Who is granted academic leave?

Who is granted academic leave?
Who is granted academic leave?

Providing a break in studies due to various reasons, while maintaining the conditions and place of study for the student, is called academic leave. Any student can receive it upon the occurrence of certain events. The grounds for granting it must be compelling. The article discusses the classification of these holidays and the process of obtaining them.

When is it provided?

The reasons for academic leave are listed in Order 455 of the Ministry of Education and Science of 2013. It states that students of both higher and secondary specialized educational institutions have the right to receive it. At the same time, the grounds for obtaining academic leave must be compelling, namely:

  • disease preventing school attendance;
  • family circumstances;
  • conscription for urgent military service.

The right to receive this leave was regulated by Federal Law No. 273-FZ, adopted in 2012.

Reason 1: conditionhe alth

Academic leave at the university
Academic leave at the university

Academic leave at a university or other educational institution may be granted due to the student's he alth. To do this, he must submit a medical report guide, which will indicate that this particular person needs to take a break in the learning process.

Reason 2: family circumstances

Academic leave is also provided in the presence of relevant circumstances in the student's family:

  • if it is necessary to care for a disabled adult family member;
  • if you need to care for a disabled child over 3 years old;
  • in the case of young children under 3 who require appropriate care;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at birth.

Also, the administration can provide such leave in case of a difficult financial situation of the family, which will not allow paying tuition bills when the latter is paid.

Reason 3: conscription

Provision of academic leave
Provision of academic leave

As you know, full-time students receive a deferment from military duty until the end of their studies. Correspondence students, when called up for military service, can take academic leave at the university.

For full-time students, you need to keep in mind that if the period of such leave exceeds one year, then the deferment ceases to apply. It is also received by graduate and undergraduate students.

Granting academic leave

Its term cannot exceed two years, while their number during training is not limited by the current regulatory documents. But you need to keep in mind that the budget place will remain with the student (if any) only for the duration of the first long vacation. If students of a paid form of education go on such a vacation, then payment is suspended for its time.

It is largely determined by the leadership of the educational institution.


There aren't many of them. First of all, the student must write an application for academic leave. It is submitted to the university administration or the directorate of a secondary specialized educational institution with documents that confirm the reason for such a long break in the learning process. This may be a summons from the military registration and enlistment office for conscription or a medical certificate for academic leave.

Application for academic leave
Application for academic leave

The application is considered by management within 10 days. At the end of this time, an order is issued. It can carry information:

  • about granting academic leave;
  • about the refusal to provide it.

The latter should include motivated reasons.

Documents to be submitted for medical leave

Help for academic leave
Help for academic leave

They imply a student disability. A referral for a medical examination can be taken from the governing body of an educational institution. ATthe clinic must come with a certificate for academic leave form 095y, which confirms the disability of the student for a period of 10 calendar days, or certificate 027y, which extends the previous one up to 30 calendar days.

The medical board draws up its conclusion. It indicates the reason for the need to provide such leave and the period.

Academic leave in this case may be granted due to the following circumstances:

  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • quarantine period;
  • rehabilitation after injuries and serious illnesses.

Also, the design of such a break in study may be associated with the he alth of a close relative who needs constant care.

The most popular is getting this kind of maternity leave.

Below are the steps to take for this cause:

  • contact the antenatal clinic for pregnancy certificates and 095y, which are presented to the leadership of the educational institution to receive a referral for a medical examination;
  • an extract from the outpatient card of the antenatal clinic on registration for pregnancy, a student ID card (a record book may also be required), certificate 095u;
  • a student passes a medical examination, receives a decision, on the basis of which she writes an application for academic leave.
Academic reference for students
Academic reference for students

It is available for pregnancy for 2year, but the next 2 years passes in the form of parental leave, so the total duration is 4 years.

Documents to be submitted for family leave

May include:

  • he alth status of one of the family members;
  • referring him for surgery;
  • financially difficult to pay for tuition.

Here, in the first two cases, you need to submit certificates of he alth of a particular person who is a member of the student's family or about sending him for an operation.

The last reason can be confirmed by a certificate from the social security authorities. If the student is under 23 years old, then the latter is submitted to the parents who pay for his education.

At the same time, a certificate of family composition is submitted, which, as a rule, is obtained from the administrations of the respective municipalities or settlements.

If it is impossible to document family circumstances, the issue of granting academic leave to the student is decided by the leadership of the educational institution.

Other grounds for obtaining the leave in question

Regulations of the university on academic holidays
Regulations of the university on academic holidays

In addition to the above reasons, which are mandatory, the management of the educational organization can provide it if the following problems occur:

  • death of a close relative;
  • participation in research projects;
  • long business trip;
  • invitation tostudy (with the intention of returning and continuing education at this educational institution) or an internship abroad.

Other conditions

Invitation to study abroad
Invitation to study abroad

In the case of a student or student studying at a state-funded place with a scholarship, its payments for the duration of such a vacation are suspended, and from the moment they leave it, they are resumed. This does not apply to social scholarship. It is paid in the same order as before.

If a student has a debt to pass subjects, then the management of the educational institution may refuse to provide him with the required leave. With the most compelling reasons, it cannot refuse (which include medical indications), but it will need to resolve the issue of eliminating the debt, for example, after the end of such a break from study.

Retiring from vacation

Before starting the learning process again, the student must:

  • write an application to close such a vacation and admit him to the learning process;
  • attach to it the conclusion of the medical board, which will indicate that the resumption of studies is allowed.

The application is submitted no later than the last day of vacation and no later than 11 days of the beginning of the semester. If these dates are overdue, the student will be considered on vacation, which in the future will lead to his expulsion from this institution.

Exit from the considered state can be done ahead of schedule. At the same time, an application is also submitted, in which the reason for leaving the vacation is signed. If this is related to recovery, then the conclusion of the medical board is attached to it.

In conclusion

During the learning process, various life situations related to he alth, conscription, family circumstances can develop. In these cases, the student has the right to take academic leave. It can be granted for up to 2 years an unlimited number of times, but there are restrictions on the deferment granted from military service and the preservation of a budgetary place. By the time the vacation ends, a number of measures must be taken so as not to be expelled from the ranks of students.
