedback

Courses for beginners allow you to lay the theoretical foundation, thanks to which you can make the first transactions. Many liked that the institute does not impose the acquisition of the followingeducational products. The necessary tools for trading activities are provided immediately. Therefore, many students began to earn real money after completing the basic course. Other reviews note that the experts promised the possibility of quick earnings during the training. However, the financial result directly depends on the acquired knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. The luck factor also plays a significant role, as the experts themselves say.
